Cherish The Most

Cherish The Most

A Poem by Serenity Faith

A poem about memories....

Cherish the "firsts,"
We're always told.
Not little for long,
to be able to hold.

First steps and words,
laugh and smile,
For they're only so little,
for a little while.

I'll remember the "firsts,"
and love them so,
but cherishing the "most,"
Is the way to go.

The most they laughed,
the most they played,
that time when they most,
before bed prayed.

How hard was that laughter?
what game did they play?
what caused them to talk,
to God that day?

Was it a ticklish spot,
they'll have forever?
Was it a game of pretend,
you played together?

Were they making a wish?
Was it like talking to a friend?
Were they asking for angels,
with shields to defend?

Yes "firsts" are important,
but the "most" is what lasts.
When we're one day thinking,
of those beautiful pasts.

© 2015 Serenity Faith

Author's Note

Serenity Faith
Came up with this poem after playing with my children one night. A sweet read, so I hope you enjoy!

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An excellent poem with some articulated points.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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I liked this. It's sweet, positive, poignant and flows well throughout. It is a straight forward message with compelling examples. Thanks.

Posted 7 Years Ago

The 'mosts' are very dear, and are usually made up of firsts they've perfected. So sweet :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

So adorable one....Unique thought and well written....Thank you frnd....

Posted 8 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on November 18, 2015
Last Updated on November 18, 2015
Tags: children, babies, love, life


Serenity Faith
Serenity Faith


If you truly must know, write me....i promise to write back ^_~ more..
