No Kind of Life

No Kind of Life

A Poem by Blake Blackstone

I wrote this because I always had big dreams for myself. Then reality smacked me in the face and told me that I would never be anything more than a grain of sand in time.

I wasn't meant to be here. I had so many dreams a head of me
I'm watching time tick away, stopping for no one.
It's the only thing that is forever, but yet each second is a new one and now dead and gone.
I thought I would have been somewhere by now.
No progress here, I think to myself. This is not the life that I wanted.
I wanted to be all these amazing things and accomplish all these amazing feats.
I thought I would be special, a celebrity, a rock star. Maybe even a god.
Instead I'm not appreciated. I am lost in the ever violent wave of mediocrity.
It swallows me and I lose myself, I lose what I was, what I wanted...

© 2013 Blake Blackstone

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Extraordinary. It's strange that how your words can define others' lives. In this case, i can totally resemble to each words. Thanks for sharing :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 8, 2013
Last Updated on February 8, 2013
Tags: dreams, goals, sad, pipe, pipedreams, depressed


Blake Blackstone
Blake Blackstone

Miami, FL

My name is Blake Blackstone, I make music and I also am a filmmaker. My (one man) band's name is Drowning Your Mother. I also have a have a website that I made m.. more..
