My Weary Soldiers

My Weary Soldiers

A Poem by Captivating Ink

a battle that was lost before it began


So this is what it feels like

When hope dies

The story we put so much belief into

Was just a lie.


Broken and bleeding,

We stand

And march away slowly

To the dull hum of the band.


We committed our lives

We carried on with might

But we found ourselves

In a hopeless plight.


We’ve lost many a soldier

Along the way

But maybe they had a better idea

Then the ones who stayed.


The general is tired

The corporal is dead

And the cause we were fighting for

Has fled our weary heads.


Be cautious

What you do battle with, my friend.

I do not wish you to share

Our treacherous end.

© 2012 Captivating Ink

Author's Note

Captivating Ink
I would really like to hear your thoughts on this.

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Rarely do I say "Wow", and I do not think I have ever used it twice in a row, let alone with the same writer, on the same day. This is amazing. It is dark, and painful, yet somehow I do not feel defeat in it. I have felt this way. So glad to have found your work.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Captivating Ink

11 Years Ago

Your reviews continue to inspire me. You just get the point of everything I have published on here--.. read more

11 Years Ago

I will read more very soon! :)

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3 Reviews
Added on September 17, 2012
Last Updated on September 17, 2012
Tags: battle, fighting, soldiers, larry, death, grief, broken, sadness


Captivating Ink
Captivating Ink


The person who is searching for their purpose and writes to keep tabs of the journey~~ :) ~`~`QUOTES~`~` “Anyone can love a rose, but it takes a great deal to love a leaf. It’s ordi.. more..
