Words heard, borrowed and taught. They become a part of us. No shame in repeating the good words and wisdom we have learned. Today I hear my Grandfather voice when I speak. His words became my words. I’m glad I pay attention to my elders. Elders are the teachers of our children. One day. We will be the elder. The teacher of the children. The future. Be careful what you say and do. The children do see our actions and listen to our words.


A eye for a eyes world. Blood demanding more blood. Who shall win? When we kill all the kindness in this world?


We honor ourselves when we bow down to someone in need. Gift of concern, kindness and kind words. These are the ways to give hope to someone in need of food, words of hope and the strength to overcome difficult times.

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I told my children. Dance, sing and have fun when you are young. Travel, test life and enjoy the journey. Work will come. The days of hope and dreams are for a short time only.


A broken heart is just a lesson. Teaches us to appreciate the true love when it appeared. Without knowing love. What are we? It is sad we love so few in a lifetime. Love is the best high known and most people rarely open the door to the possibility of love. Old Grandpa wisdom. Best way to forget a heartache. Find a better love.

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Thank you for reading. If worthwhile. Pass on.

Coyote/John Castellenas