Before it's taken over

Before it's taken over

A Story by CrimsonShinigami

the before story of Demons have taken over my mind

Before it’s Taken Over
By: CrimsonShinigami
Just so you know I did nothing of any sorts and yet I am here in this city. The place, where I was born in, is going to be the beginning of things so. -AHEM- “Welcome everyone to Devious City” Everyone here has a demon inside them as a co-host. Some of them are good and some aren’t so good but that isn’t the only fun part it’s the demons choice to wake up inside you or just stay asleep.  You see demons are very common in this city so it’s like a part of our daily lives somehow. Anyways my name is Akuma Bodust. I am attending high school at the age of 15 in senior year, yeah our grading properties are kind of weird but it’s based on your abilities not your grades. I’m an adoptive child in the household of Bodust according to the records my parents died somehow I can’t seem to remember from anything past 10 years. Just the police found me in the middle of the living room crying as my parents lay there beside me in pools of blood. They found 3 traces of blood on me and in the house. Two of them were my parents and the other one is unidentified. I could care less about my memories. The people who took me in pitied me because of my loss at a young age. When they took me in they already had a daughter but due to an illness the wife of the person had an illness and destroyed her reproductive system therefore they couldn’t have any more children. Their daughter was only a month older than me but she is in university. Her name is Ellie Bodust she is my first love and only love, yes yes I know it sounds disgusting but she was there for me and as I continued living there I started seeing her as more of a woman than a sister. I see no reason to liking her we’re not family or blood related. My birthday is coming soon and because of that I can move to a school which I want to become. I could get off their backs and depend on my own. Anyways, first I’ll tell you about my life and in the middle of parts some flashbacks that may seem unnecessary for you but it isn’t for me.   
I wake up one morning and as any other time I’m not in my bed. I look around the place and myself and noticed. I am not in my pajamas and in a back alley beside school seem even more suspicious. My bag is here and so is my lunch?? When did that happen I have no idea but I just brushed it aside and went to school. Lately I’ve been walking all over the city and places I didn’t even remember entering like a night club for example I’m underage. I also found myself in a high-class hotel writing stories for a famous author they thanked me for the advice. The recent one was the worst of them all I was in a freaking secret orgy as a bodyguard. My clothes were messed up and somehow I was in a tuxedo for it which I don’t remember buying or owning one for heaven’s sakes. Today I had a major headache as people walk passed me chattering their butts off as how their weekend went. At lunch, I figured out from one of my friends that I had a hangover at a party for the guest of honor?  Afterschool was not getting any better as I got out of the school Ellie was waiting for me in her car and people fawning over her to look at her perfect face of a prodigy actress. 
“A-kun, over here I came to pick you up for our afternoon dinner.” I walked to the car all embarrassed and pressure of everyone’s eyes of envy and hatred. When I closed the door, she quickly sped up and off we went to see an important client my parents set her up for.
“Arranged marriages are too old don’t you think so Ellie.” 
“I don’t really mind because my standards on guys are too high for anyone to match up with him.” 
“Yeah, I got it; you shall fall in love with him eventually so you say anyways. Haah I see no point in finding a guy who is handsome, intelligent, earnest, honest, confident about their skills, polite and sometimes aggressive but will never hesitate in their choices. Where on earth are you going to find him unless you swing that way, Ellie?”       
“What?! You think- You- I- You know that- It was just once- Argh, sometimes you can be a pain you know that A-kun.”       
              “Hahaha,” I look up at the clear sky and find a shiny object being thrown into the air. “Hey, Ellie, watch out!” I tugged the steering wheel into a narrow alley and the side mirrors broke of and the door started to spark as it continues to cross the alley. 
“A-kun, this is my favorite car you know. It’s all ruined; why did you do that?” The second she finished the object exploded and people were screaming and then a body dropped onto her car window. Everything was exactly like last time. Wait last time what am I talking about. This is the first time this had happened. 
Someone whispered no it’s not. Remember boy that time 8 weeks ago. His screams were delicious. It’s one of my many favourites. The smile suits you better than this one you are using for her right beside you.
“Ellie, what was that?”
“What was what; the explosion or the body hanging on my window?”
“No, none of those; what I mean is the voice you have a buddy in this car.”
“What are you talking about? If there was one I would introduce you to them.”
“Nevermind then let’s just get to your arranged date now or else I’m leaving.” 
Boy, you can’t ignore like this as last time. Remember when you did? You killed them all yes the face on yours is priceless. 
10 years ago the adoption

“Akuma, over here.” The person who brought me here is strange the room is big and 2 people are there and they have a lot of papers.
“Akuma, say hello to these nice people.” The person was using a soft voice because it was calming to me. 
“H-hello, my name is Akuma Dedrose. Pleased to meet you.”
“Look honey he knows his language.” The woman beside the man with the scar said as she pulled on his baggy sleeve full of colorful stains.
“He’s good enough but are you sure about this?”
“Of course I am. Our daughter is getting lonely when we leave for business.”
“Oh alright.” The man walked and knelled before me and said. “Hey, do you want to come with us to have a lot of adventures.” I shook my head because I was curious about the adventures they were talking about. His hand ruffled my hair and looked up to the lady in a men’s suit but had a weird looking triangle thing for pants. I just nodded my head in a yes because I love adventures for some reason.
As I was leaving the building a girl was waiting in the car. She looked all bored and she had a teddy bear in front of her playing as she tried to put on a smile. A few seconds later, she glanced out the window and started gazing at me. I looked at her with such fascination and by the time I knew it something sparked in me. Her eyes stared right through me, those bright gold eyes seems like a different world to her. As I stared at the pretty girl the man opened the door and the woman put me in the car. The girl kept staring at me as the man drove to an unknown area. I could feel her eyes on me like a cold wind down my bones. As I went to this house that was really big they parked right in front of it.  The place inside was huge and they had 3 floors. The old people had a room together and the girl’s room was across from there. The room I was about to go in was fairly large that most of the items could just decorate the outside only. I was looking at the room and then compared it to the one the police showed me in the other red house the rooms were nice but not as pretty as this one. As I was gazing at the room until the girl spoke.
“Hello, I am Ellie Bodust. Wow you are taller than me I guess that means you are older.”
“Hello, I’m Akuma Derose. I don’t think height makes people older you know.”
“Really? How do you know that?”
“I don’t know I just have a feeling.”
“You’re a weird one you know that But I don’t like Akuma so A-kun is better this way.” Ellie started laughing as if I made a joke I don’t know why but it brought a smile to my face.

The Arranged Date
We arrived about 5 minutes early but the car was a total wreak and I had a whole earful on it by Ellie. She went into the washroom to come out with a dress on. I was memorized by her beauty but all I could do to hide my real words were.
“Oye, you gained weight recently haven’t you.” I was hit on the head and thought her angry face was pretty too.
“If you have nothing nice to say then don’t say it.”
“Well, since we are here you take a seat and Ill head on home.” Imagining her on a date with a random person was too difficult to breath. I was dragged to sit right beside Ellie just because she yanked me by the collar.
“Stay here, I feel more comfortable with you here.”
“You know something.”
“And what is that?”
“Normal people usually have dates with each other instead having a person in the sidelines listening to the conversation.”
“Can’t help but be nervous.”
“Heeh that’s doubtful. But you know I li-“ 
“Shut up he’s coming.” A tall brown haired man came to the entrance. He looked around the restaurant and spotted Ellie in a minute and walked up and took a seat.
“Hello, my name is David Dryik. Wow you are more beautiful than I imagined.”
“Hello, I’m Ellie and this is my brother Akuma.” I felt my heart pound when she said my name properly but at the same time sadness.  As time passed on just hearing them laughing and watch her blushing as he compliments her on the things he find interesting. I just couldn’t take it anymore so I left as Ellie went off to the washroom. The way home was shorter than usual and when I got home my father was sleeping in front of the tv again. He must have been working overtime on the nightshift. My mother was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I said my greetings and went to my room.
When I entered my room something felt odd but at the same time it was well adjusted to my tastes. Just going through my desk looking for something precious of mine. The book contains my recent blackouts lately some were calming and some were familiar. 

Dairy entry 38 May 07 2xxx.
Today I found myself in alleyway beside my high school. Not in my pajamas but in regular clothes . I had a lunchbox and my school bag all ready to go but the problem was a foul scent lingering around me. I didn’t want to think too deeply about this because my friend told me I was out drinking with them. I guess I have to look more closely to my surrounding more than usual.

When I finished typing out my diary entry in the book, Ellie was at the door all angry. She charged right in and hit me. 
“Why did you leave me there all alone with him?”
“You were having fun and I thought you wanted some time alone with this David kid.”
“He’s 17 years old so technically he’s not a kid anymore.”
“Not like I care about the people you want to get to know.”
“Why are you always like this? You never used to act this way.”
“That was then now is different so get out and don’t bother me for today.”
“No? Why are you saying no for?”
“Because you can’t order me around smart one and besides your punishment is to go with me on the next meeting with him again on Monday.”
“That’s next week. Please don’t tell me the same time as today.”
“Of course it is because he’s only free that time and guess what he is only a freshman at high school.”
“Well, that is not for what I was hoping for in him but still guess I’m more skilled than him.”
“For what?”
“Well, learning about the world, the calculations on the experiments oh and don’t forget training to be a chef. So what does David want to become?”
“Oh I don’t know. You ask him on our next rendezvous.”
“Why on earth do I have to talk to him?”
“That’s because I fell in love with him.” I felt a sharp pain in my chest and was about to cry.
“I’m not going.” I let her out as I said it and closed the door behind her. 

The days flew by faster than I wanted the same ol’ routine. Go to school; meet Ellie at the end of the day by her replacement she called a vehicle. I turned around and booked it to the science lab. She wouldn’t find me because we went to different high schools. I jumped out the window and like that I landed on a black bag. As I heard my name being hollered the sounds of snapping flew through each ear. I hid behind the bag and wrapped my arms around the overly large sack. Something was dripping down my face but in the heat of the moment I ignored it. Just when I thought things couldn’t get worse my biology teacher went in front of the trash can and waited there. After a cheerleader came she chuckles and then groans echoed in the nearly hollow trash bin. I stood up suddenly and coughed that made my presence be aware.  
“Mr. Leecher, what are you doing with that student?” The girl said.
“I’m not a student I’m a college student.”
“You’re started at this school this year.”
“Oh my gosh. Mr. Leecher you have a wife!” I shouted and then Ellie came.
“You always were bad at hide-and-go-seek.” I didn’t want to follow through the conversation so I remained silent, “Going silent now, are we?” Ellie harmlessly teased. I shouldn’t have been offended either way, but something in me, just caused me to be overall angry. I shot my cold glare at Ellie, soon pretending she wasn’t even there. She grab the hand and drag me to the car. The car ride was silent and I wanted it that way. We reached his apartment and we went inside as he was humming to himself as he was cooking. He was disowned by his family and he had half the inheritance so super rich about him oh wells. We both sat there, Ellie was gazing at David, while I was looking out the window and the sky seemed so peaceful. I was about to black out when David set supper on the table. Ellie was delighted while I was being nonchalant and ate quietly.
“So why is everyone so quiet?” David said.
“We just have our difference that’s all.” Ellie quickly responded. I grumbled and asked the question. 
“So, David, what do you want to be when you grow up?”
“I want to be a housewife.” I nearly choked on my food when I heard him respond.
“A housewife, you?”
David shot a wicked smile, no wonder Ellie fell for this scumbag. He had no family, he was rich and he had the characteristics of every typical romance novel “Man”
Ellie was foolish to even fall for the likes of the 17 year old boy.  Seemingly the dufus of the century still only just a freshman in high school. David starts chuckling and stares at Ellie for a while and then replies.
“Well, of course it was a joke. Why on earth would I be a housewife I am indeed a man after all.”
“That’s the thing about people David I don’t give one thought of you or anything.” I slam my hand as the room was silent. “I’m leaving. Ellie you stay here. I can’t stand this person so don’t do it again. EVER.” When I was about to leave the apartments front door I was pulled back be Ellie right behind her was David. It made me so sick to the stomach thinking that he might be my brother-in-law someday.
“Apologize.” I heard Ellie say and then again.
“Apologize to David right now.” I just glared at him and freed myself from Ellie’s grasp and ran home. It was very tiring but at least Ellie wasn’t at home before me so I just went to my room and locked it. When it was around dinner I could hear his voice laughing with my parents and I knew then that I no longer had a place here in this family. 
The next day, I ran into Ellie as she just woke up from her sleep and I was ready to leave for school. I passed by her and whispered by her ear. “I’m not going to say sorry and I’m going to school now.” I got no reply back just a slam on the door and to my relief she didn’t follow me to school either. As I was walking to school I suddenly blacked out, but it wasn’t your typical falling out of conscience kind of thing. I woke up seeing myself just waking up to and walking away in the opposite direction of school. He walked quite a distance away from school and went to a high-class hotel. He got a random key and went up the stairs ignoring the elevator well I hated elevators anyways my point is he entered a room and nobody was inside. He went to a bedroom closet and opened it to my surprise it was filled with knives and guns and all sorts of stuff. A woman came in and said.
“It’s not like you to come here so early, Jack?”
“I took care of things early that usual, Blake.”
“It seems that you never come here in the morning my best partner.” She gave him a kiss on the cheeks. “Leave me be, I have things to take care of which you messed up.” “Jack started filling the school bag with a knife and some more bags. Blake pressed her body against his and wrapped her arms on his neck.
“So when are you going to return my feelings, Jack?”
“Blake, stop this at once. I have to leave soon.”
“You liar,” She smiled and kissed him on the month for a quick second. Ah there goes my first kiss maybe. ”You want something from me.”
“Yes, I’m staying here until I find a new place if you don’t mind.”
“So is this why you are here early?”
“Yeah I guess.” He just shrugged.
“Being all alone is very lonely.”
“I think I can see that by looking at you.”
“Want to tell me what happened.” 
“My family doesn’t need me anymore. So I would work for you instead of freeloading and by the looks of the room you might need it do you now?”” I flinched to the words that came out. He knew what happened yesterday how did he. I want to know why but no one can see me can’t they. Just looking at my fingers proved it all. Everything was almost disappearing like mist.
“I don’t mind at all. I never was the clean type but just think I can all sort of advances to you while we are alone.” She said the last words slowly and “Jack pushed her away and left the apartment. I was relieved to stay at another’s house because really seeing Ellie and David smile with my parents just hurts.
10 years ago Nightmares
The blood is everywhere, and people screaming made everything so realistic. The people yelling run to me died right there. Thunk went the knife as it misses my head. The person smiling and puts a finger to his mouth to be quiet. “Just be quiet and no one will know.” I couldn’t do anything but something came over me and replied as I hit his arteries in his throat so he couldn’t shout or speak. “Oh guess what? I was having a nice nap in this boy’s body guess you wanted to die soon huh, you stupid filth just die for all I care.” I woke up in cold sweat and raced to Ellie’s room. 
“Ellie” I whispered and she turned over to face me.
“What A-kun? It’s 4:23 a.m.”
“Can I sleep with you I had a bad dream.”
“Of course you can. Let your older sister get rid of them.” I crawled into her bed and she held me and I never felt any safer anywhere except in her arms. They place I thought I could be only me.
He walked all the back from the apartment to the alley, I woke up in and hide from Ellie. He took out the man’s body from a trash can and cut him up. Men in suits took the body and handed “Jack a fat envelope. I thought he took a necklace of his but I soon returned to my body. I didn’t have any time to think because I was late for class. 
I only missed 2 classes and resumed the other 2 before lunch. Before, everyone left for lunch an announcement was called showing a picture of a student being missing. I flinched at his picture and remembered that “Jack” killed him and when I looked at my pocket it was a locket all clean no blood stains or anything. I was in that trash can with him, hugging him and the smell, the blood dripping down my face, the cold touch and even worse the broken bones. I barfed immediately after I noticed the similarities and was sent to the nurse’s office which I rested until the end of the day. 
I woke up afterschool and Blake was waiting for me. Once she saw me she ran up and gave me a kiss and it was a long one. Everyone was staring and once we parted she finally said. “Let’s hurry up, we have a job to go to and then you get your stuff from your house.” She smiled as if everything would be alright if I were to go with her.
“All right we have no time, let’s go before people question us.” Boy you have to call her Blake more monotone or else she get suspicious. I looked behind me to see who said it but no one was there. It’s just me I reminded myself. As we got into the car I gave her the bag of money as an instinct and she just smiled then grabbed it so she could shove it in her purse. I just kept touching the locket so many times that I could make the surface shiny. Blake was driving when she handed me files and when I looked at then she said.
“You’re going to have to kill them before the board meeting starts. Just use the 1700meter ranges sniper and you’ll have no problem. Not like I doubt your abilities but seriously you should have fun with your victims.”
“No thanks I rather have a quick and clean kill then have some wasted bullets flying around killing unnecessary people.” I just keep saying words that are given to me as if someone is whispering it to me. We arrived at the designated place and set the place up. I just lay there looking through the scope looking for the target. Once they appeared about an hour later I shot the bullet and my mind was blank and my heart was steady. The target fell to the ground and I shot another round and another to hit the people I have been assigned. Once they were all dead, I packed my things and picked up the ammo to cover the evidence that I was here. I passed by Blake on the scene and she said quickly.
“How much longer are you going to stay loyal to him?” I couldn’t answer the question because it wasn’t meant to be answered said the voice.
Blake stopped in front of my house and I went inside. The house was lively and I hear mom and dad. Hadn’t seen them laugh about anything recently better not ruin it saying I’m here or anything. I see David in the room laughing with them and it just creates unnecessary anger in me and I try not to think about it so I slipped into my room. I just took my diary, my books for school, my clothes, a photo of my real parents not as if I could remember about them or anything and the important thing I love the most a ring saying best brother. Elle gave it to me 3 year after I came in. Before I zipped the bag I heard something drop in front of my door. I took a glance to see who it is and it was Ellie.
4 years ago
“Happy birthday A-kun!” She shoved a present to my chest. I looked confused and opened it. The ring was only silver but inside it said best brother. I tried it on my fingers but none of them fitted. 
“Ellie, the ring is too huge for me to put it on.” 
“Then, we just use string and when it does fit you can put it on instead of your neck.”
“Yeah, sounds nice.” I smiled all my troubles away knowing Ellie was going to different schools than me. I go to high school and she is just finishing hers. So I gave up going to her high school and went to the best one around.
“Haha this isn’t my real birthday just they day I was adopted that’s all.”
“I know but I want to make it special. You’ll remember your real birthday sooner or later.”
“Ellie, what are you doing here?”
“Having dinner with mom and dad and David came along. What’s all this? Are you going somewhere?”
“Ye-yeah, I found a place so I can concentrate on my studies and besides the place is near school. I have an older friend taking care of the place so I can help out with her chores and stuff.”
“Well, before that you have to do something.”
“What’s that?”
“Apologizing to David.”
“Why are you so stubborn?”
“Because I hate him until the part where I want to actually kill him.”
“You kill him as if you have the guts to do that.”
“You wouldn’t believe what I have been through. Anyways my friends waiting out there I have to go she has work for me to do.”
“You’re not going until you apologize to him.” I grabbed all my bags which wasn’t a lot and passed her. She grabbed me by the bag and I fell down looking up seeing her all mad.” What do you want me to do? I hate that stupid joke you call a man. I bet he is lying about his age ad is actually 20 and still hasn’t have a job yet.”
“Don’t talk badly about him.” She was blushing about something that went on but I couldn’t care any less. “David’s really sweet you should stay and see for yourself.”
“No thanks just breathing the same air with him makes me want to vomit.”
“It’s like I don’t know you anymore.”
“You never did in the first place. You never tried to and forced your ideals on me.” Ellie dragged me by the hand and went to the family room where everyone else was. I couldn’t hold my anger anymore so I just blurted.
“Hey Dickhead. Yeah, I’m talking to you David you scumbag. I don’t know who you are but I will kill you if you make do anything to her. Stay away from Ellie right now just get out.” My dad came up to me and slapped me. “Akuma, you’ve gone too far. You have to accept it like all families do.”
“Families, huh well sorry I’m not family. I’m leaving the family take me out of your family already. I know you look at me like a monster. Not with these pale red eyes and white hair you detest me and by the way I know what happened to my real parents.”
“What happened, son?” I smiled because I really enjoyed it to the last bit.
“I killed them. They wanted me to run but I killed them but I killed the murderer first and then their screams were so intoxicating that I think something went pop.” Everyone in the room seems to have feared me. I gave the ring back to Ellie that was being hugged by David and said. “Farewell may we never see each other again.” I walked out and Blake was waiting. She ran up and her eyes were just begging to praise her or give her a reward. So I pulled her towards me and kissed her. In the midst of the kiss the front door opened and Ellie was right there staring.
“That’s not a friend of yours now isn’t she?”
“Don't know, don’t care, really not your problem.” Blake went to the car and put my bags in and I turned around and got in the car. Ellie jumped right in too and before I could kick her out Blake stepped on the gas. She was so overjoyed that she didn’t think about her surroundings.
"Exactly what will the two of us be doing?" Blake muttered, trying to hide her smile. 

I looked at her, Blake was, stunning. Maybe after the kiss my perspective changed, about the glittery feeling I felt around Ellie. 

"I finally, think we could do maybe, something more than kissing." I chuckled, raising a suggestive eyebrow. 

I reached out to Blake, tangling my hand into her Black hair. Blake grinned widely, for a split second I forgot Ellie was with us. 
"Disgusting." My eyes widened, Ellie just spoke up. 
Blake slammed the brakes, quickly turning trying to prevent herself from crashing into another car. 
"WHAT THE...." I quickly drew Blake's attention away from the backseat, focusing her eyes towards my eyes. Blake's blue and grey eyes dilated, she blinked and the two eyes switched colors. 

Blake found a low profile parking lot, and as she turned, she fit into an empty spot. 
"Bloody blazes what are you still doing in here?"
"Excuse me, you knew she was in here?"
"Well I expected her to have left." 
Ellie slapped me upside the head, while she kicked Blake's seat. Blake's eyes instead of switching color between each blinks, they turned black and purple. I just couldn't be amazed by her angry that I just subconsciously patted her on the head just to be sure that everything's going to be alright. Ellie smiled at me showing that the things aren't going to be okay. All i could do was laugh it off and just gestured to Blake to drive to the apartment. The whole way there was a long silence and amusing watching Blake fidget on her seat every so often. When we arrived to the apartment Ellie and Blake went on the elevator as I took the stairs. Inside the apartment Blake and Ellie was sitting across the room facing each other leaving me the only boy in this awkward situation. 
I didn’t' want to handle such a situation right now so i grabbed my bags and went to the bedroom to unpack. Pretending the closet full of weapons didn't exist I proceeded to hang my clothing covering the back. The smell of gunpowder was nowhere to be found, must be the air freshener. 

I heard some chatter, but it seemed to always die out, it wasn't much, at least Blake was attempting some type of communication. I walked out for a glance and I swear I saw sparks go flying in the air. I walked swiftly and without a sound in the middle of both of them I seated myself at the couch facing the TV. The two staring at each other at opposite sides of the room, I cleared my throat awkwardly. Both of them turned their gazes towards me, acting innocent I laughed and raised my two hands. 

"Can we... work this out?" 
Simultaneously the pair said no, before anyone could even argue a bam on the door drew all of our attention.

Desperately wanting to escape Blake scurried to her door, dragging the door open while she pulled the hunting knife off her belt in case. 

"Where is she?" The low voice ragefully questioned. Blake was slightly confused, but even I knew she suspected him. Without warning he pushed passed Blake, I knew Blake didn't respond to any sort of threats well, so I wasn't surprised when she attacked him. 

Blake kicked his feet, causing him to hit the floor. Blake jumped onto his back and pulled his head up by his hair, pushing the sharp, blood covered knife to his throat. I smirked at Blake, her Purple and Black eyes filled with rageful thoughts. 

"Who are you, and why are you here?" Blake shouted almost slicing his throat. Ellie was screaming, "Don't hurt him!" I knew at that point Blake wasn't listening to anything or anyone. 

"Blake!" Her eyes began to form back into her Blue and grey eyes that always switched colors. I knew that she was switching places. Slowly she let go of David and got up on her two feet. I opened my arms towards her and she noticed and in a flash she rushed into them. I wrapped my arms around her and she forced her head into the crook of my neck. I heard a whisper in my head saying this is the time to shine my boy. Come on I did a little favor putting things into pieces.
"Take Ellie for me why don't you Blackrose?"
"Okay just make it fast." I am at the same place again watching myself letting go of Blake. Blake grabbing Ellie and into the room. David choking and looking at me with such rage. As I heard the door shut David lunged at Jack with such force nearly knocking him down to the ground. Jack started laughing as if this wasn't to be taken seriously. He grabbed one of the hands that was on his neck and I heard a loud crunch. David stopped choking him and rolled to the floor screaming in pain. Jack shoved my handkerchief down his throat to keep him from screaming any further. 
"Did you know the human body have 208 bones? It's so fascinating that humans have so many bones in such a small body." David started struggling to the room Ellie was in. Jack just walked right over and ripped his leg right off his body, Jack watched David drop into his own blood. 

Jack sat down beside David's body, watching as the freshly ripped wound gushed pints of blood. He lied there, listening to David choke Jack forced a grin on my face. "God, you always did want to take his life." Jack stated in my voice, "Watch." Jack forced David to look at me, "Now, don't die too soon, I don't want you missing this."
Jack scooped a bundle of blood, pushing close to David's face, he slurped the blood. 
When he finished Jack grabbed a lighter and started to burn the open flesh wound so he wouldn’t die of blood loss. Jack shouted out for Blackrose and she popped up after 5 seconds.
"Here kill him I know you want to after what had just happened." Blake smiled as if she enjoyed this more than everything else. She grabbed David by the hand and tossed him to the kitchen. I just kind of watched Blake grab the knife. She began putting knives in rows and to prevent him from crawling off she plunged a knife into his hand, slicing through the counter making him stuck and bleeding all over the table and floor. Taking another knife and stabbing him in the other hand to stop him from taking out the other one. Jack prevented Blake to torture him any further instead he let her watch as Jack began to rip his flesh just bits by bits. I don’t know why but I began to hear my heart race and had this tingling feeling in my hands. 
“Boy, you are coming back huh well I know you too well to ignore this pleasure of killing once again.” I shake my head in nonsense. Not letting myself be consumed in the thrill of people screaming. Trying to stop my boiling blood take over, I have to suppress it but why though. 
“Boy don’t fight it let it take over because you know as well as I do that demons and humans can co-exist with each other. We are one and the same, others are scared of this power but I know you. Much better than yourself, lying to yourself is not a good option.” It was too late Jack carved a hole in David’s back and began to crack his ribs one by one. The screams became a drug to switch on Jack’s evil side. When he broke all of his ribs he whispered something to David and when he finished he slowly seeped his hands and ripped out his lungs with his heart inside. Still beating was something that looked diseased.  I knew something about him was odd. He was a drug addict and apparently a smoker. 
A few minutes later the place was cleaned up and Jack was humming to himself. Picking the dark spots on the lungs and then turned on the oven. He put oil on the pan and was calmly placing the lungs and heart on it. He cooked it and roasted it, added seasonings and served it as a dish. When it cooled he placed it in a box and said.
“Well, Blackrose, I’ll be switching now to the boy you love. You know what to do with this right.” Showing her the box and she nodded. “Well, be a dear and clean up the body and say to the girl he left early to attend something maybe or just tell her the truth.” After that I came back and Blake was holding me and when I opened my eyes she whispered a welcome back in my ear. I looked around for a second and everything was clean and there was nobody to be seen. Ellie came out watching me and Blake. I hated lying to Ellie but the truth just came out.
“Ellie I’m sorry, but it seems David, he’s gone.” She stood starstruck unable to even process my simplified words. I gave Blake a long, hard stare. Knowing what it meant Blake took Ellie to her car. I sat down, breathing heavily, I just offed my future brother-in-law. Though I had wanted to since the first date, I couldn't seem to bear the thought of inflicting Ellie pain. 

I reluctantly pulled myself out of Blake's apartment, our car ride was painfully silent. Blake interlocked our hands, Ellie sitting silently in the back. When we did arrive at the familiar house, Ellie quickly ran out with no words exchanged. I stared at Blake, she shrugged innocently I smirked at her. 

How Much do you wanna bet you want to kill those sick parents too?

I tried ignoring Jack, but he wouldn't  allow it, "Blackrose, Akuma here wants to kill again." I couldn't control myself once again, yet again I was stuck watching my body exit the car heading to the door. Blake climbed out of the car, following  Jack contently. Jack kicked the door, sending it flying, "Akuma what in God's name possessed you to do such an outrageous act?" My mother asked. My face crooked into a smile. "Well, for instance your smug face acting as if you love me as you love Ellie. Why don't we be realistic, you hate me, you knew how messed up poor little Akuma is. You knew this day would come, eventually." Jack said as he glided to the set of sharp kitchen knives, "Stab, or rip?" He asked Blake. She smiled, "Knife."

My mother tried running, but Jack threw the knife, lodging it directly in her back, slowly she dropped to the floor. 
My father's voice called out, a faint whimper drew my attention. I saw Ellie, sitting in a corner behind the couch, watching my body, Jack, kill her family. 
"Daddy!" Jack shouted. My father's face grew with angry, fear, and acceptance. 

"You knew Mom never really loved me, yet you acted as if she did. And you watched as her made herself a fake w***e. What do you get off that? I hope you're happy, wait. I don't. I going to make you miserable to your last breathe." 

Jack pranced towards my father, stroking his face with the cold, blood covered knife. Slowly Jack drew the knife down his face, creating a large cut, Jack dropped the knife, letting it pierce my father's foot. He winced in pain, yet stayed in place. Jack curled my two fingers, the index and the middle finger, jabbing my father's eyes, pulling them out. The eyes still attached to his body, Jack forcefully pulled until his eye sockets bleed.

  "Lung time." 
Jack allowed the eyes to drop to the floor, and proceeded to wedge my right hand into my father's chest. My father hunched over in pain. Forcing him back in a straight back position, he broke my father's rib cage immediately, allowing the bone fragments to puncture his lungs. My father wiggled in pain.

"Can you breathe?" 

Jack asked smiling crookedly. Jack forced his hand down, into his intestines, and kidneys... etc. In one swift movement the organs fell out of my father's stomach, "Told you." Jack bit into my father's lung. I found myself feeling once again, then I felt my father's lung. I immediately dropped it.

"Ellie RUN!" I shouted, Ellie got up and ran up the stairs. 

Jack took over yet again. Naughty boy, you took over bad idea. Now that I am back, I think I'll kill your cow. I think you should go to sleep now. 

I watched as Jack raced up the stairs, 

"Ellie, I'm going to kill you."

Then everything. Just went, BLACK. 

© 2014 CrimsonShinigami

My Review

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wow.. nice story and nicer ending

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on November 27, 2014
Last Updated on November 27, 2014
Tags: demons, fiction, horror, little torture, romance (weird)



Edmonton, Canada

I like writing poems and stories but I never had the chance to show others they may not be as good as others but I tried my best. I enjoy reading books that have a good story plot. I hate quiet room.. more..
