Redirecting anxiety into something that builds spiritual growth

Redirecting anxiety into something that builds spiritual growth

A Story by Cool-Universe

With the proper mindset, anxiety can stimulate you to grow in obedience and in prayer.

When anxiety hits turn it into an opportunity to grow in two different areas of your Christian walk. With the proper mindset, anxiety can stimulate you to grow in obedience and in prayer.

One solution to restoring peace is to increase your obedience. Lets look at that in Psalm 119:165

165 Those who love Your law have great peace,And nothing causes them to stumble. 

In this Psalm there is a direct connection between obedience and great peace.  Feeling anxious? Want to have peace restored.  Then part of your plan should be to set your mind to obey God all the more. Obedience brings peace

Another solution to restoring peace is choose to pray. Lets take a look at that in Philippians 4:6-7

6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Feeling anxious? Want to have peace restored.  Then part of your plan should be to spend time in prayer. Prayer also brings peace.

So use prayer and obedience as two powerful solutions to quiet your soul.( note: This is not a comprehensive teaching and  it is not intended to be a substitute for Christian counseling or Doctor directed medicines )

Scripture quotations taken from the "NASB" ( )

© 2011 Cool-Universe

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Added on January 4, 2011
Last Updated on January 11, 2011
Tags: anxiety, anxious, calm, calmness, peace, peaceful, peacefulness, relax, relaxing, quiet, still