

A Poem by Lucas Grasha



“This statement is false,” the first man said.

“No, it’s not,” the second man said.

“Yes, it is.”

“But that would mean it’s true.”

“Exactly--but it’s also false.”

“But all statements have an inherent truth associated with them.”

“Actually, that’s false.”

“…you mean your original statement?”

“No, I mean your statement about truth association.”

“Oh, then carry on.”

“If such were so, and every statement carried inherent truth, then I could say there is a pink unicorn standing behind me right now.”

“Well, that could be true.”

“How could it be? The truth of a statement relies on the contextual evidence.”

“Oh…but the original statement is not false.”

“It is so false.”

“Okay, what about if it’s double false?”


“What if the statement is double false?”

“…then it’s true.”

“So, there! I’ve solved the paradox!”

“But the statement only claims to be false once.”

“…let’s pretend it’s double false.”



“No. This is my paradox, and I’m not going to let you ruin it.”

“…if…um…I’ll buy you ice cream if you allow me to play with your paradox a little bit?”

“…alright, you can have my paradox for an hour.”


The second man took the paradox out for a walk and returned to the first man holding only a half-eaten ice cream cone.

“What happened to my paradox?” the first man asked.

“Hmm?” the second man murmured as he licked the ice cream cone.

“My paradox: where is it?”

“Oh…I put it up for adoption.”


“Don’t worry, some crazy homeless philosopher asked me for it. He had a blue police box.”

“What--what!? Police box?”

“Yeah, he walked inside it and then it disappeared.”

“You mean to tell me my paradox is gone forever?”

“Yes. It’s gone.


Happy Flag Day!”

© 2012 Lucas Grasha

My Review

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this is just delightful! "No. this is my paradox, and I'm not going to let you ruin it." has to be my favorite bit. certainly made my night a bit more amusing!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Wow, i really enjoyed this, amde me ponder it's intriguing as well. Nice job here!

Posted 12 Years Ago

Confused me at the first read! Made me giggle at the second. Well thought-out work, I love it :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

I did enjoy this poem. Made me smile. You can tell a story. Strong ending to a entertaining poem. Thank you for the excellent poem.

Posted 12 Years Ago

This gave me flash backs to philosophy class where they'd make us read the annoying and fruitless dialogues of Plato, where a satisfying conclusion is never reached. I'm guessing you too get annoyed by long winded arguments over trivial things, hence the humor. You definitely made me smile, if for no other reason, because I hate philosophy.

Posted 12 Years Ago

Well that was an interesting conversation/argument, however you choose to look at it.
Extremely different from what I'm used to reading on here, but not bad at all.
You have a gift for going indepth when you write. It's really amazing, actually.
Thanks for sharing. :)

Posted 12 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on January 23, 2012
Last Updated on April 8, 2012
Tags: philosophy, paradox, self-assumption, contradiction, Doctor Who, falsifiable, verification, Flag Day, obliviousness, ice cream, poetry


Lucas Grasha
Lucas Grasha

Pittsburgh, PA

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