Torn ~ Butterfly Woman

Torn ~ Butterfly Woman

A Poem by Dianah

Torn between the choices in her life, Butterfly Woman must make a decision...


He flits from flower to flower
devouring their delicacies
until his appetite is satisfied

She lies wrapped in a silk cacoon
waiting for the warmth
of the spring sun to emerge.

The silver tongued beast
carved a well worn path
into her hibernating heart

Awakening her inhibitions
exposing her to the elements
vulnerable to the world.

She feels the sap rise slowy
but summer is an ancient myth
wrapped in history's  damp pages.

Free to follow the sun
which may shrivel her dreams
or set fire to herdesires.

The symphony of raindrops
drown her fondest memories
in the swirling, swollen river.

Torn between the world
of the silver tongued beast
clothed in darkening skies

or leaping into the blank pages
where new worlds are crashing
on beckoning summer shores.


© 2010 Dianah

My Review

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Great imagery,
I like it, different from you other work, but I like it
Well done.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I thought this was really beautiful, using the image of a butterfly. I love "symphony of rain drops" Nicely written with some solid imagery going on.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wonderfully descriptive. Both options made desirable, really conveying the turmoil. Nice write!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on January 1, 2010
Last Updated on January 1, 2010
Tags: Summer, Butterfly Woman, cacoon, choices, decisions



Lancaster, United Kingdom

I write , mainly poetry, about anything and everything. I have written song lyrics and seem to be addicted to rhyming. I hate writing blurbs for blogs as I never know what to say... I often confuse.. more..

Theatre Theatre

A Poem by Dianah