The Hope of Pariah

The Hope of Pariah

A Poem by Leah

He stroked her hair,

Leading the maid into his lair.

Whence he neither slept nor dreamt;

A humble abode of choice contempt.


Amidst salient Minotaur heads, inside lay’st he;

“ Cometh away beside me.” Say’st he;

Of Herculean contrive, the man bore fright,

For he resembled a Juggernaut’s spite!


“ What genteel beseech…” Thought she;

The lady, but a mere commoner is she;

Such love, she felt of his voice;

Like honey, spewed from the lips of vice.


“ But I must return to my kin!

Thou art naught to be seen!

Thine soul liknen the languish of a lamb,

Yet thine report is but a vile sham!”


“ Cometh away beside me.

For I am wretch’d and in need.

Thou my chosen, thine soul of Grace;

Thou, prithee! Beside me, thine place!”


The maiden fled her suitor’s hand;

Couldst naught eat, neither drink nor stand;

She lay with illness, heart most stricken;

“ I must seek him!” She spake unto Heuen.


‘Tis been so long since she fled;

Now of grey hair, she faltered to the lair,

Only to find a mere tombstone, erect,

“ Here lies horror.” It hath read.


“ Thou hast forsaken me in return!”
To the evensong of nocturne,

Our lady wept,

‘Til she withered and she slept;


Forevermore, arisen she,

Nevermore a beast, there was he;

Oneness, betwixt a firmament of bliss,

For the exiled knyght awaited his bride.


“ Evermore, thou art myne.”

“ Evermore, I am thine.”


A pledge to time.





© 2012 Leah

My Review

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Absolutely enjoying your use of English. I've only read two poems, but feel the same way about the rhyming as well. Also enjoying the poem-story mode. Fun poem yet again.

Posted 6 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on March 25, 2012
Last Updated on March 25, 2012




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