Powerful persuasion

Powerful persuasion

A Poem by EmpressPoetess





























In flowered meadows bathed in dew
with faces void of  inward sins

where mystic river whispers thru

we're on a quest of mental cleanse


Debauchery was once our goal

where fleshly pleasures filled our bowl

we are no angels, me and you
our night passages bade this true

we shared the madness and the  fun
within disaster's midnight run


But now we choose to live sin free

impossible as this seems to be

between life changing dips and dives

we've vowed to live and change our lives

they say confession soothes the soul

so here we are to live the role


Our efforts may be sporatic

we left no flowers in the attic
no glass menageries did we break

no chaos follows in our wake

to sum up this grand equation

Love's our crystal blue persuasion

© 2010 EmpressPoetess

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Added on April 10, 2010
Last Updated on April 11, 2010
Tags: Love, Power, poetry, sin



Dallas, TX

A single mom of 4 adult kids. I love to write, mostly romance poetry, but I do dabble in different areas of poetry. I just write what I feel about life. I also write short stories. I live In Dalla.. more..
