

A Story by Ginger IN The Sky

It had to be a movie moment. Those times when things either go perfectly wrong or so terribly right that you can’t make it clear in your mind, and sometimes, it’s probably best they don’t.


“You know, that every boy in this entire school, has sat in the back of the classroom one day and fantasized about a Zombie or Alien invasion and how they would save everyone epically. I just don’t think girls ever think that.” �" Significant other.

“.....I....Have had those fantasies....”- Ginger.

“Where you saved everyone?” �" Significant other.

“...Yes... and well...Sometimes they all die...” �" Ginger.





It had to be a movie moment. Those times when things either go perfectly wrong or so terribly right that you can’t make it clear in your mind, and sometimes, it’s probably best they don’t. And I don’t mean, the boy gets the beautiful girl of his dreams or the hopelessly obsessed teenage stalker girl gets the football star...I mean the times when people are running for their lives screaming and shoving others over to survive an oncoming missile or a raging, out of control fire. Somehow, in this case, it wasn’t either of those natural options.


Rather petrified like a dead frog on a country road, his mind had slowed to the viscosity of syrup. Standing in the middle of the hallway he was just staring at the ‘thing’ as it was scooping some random, probably an honors rule, perfect attendance student and bashing them into a locker so their body was now a permanent part of the storage compartments.


The ribcage of the poor soul had been crushed with the blow and an arm seemed to be the only thing still remaining and distinguishable from the rest of the scattered books and bloodied metal of the locker. Acid dripping down and mingling with the pooling red fluid on the ground.


No one was paying attention to the fact that someone had just died nor that he was standing there. It was survival of the fittest and most people didn’t seem to notice there was anyone else but themselves and the acid spitting monstrous, tentacle armed beast like robot blocking one of the main exits.


He felt his spine go ridged and his knees almost bend backwards with how much they had locked as the one eyed neon yellow creature from Hell turned and seemed to pierce the male with the optics glare. His shoulders were shaking, his eyes were wide, and his chest was falling and rising with the ever present need to breath. Yet, the boy couldn’t bring himself to move.


That was when the second movie moment arose. Except, He wasn’t shoved to the side in a rescue -as the monsters long acid leaking arm reached for him with evil intent- by a strong handsome man like most girls want. Infact, it was a scrawny, rather furious looking girl wielding nothing but her rage and the stolen yet uncared for fire extinguisher.


Jason kept himself pressed against the wall he had been tossed against. Urge to move still not present as his wide eyes watched who he now recognized as his cousin blast the monster in the face with the icy substance and then bounce backwards shouting words of profanity and hatred at the thing. Oh, how this had to be her perfect moment.


Something she had thought about doing, saving someone and kicking some giant things a*s....with a very cliché weapon she had never even set fingertips upon before. Until this moment of course, where she was using it as formidably as if she had a blade or gun.....or maybe a giant metal bat.


It wasn’t entirely certain at the moment, but with the way she yelled at others to back away from the creature as it lumbered forward, acid sloshing out of the canisters upon its back and melting holes into the floor, long tentacle arm slicing a neat cut into the wall and near by classroom. No one really cared about the property damage, they were just more focused on the fact the giant thing was distracted and not aiming to kill them in the moment.


It had probably escaped from some super villain’s layer or a stupid, over eager scientist lab. Its original purpose was probably to stop pollution to! Those greener scientists....they were always causing problems. He should know!! Witnessing the destruction on the news several times a week and trying to avoid death and destruction within his own school simply proved a fact.


These current day scientist were crazy. Point been made.


His head snapped back to the roaring monster and even louder female. She looked far to pleased with herself. But one couldn’t blame her, seeing as her background had her bred and crafted to be the future superhero of the day. A comic book nerd and with a natural balance for fighting. Viviana was the qualifications. She just lacked the suit and very important power skill set most need to fight crime.


She leapt back and planted her feet firmly on the tile floor, aiming the ice-foam shooter at the beasts face and firing yet again, maniac grin plastered to her face, fangs glinting, slate eyes reflecting the yellow of the monsters hide. Her hair whipped about and blinded her for mere important seconds; the beast took a harsh slash at her with one of the acid drooling arms.


Jason yelled out to try and call his cousin back, but she simply moved her body to the right and took the hit across the shoulder with a wince. It contorted her face into a scrunched; eyebrow furrowed a look that almost made it certain her eyes would never open again. She slumped and the shoulder gave a loud pop of it obviously dislodging from the socket.


Her wince and hiss turned into a hoarse cry and the pain caused her to drop to her knees. Her head snapped up for mere seconds and it looked like tears had pooled in the corners of her eyes. The yellow and green of the beasts hide made her skin look olive like. She threw her hand up to stop the final tentacle from crashing down upon her in a deciding death blow. Jason cried out her name trying to call her back with his voice in vain.


The giant tentacle came down in a yellow blur. Slow motions of the mind allowed him to see Viviana’s hand clamp around the tentacle and he watched it seem to ignite with light. Yellow beams flickering about and strobing against the walls. The kneeling girl hadn’t lifted her head though; she just kept her teeth gritted and her hand up, palm to the sky and the glowing beast’s tentacle away from her head.


She wrapped the glowing palm around the monsters own, rising with a dead and limp arm at her side. She stared angrily.  Rage was prominent with her eyes. Her cousin had never seen her so determined. She held her working arm up high, taking the monsters tentacle with her and she shouted a single and very out of place word.




Nothing seemed to be happening. The monster opened the fanged mouth and bellowed at her with ferocity to match that of a lion or a bear. Viviana planted her feet in a defensive position and glared even harder at the monster. Jason had clawed his way from the wall and was now standing in the middle of the hallway, ready to yank the girl away from the monster. But something beat him to it. 


The beast seemed to erupt at random; the light from the teens palm seemed to dig under its skin like angry worms. Its hide bubbled as if it was being boiled from the inside out. Portions of its body were erupting like blisters with the same blinding yellow light and it writhed and screamed in a way that portrayed a trapped and wounded animal. Its head sparked and wires within its body were melting and frying with a disgusting smell.


It staggered back, the acid from the canisters spilling onto its own hide and melting away the still intact armor. It tilted its head back and roared in rage and pain. The one red optic sparked and flashed before exploding and popping out of its titanium skull.


She let the tentacle go as it began to dissolve away. In a way that would remind anyone of deleted pixels off a computer. The beaten monster was gone with a flash and a sizzling noise. Jason’s eyes couldn’t comprehend what had just taken place, he felt his knees try to give out again and he took a heavy and shaky breath before looking to the still present cousin.


Viviana had stepped back and grabbed her wounded arm and with a harsh shoving motion, there was a loud pop and the arm was back within its socket. Only at the cost of the pain overwhelming her. Landing back on her rear and staring up at the finished product of the dissolved monster she let herself fall back, job done, and passed out.


 Jason leapt up and ran to the limp form, an over protective urge taking over. He looked up and around for any other human beings. Before spotting something in the air, a floating key-card like object. He grabbed it and pocketed it with no logic behind the decision before dragging his cousin to a more secure, less acid damaged area.


Explaining could, and would be done later.


© 2012 Ginger IN The Sky

Author's Note

Ginger IN The Sky
“You know, that every boy in this entire school, has sat in the back of the classroom one day and fantasized about a Zombie or Alien invasion and how they would save everyone epically. I just don’t think girls ever think that.” – Significant other.

“.....I....Have had those fantasies....”- Ginger.

“Where you saved everyone?” – Significant other.

“...Yes... and well...Sometimes they all die...” – Ginger.
TRUE STORY and QUOTE!!!! this is the isparation for this short...That is all I really have to say about it. I did it for fun, and I hope it is enjoyed. Please tell me if you actually think it is decent enough to continue. -Ginger OUT!
story Titanium (c) Ginger IN the Sky

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Added on May 31, 2012
Last Updated on May 31, 2012
Tags: villains, evil, schools, girls, boys, cousins, robots, bots, mecha, acid, superheroes, secrets, life, weird, random, stuff, things, written, work, insparation


Ginger IN The Sky
Ginger IN The Sky


Hey! My name is Ginger, and don't be afraid I got over my cravings for human souls long ago ;). I am a young writer, who does so mostly just for fun. I enjoy writing about anything that strikes my fan.. more..
