Dead Before Enough

Dead Before Enough

A Poem by Scarlett

(T) The inside and outside views of an anorexic girl, from a combination of my experience, others, and research. It shows how anorexia twists the mind of the sufferer.

"I'm not hungry" she tells herself
And closes the cupboard door
She's nauseous and exhausted
Yet she still denies herself

Her brain whistles silent tunes
That screams she's doing wrong
Yet at the same time it tells her
That this is the only way

She'll be dead before she's thin enough
But now she'll never stop
She doesn't care about the bad
Or what other think

That's not what matters to her
Only what the thinks herself
Now she's hurting herself
Her view is distorted

And she knows.

© 2010 Scarlett

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i love this poem.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 26, 2010
Last Updated on August 26, 2010
Tags: Anorexia, eating disorder, self hatred, twisted view, body dysmorphia



Coventry (near), Warwickshire / West Midlands, United Kingdom

I'm 21, from London originally, now Coventry, with a fiance and a 3 year old daughter. I haven't written anything of any substance or significance in the last 3 1/2 years, but maybe by going over my p.. more..

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