I'll Be O.K.

I'll Be O.K.

A Poem by Scarlett

This was inspired by a new man in my life. It didn't work out; in fact it was very short lived, and I still find myself wanting this to be true one day.

My soul was empty and my heart limp and black
Poison ran through my veins and my eyes were windows to the pain
My human instincts were abandoned; I no longer craved love
I had got used to the betrayal and rejection
I didn’t want to be happy for that would set me up to fall
I craved to be alone so I could dwell on events of the past
I didn’t realise I had people there all along
They cared for me and wanted to help; they were the ones I called friends
You are one of those people
You showed me I can love and not be abandoned
I can trust and not be betrayed
That I am worth it and that you love me too.

© 2010 Scarlett

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very good!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 26, 2010
Last Updated on August 26, 2010



Coventry (near), Warwickshire / West Midlands, United Kingdom

I'm 21, from London originally, now Coventry, with a fiance and a 3 year old daughter. I haven't written anything of any substance or significance in the last 3 1/2 years, but maybe by going over my p.. more..

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