Conjuring Perceptions (Foreword - Attempt)

Conjuring Perceptions (Foreword - Attempt)

A Poem by Heno Zwarts

"Conjuring Perceptions" 

   Hold on a second. Before you just start reading away, only half aware of what you are about to think. I would strongly suggest that you very carefully inspect those two words and contemplate their meanings, but more so their implications. Of all the many words that belongs to man, what grimoire spells this holy union?

   If Perception is the ability to become aware through the senses, while Conjuring is described as performance art that is seemingly magical - Perhaps the pages to follow will be challenging your views with seemingly magical perceptions, or maybe you will gain the perception to ultimately become aware that you are in fact the conjurer… Whatever you will experience within these pages I can honestly not say, for we cannot see things as they truly are, we can only see them as we are**

   Before we start the conjuring I will at least attempt to explain some of the mechanics of Perception. Within this fluid Universe with every single constituent and swirling particle in constant motion and in holy dance, mankind was birthed in the image of the divine, the microcosm of the macrocosm - mirroring the divine principles and processes of One. Simply put man is a magical being of the Universe " that point at which perception assembles.

“You seem to have a location, but that is true, only because you are right now engaging in the supremely creative act of turning the entire Universe of Light

into a single focus called your body and mind”

- Deepak Chopra


   Right. I will try to keep short and not too complex. When a soul ignites the Life-force as it arrives here in Third Density, in the Universe of Matter in the form of an infant, this dear child must now gradually start to separate from the Divinity that it experienced as Oneness and become clothed in Identity and a Veil of Forgetfulness. The Fall from Grace - to truly Experience his or her Divinity as the entire Universe of Light within a perfect and dualistically balanced electromagnetic web that conjures this Dream we call Life. In this Dream all entities must flow from knowing to experience, and to being. Ah, but you cannot enter the Dream knowing that you are in fact only Dreaming " And the Creator cannot become the Creation knowing he/she is the Creator. If the purpose of life is for the Creator to know Itself experientially as opposed to an undifferentiated conscious and abstract notion " It would only make sense to come here and gradually detach from your divinity to find out who you really are, because in this dense realm of matter you can only truly know a thing in relation to its opposite. What would be the meaning or value of ‘short’ …if ‘tall’ did not yet come to be?  You can only find out who you are in the presence of what you are not.


   Slowly this dear child will start to incorporate the dimension of time, because there now exists “things” other than me. As sights, sounds and language starts to hail, “Mama, Papa, Yes, No, Mine, and, Don’t!” this new babe will continue to divide into the internal world (mind) and the outer world of activity (matter). Within this Dream of Dreams, you have to separate yourself to become clothed in Identity. (Because in truth there exists only the One, therefore only you can become the AM/ AM Not).  All this happens so naturally as you quickly realize that the last frontier or barrier between you and unpredictable world of matter is your own inner sanctuary " the mind.

   There are five doorways that leads to this outer world and it also bears entrance to your inner world. These doors are the senses " taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight. If we look past the face-value of this world of matter and see it in terms of energy, frequency and vibration one cannot help being dumbstruck by the Beauty and Infinite Intelligence behind every single iota of creation that is continuously being expresses into this Third/ Fourth Density plain of existence, firstly as Potential Intelligence and, secondly as Intelligent Energy. For Creation Itself is a result of Light Energy & Sound Energy.

   Man’s Light Energy Body contains an intense hemisphere of light referred to as the Assemblage Point, that point where perception is ultimately assembled and where corresponding energy fields from the outer world meet with and align with corresponding energies fields within your own Electromagnetic Body. This brilliant focus of light works much like the dial of a radio and is capable of movement in order to access many different frequencies or realities on your bandwidth of densities, if you will. And so to change or to conjure your world you only truly need to change your perception of it. For it is when these corresponding energy fields align themselves that the act of perception takes place " and the energy of this alignment becomes man’s personal power or his will power.

   But this newborn’s Assemblage Point is still fluid and moves about with little effort to access the realms of heaven and of imagination which constitutes reality for this magical experience of childhood. This fluidity also accounts for the limitless energy children so carelessly exhibits. The Christ said that we should come to him as little children because when your perception is fluid you can truly begin to see clearly instead of viewing Plato’s shadowy figures on a moldy cave’s wall.  But what happens next is the most horrific of all " by the shear knowledge of good and evil, as mankind of old erected his pedestal and elevated his steeple, when he could no longer see that the king, beggar, man and beast are all equal " so man conjured up this devil, and his dark art and black sorcerers that he can justify enslaving his brother and his very children to go forth and do his bidding. Self-Importance readily make prey on the Self-Piteous. For in this ploy was called forth the Master and the Slave " each one giving rise to the other. When you dare perceive yourself the Victim, it won’t be long before your Aggressor is drawn into your field and so energy completes the circle.  When we view this in terms of energy, vampires become very real and we drink the blood of own children as we force our superior will and view of the world down onto them and others. So mankind enslaves mankind and this collective reality becomes his prison of shape and it is through man’s social conditioning that the sins of the father are being passed on up until the seventh generation through public opinion, organized religion, government and a patriot nation. By dull outdated beliefs or tradition mankind is being held captive by his own gross practice of separateness.


   As a new soul incorporating here on Earth you are still getting know to this peculiarly odd world of movement and its inherent beauty and intelligent intricacies. When you arrived here - you came alone and for as long as you can remember there were others here before you arrived like your mother or your father. The souls physical body is limited and bound to nature and dependent upon nurture, and the child has no choice but to trust and to accept at face value of what his parents say the world is or is not, a knowledge which they also only got at second hand whether by ancestral tradition, government or organized religion. As the years pass and the child becomes more proficient in the communication system of language - an inner voice is conjured and act as custodian of this inner world and starts to filter all the information according to his or her developing reasonable mind.  Soon it will also be this custodian that turns into the prison warden through your habitual and repetitive internal dialogue. For the world will always be what you keep on telling yourself it is (or from whatever second hand knowledge purely taken at face value you chose to believe). In terms of energy all vibrating frequencies that enters your field whether it be religious doctrine, simple words, public opinion, or actions that engenders emotions of fear and joy will need to pass through your senses where you will access the information and relating it to past experience and parental instruction you will begin to theorize upon these new energies received to formulate your view of the world.  After having to passed the benign tests and filters of this custodian and prison warden, you construct your collected beliefs and reasonable mind. Your view of the world filtered by developing reason give rise to your perception becoming ever more ridged and fixed and trapped within your matter.  As this happens the energy of alignment generated through the mysterious act of perception and your personal power is now only enough to keep your Assemblage Point fixed at on spot as you are trying to view everything through a fixed frame of reference. In a fluid Universe nothing can ever be fixed or viewed only through or by a particular frame of reference that man’s sciences and religion so stubbornly dispenses and trying to force a square peg into a round hole.  Through the Universal Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy nothing can ever be fixed thus making all views valid and necessary.

“Universal Laws are simple and they are swift. They know no colour, race, gender or dimension. They only understand the application of energy and the

principles which govern its motion”

- Dr. Norma Milanovich


   In short the battle is brought straight to the doorstep of our senses and from across all tiers, i.e. the media, the politicians, the sciences, religions, corporations, governments, educational systems and from our own families " for whomever controls the gates of perception controls the collective reality of the people. The only control that any man can truly exercise is how he responds to whatever is happening and when man operates within the gross separateness that he has been taught, man cannot help but alternate between his self-pity and his self-importance. Man’s experience of Identity is suddenly reduced to folly when he allows to become programmed with Ego software that runs the program on que and without fail …and now we cannot help but give away our only power and keep being indoctrinated and ruthlessly ruled. For as long as we the sheep, there will be road leading to the slaughter.

   This Universe of Matter is perfect in its creation and in its intelligence always flaunting the secret, that nobody really knows why we are here or exactly how we came to be? That’s just it, and nobody should! Not knowing is part of the Design and an essential purpose upon this density. As long as mankind are looking up to an institution to dispense concrete truth and what to make of the world, average man does not need to struggle to perceive in his fear of the Unknown and so too exempt him from the responsibility in creating his own reality. So average man always opt for slavery instead of facing himself and the accountability of his choices …and so man’s psychic manipulation and bondage are empowered by pointing the finger claiming to be the innocent victim and thus conjuring the tyrants that willingly exploits our inherent laziness to think, to struggle to perceive past the face value and simply passing the buck and blame unto  government for its separation practices and warlike behavior than take heed of the Law of Light and Reflection which translates merely that these culprits are only reflections of ourselves.


   Humankind has chosen to live a life that is disconnected from his Consciousness as he walks through life unaware of his Divinity, ironically through knowledge which has always been obtained at second hand, always passed on by those who think they know all there is to know about the Mystery of Mysteries. Rather than facing the Self and the Shadow it casts - man forsook the laws of his own Consciousness, when the internal laws were cast in stone. But written law became venerable to interpretation due to man’s limitation of language, and in turn gave rise to all juristic practices in a justice system that has become blind in man’s effort to govern over and rule his fellow man. Humankind could now pass the buck and cast the blame " no longer subject to his consciousness man felt relieved from the responsibility of the shadow his own soul, as the written word now casted judgement over all whom he sought to rule. Just as the cells in the human body becomes cancerous when man’s individual cell’s communication to his host starts to break down "  so has mankind now become the cancer upon this planet as he chose to disconnect from his Consciousness, and through man’s quest for supremacy to dominate and rule he has set the stage for some kind of cosmic chemotherapy.

   All of Creation, has since time began, collectively conspired for mankind to travel this precipice in cosmic history - to forsake their all-knowing dogmas and ideologies in an effort to manipulate the rest of the world into submission. We must turn to face the Self and the Shadow it has casted over millennia past - and through our collective experience can we embrace this emotion of fear whilst confidently occupying the great unknown that lies ahead of us. As we come to terms with the uncertainty found in not knowing will come humanity to see its limitless potential that can only be found in the formless as opposed to the oppression and limited space of our prior fixed frames of references. By relinquishing the need to control can mankind’s gaze finally be free to look around and see what his divine birthright truly entails as stewards of our current density " that which we have been made blind to by the fear of our own self-pity and self-importance. By understanding the folly of identity, we will now be able phantom that which we could for the last two millennia. It will be this “Seeing” that is to replace man’s fixed knowledge and blind juristic practices that has ever kept us in imprisoned in the shape of the matter of this third dimensional plane.


   We have been so preoccupied in perfecting the roles assigned to us that we have become stuck in believing that we are nothing more than the characters we portrayed in the Greatest Story ever told. Bravo, to you, the entire cast, all the actors that has given substance and attributed reality to this Dream of Dreams.  It was all made possible, by all of you - the magicians that conjured the greatest trick that wrought forth the entire creation and existence, that by its very paradox could never even be imagined and come to be!!

   Through this Art of Seeing could you Perceive how the zero could equate to one " and by this very act you wrought forth all the energy that was known singularity to bring forth all the worlds and universes and even eternity. Now see yourselves for the brilliant actors that you are, for next act is about to begin and will require nothing more than your full conscious attention for this story to progress and pick up in its intricate complexity as the frequency vibrations are now raising! Actors, be ready to keep up the pace. Be flawless in your perception, the curtain is about to draw, slip into character as it time make creations’ atoms and electrons spin with your poetic mathematic precision once more.


  Just in case you were wondering, allow me to introduce myself " It is I, the Fool, summoned to play the know-it-all mad narrator in getting all the actors ready. With my peculiarly odd power of distraction, I bring the continuity at this interlude " to become the jester, whose job it is to stumble but never to fall!

As for all the new actors to get familiarized with the cast and the set " stay tuned that I may fill you in on the Doctrine of the Fool and present the Wisdom of the Mad and of the Ridiculous! First thing first, all new’bies gather around that I may brief you on what is to happen next:


   The time is at hand for that which not real to be accredited with the experience of being real as every single focus of Light must start to resonate at a different point within the space/time continuum from where you will be temporally bound to a unique point of origin " this is your holy baptism into this world of turmoil for you to claim your identity that can only be gathered from your singular point of sight - the location in space and time were Consciousness can start to vibrate and look back at Itself. Remember, struggle is at the order of the day " The Third Dimensional Reality can only be conjured by atoms resisting atoms and by their charge to push you this way or that as the Great Count to Infinity can open the vortex, that you, son of man, effortlessly enter into this dimension of time and by the sweat of your brow to toil and endless labor whilst trying to make sense of it all. A word of caution, never trust atoms because they make up everything! A brief summary of the mood of your planetary body are as follows:


   It is a strange place in time to be here on Earth I have come to realize - a strange mixture of views enforced by words and from worlds older than time itself - a place where every man knows better than his brother, for in man's folly of identity and in his fear of the unknown or in not knowing he assigned fixed values through a limited view determined by point of origin, time & location. In a fluid Universe no value can be fixed and neither can a fixed frame of reference account for all the Mysteries of Creation when all is perpetual transmutation of energy. Nothing can be static. When I look at man and I can glimpse behind the veil his forgetfulness - We continue to pollute this magical cosmic miracle with answers, with one view to rule them all, when in fact the laws and the structure of Creation has set it up in such a way that no singular point located in space or time can on its own accord see the answer to say that this is the Way - But once we can add all singular points together we can start to subjectively observe and become collectively intimate to behold the dancing matter. Once we start to adjust the focus of our sight and see past the face value of who you may think you are in relation to everything else - fixed and limited beliefs dissipate with the polarity of the ego and suddenly time, space and location emanates with divine purpose when you perceive the interconnectedness of One - like a puzzle that requires all the individual pieces that are singular in their focusses of light, so our individuality serves to demarcate that single focus of light which is your body and mind - within this mechanism the Creator can become the Creation. The Creator (Infinite Intelligence) that is Light " required a spacial dimension to contain the Cosmos and Creation " Since Infinite Intelligence (Light) was all there was, the Spacial Dimension could only come to be through the only possible act of dividing the Self (Light) into Intelligent Energy " and through this “inward” direction, movement wrought into existence the dimension of time " as it became the nature of light to move, vibration could now start to resonate when it sounded the way forward through frequency (Sound) that could now account for shape and form. Through this big bang, the Creator distorted into the creation and into every single cell, constituents atoms and dancing electrons - each with specific charge wrought through the magnetism that resulted in this holy act of division that birthed our duality, this prison of shape, the grand illusion of separateness - conjuring the Dream of the Dreams in a beautifully and peculiarly odd generated simulation where godself can experientially perceive godself to truly answer the first question "who am I" - the zero or the one?

   Thus, your task at hand is to gain momentum and gather all variety of offered views, that of the gentle and of the meek -  views that may be purposefully overlooked and thus excluding the measure of truth they may hold needed to complete the master equation. You need to locate those perceptions that have remained true onto themselves and the ones long forgotten but lodged deep within the heart of humanity. Remember to give credit to perceptions that are not recognized by that your upcoming orientation that you will later come to know as the social conditioning of your unique point of origin. But consider the views and insights, contemplate their nature which may be Inclusive nature or threatening the unwavering and holy but static public opinion. Whether Hero or Foe, we care not " the only requirement is that you master the performance art. We injected other-worldly perceptions of the Wanderers whom have come to assist humanity, so if you find that you are stuck, find them to solve the riddle of the entire picture? They have been well hidden, as the mad and the eccentric as not to give away the Art " but if you are sincere in your search they may be discovered. You are to learn the Art of Seeing, which can only be attained in your struggle to Perceive " For only the struggle will break your fixation to free you from your point of entry! And within this seemingly impossible it does not matter whether you win or lose, but how impeccable you fight. Actors, get ready to consciously participate in this Cosmic Symphony to reach that level of vibration to carry the note to next octave!

    In our quest to achieve Total Awareness through perceiving this mystery experienced in contemplating to solve the paradox found within the first anomaly - every single part of Creation must be accounted for and added up - all negative and positive charge must again equate to Zero, the Nothing.


   By stepping out of non-locality, you may feel disorientated, brought about by the Altered State of Perception in creating a unique starting point to recap. Forgetfulness will set in as you now must disconnect from your divinity as you must Fall from Grace, taking part in the Original Sin, in somehow becoming less than the Whole, that you now only know as One. Do not look so dismayed, I cannot expect you to understand these terms designed to separate. The only way is to step through the curtain, and before you know it we will meet back here again.

   Okay, wait " I will go through it one more time just in case any of you want to cheat and opt, and become seduced by stage fright! 

   The Whole of Creation are taken and consumed by the Act - Only through the Fall, and what men call Original Sin could we, the cast create the conditions through which we could obtain the experiential knowledge - made possible by the polarity that rises from Choice " to pick a role, friend or foe, I say again that whatever you decide to choose " we care not! Through Universal Law, by Karma and the way forward is through sequence of event " the Choice and the Consequence " for each to walk in the other’s shoes " and only by this perceived wisdom to transcend the duality, which I guarantee will be no less than great struggle and a hard earned collective perception that neither hero or villain will do!!!    Through seemingly becoming less than the Whole, This is the Divine Act of Dividing with zero, to step up to take the Fall, to create the dimensional space and radiate a positive field, and be repelled by the negative charge " to construct the fabric of the illusion that is found in struggle and resistance; for the  No_thing to give birth to the Everything " by this holy paradox and mystery,  the majesty of the anomaly where 0=1 …and set up the different points found in the locality of the special dimension, and cloth you with personal identity in this illusion of multiplicity, making real that which is not to circling infinity. Only through perceiving the magician’s trick will you either place the entire creation in a sealed box, or will you be able to aid in freeing your fellow cast that got trapped in this eternity of matter. Failure will result coming back to be recycled until your awareness will master the Art in Seeing through the very fabric this divine illusion. Part-taking in polarity, it is you who keep on dividing with zero that releases the magnetism generated by separate charge, to keep on generating your prison " utterly trapped within the vibrating matter, holding in place your point of location to keep on experiencing bouncing of the walls of the illusion.

   The Veil of Forgetfulness that you will come to experience is a natural consequence of the altered state of perception, when the unknown gradually separated from the known " The Birth of Choice, making experience subjective by the movement through space and the awareness of time  " before you were the One and Only Creator,  and by dividing the Self, you become the entire Creation, every single part in unison by the focusing of intent, and concentrate the light vibration needed to be able to operate from any single vocal point of light to constitute a specific point where perception can start to assemble when this individual focus of light can extend its reach to access the surrounding corresponding fields and access to the many band-with of grouped energy fields of frequency and vibration in the quest of mapping out the great unknown.

   And on that note, it is time lay down my crack-pipe.

   Actors, are you ready?

   to become the Artist

   and be the Play-write?

   Did I mention the plot is about twist? I mean for you dear reader, as your perception must also become fluent as you are not so separate from the mankind I write about

Draw the Curtain, the Stage is set, and on que with music, that heavenly frequency - the time has come to make real that which is not " for you must take the plunge and be cast out of the heavens, only to forget all that I have just said. To become less than what you truly are " to toil an eternity within the Illusion which demands your belief in making real the pain of your suffering. Trapped within a prison of shape by your own doing. The fragmentation of awareness becomes shattering shards of glass leaving the participants utterly fragile, maimed and crippled through divinity lost that barred the gates with no way out " first to give substance to the Dream, and with no prior knowledge that you are only dreaming " a form of madness becomes the quality of the Dream-state, where eternity bends back upon itself for the illusory multiplicity that without end sets out to further divide and separate " repeating the cycle, to forever experience each Haynes act and atrocity must as divinity must again claw its way out through of this hell that does not even exist in this now perceived lower frequency vibration where the colours, and shapes keep on changing "  falling ever deeper into frantic state of madness where every single constituent is brought to face the very absurdity of existence and creation that you subconsciously only know as utter non-existence, and by this very notion in that radiates from the unconscious met by the very presence of polarity, the dancing demons of this world sinks its claws ever deeper into your mind to bind you to the erratic motions and spinning patterns of this hellish torture " the very fabric of the dark feminine matter as your consciousness must be reduced into a shape or a form, by essence of your fallen spirit - a fragmented light vibration, just enough to resist this unholy interaction, and to give structure and construct to possess and live through the imprisoned of matter!!

   Quickly the suffering and pain sets in as the foundation of this plane of existence is found in atoms resisting atoms imposing limitations and restricting based the endless variety found in multiplicity based on strange new concepts of mass and density into the relativity that left an imprint of lucidity over the ever changing landscapes of this dream-state. The very moment the spirit infused with physical matter Life that became manifest started to plot the journey back through unification in the escalating and insane conditions of this escalating and dividing reality!!!

   It was here that I took up the Doctrine of the Fool and gained the Wisdom of the Ridiculous that was to pave the way back to the State of Divine One " in becoming a man who is stupid in countenance and in appearance wondering around like one that has lost his way. Mankind took to merry-making and part taking in the sacrificial feasts as if mounting the terrace in spring - to dull the harsh conditions of this subjective density - I alone was mild like one unemployed, like a new born-babe that cannot yet smile " unattached like one without a home. The people of the world have enough and despair " I am like one left out and my heart must be that of a fool, being muddled, nebulous " the vulgar unknowing, luminous " I alone am dull, confused. The vulgar are clever and the selfish assured " I alone, depressed, patient as the sea, seemingly aimless. The people of the world all have a purpose " I alone appear stubborn and unmoved. I alone differ from the other people and value drawing sustenance from the Mother. The Fool is the person that does not know enough to come in after the rain and who does not compete. Everybody get to the prizes before him " even to the material as well as the spiritual prizes. The Fool is the person who is not going anywhere and you can find him to sit in the road like the Mongolian Idiot Child - not interested in survival " who will play with his food, and drop it to chase after a distraction. As long as you do not cross him, this is the case of the Mongolian Idiot " he will remain the most wonderfully friendly swinging kind of a cat, but he has no ambition " he does not fight or himself nor can anybody ever get him to.

  Thus, it was the Fool who first broke free from this prison of shape and escape the illusion of vibrating matter to transmute into the analogue and architype of the Sage

“sometimes naked, sometimes mad, now the scholar, and now the fool " thus appear on Earth the Free Man” " Hindu Verse

His bid for freedom was acknowledge and given grant to steak his claim for power " Only by him responding to the dance of matter, could he forsake the resistance that bound and trapped his spirit deep within in matter " by relinquishing all control that resisted the captivity upon physical plane could serve mankind by example, and transmute the polar opposites, and through mastering movement that was possible within the space/time continuum with unpredictable grace and timely precision did he start to lead this dance where the masculine vibrating stands of light could intimately interact with the kymatically spinning feminine matter divine, and through this holy union found intelligent co-operation was consumated the Son, to set up the vectors of the holy trinity in which awareness could now start evolving as mankind became skilled in his lucidity to master the behavior displayed only by the Fool, the Shaman and the village idiot.

   Thus it was called the Toltec or the Warrior’s Way, where mankind through the Art of Stalking, the Art of Dreaming and the Mastery of Intent could mankind attain the skill of the hunter, whose interaction with his world became a calculated act in intelligent co-operation " utterly graceful and beautiful. So much so, for it was here were that man for the first time likened the act of creation to The Dance.

Let us hear it for the Fool " that baffled with gentle grace " in that his response could not be determined in becoming the man of character that lives at home without exercising his mind and performs actions without worry. The notions of right or wrong and the blame and praise of others do not disturb him. When within the four seas all people can enjoy themselves " that is happiness for him. When all people are well provided " that is peace for him. Sorrowful in countenance, he looks like a baby whom has lost his mother. In appearing stupid he goes about like one that has lost his way. He has plenty money to spend and he does not know where it comes from. He eats and drinks just like us " and yet he does not know where the food comes from. This is the demeanor of the man of character.

   For all that must still transcend this third/ fourth density state in transmuting polar opposites This is the Doctrine of the Fool and with it brings the Wisdom of the Ridiculous.

   How easily did you allow yourself to be led, and in being led, by no other than me, your very own village idiot who had labored days that seemed to have no end, when the heavens grabbed me and compelled me to write and unable to stop, to risk my sanity in trying to comprehend the secrets of the Magician Architype, to even dare to think I can perceive the intricacies of God and of the Cosmos. But if they should ask - I will always tell them that I sucked the entire thing out of the back of a crack-pipe!

Things are never what they appear to be, how easily are we lead by things that in the end will only turn out to be false enlightenment?

“When the Toltec Warrior encounters anything extraordinary, he behaves as if nothing has happened, because he does not believe for the sake of believing. Although the Warrior accepts the Face Value of something, he also ignores it, for he knows that the world is not what it appears to be. Therefore, the Warrior behaves as if he is in control, even when he may be totally baffled, for by acting in this he avoids the confusion born of obsession” " Toltec Aphorism






© 2016 Heno Zwarts

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This makes me feel as if i'm a being on a path to enlightenment or some kind of awakening. Becoming aware of the very fabric or thread of what makes a person be able to attain a higher consciousness. Then taking that path to become fully aware. Starting with learning what makes this world we walk in work and its mechanics to being able to change and mold those mechanics to somewhat change reality. But I think i'm going to have to read this several more times to really truly understand it. But i'm very much interested in doing that.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.



Firstly, I was attracted to the philosophical elements of this excerpt.


The formatting was organized, but very lengthy. Philosophy is a complex subject, and therefore I would suggest splitting it into modules, sections, or chapters. Most readers will be overwhelmed when they start reading. There were a plethora of subject matter compiled into one; “conjuring perceptions.”

The writer introduced their audience into an informal setting; we have been directed to “contemplate” the two words; “conjuring” and “perceptions.” Before I read on, I will offer insight into the matter. “Conjure” was defined as creation; something that has not been “thought” of yet. “Perceptions” was defined as the individual's truth which vary. For instance, two readers have read the same poem, but arrive at differing conclusions. And now I shall delve into the writer's mind.

Subjectively, the speaker believed humanity to be “magical beings;” divine. These philosophies reflected ideas of Thomas Aquinas, Plato, and Socrates. Humans were considered “Conjurers.” I agreed with this to a certain point. However, I believe that thoughts have been experienced by everyone. “Perception” was the differential. For instance, artists have focused on the universal topic, love. This emotion was portrayed in a prism of perceptions. Frankly, I viewed paintings and sketches to be a product of a “Conjurer” rather than a writer. According to Plato, his theory of “Forms” suggested non-physical but substantial forms (ideas) represent the most accurate reality. For instance, a photograph was not reality since it was a copy of the model. In contrast, abstract ideas from the mind have been “Conjured,” as you have put it. Hopefully, I have been making sense so far.

“Veil of Forgetfulness” appeared to be another theory called “tableau rossa” or blank slate. A blank slate referred to the idea that we are born without knowledge or wisdom of the Creator. In contrast, other philosophers believed infants already had the divine being within, but it remained dormant until an epiphany struck.


I will admit that after you lost me because there was much to digest. Here are my following suggestions:

1. Compile your philosophies into a book. This will help organize your thoughts instead of jumping into a stream of conscience where the reader feels they need to race or catch up.

2. Title each section as if it were a text book. For instance, offer INTRODUCTION with a thesis.

3. Be consistent with your voice. There were times this read like a text book, but switch to informality. I suggest keeping it objective instead of going off on a tangent.


1. The ability to articulate with his/her intriguing thoughts.
2. The writer is an intelligent and talented individual.
3. The speaker is witty; his/her voice shows.
4. The quotes used in this piece of prose helped the reader comprehend.


Final Suggestion: Your quotes resonated with me for it encapsulated the main themes within your philosophy. Perhaps, you could use them to introduce each chapter if you decide to transfer it into a book. I would be interested in reading it again when you have split it into chapters. Think in terms of Teacher and Student. The Teacher can talk for an hour yet the Student's attention span is only retained for 5 minutes or less. Therefore, shorter sections are simpler to follow. The operative word being “simpler”, not “easier.”

Overall, I was thrilled with the challenge of reading it. I am not sure if I completely agree, but it is theory. Much of what I read I have heard similar from Philosophy Courses, but you just end up calling it by a different name. Like I said, I do not believe in “original thought”, but unique “perception.” Thank you so much for sharing this! Many will return to reread and dissect it. Hopefully, my suggestions help you.


Posted 7 Years Ago

This write made me think, but it also gave me a certain peace. I agree with the recent review. I feel as if you are taking me on a journey through the soul of all creation. Making me think and understand the meaning of this life and the next. What really impacted me was this line,
"All this happens so naturally as you quickly realize that the last frontier or barrier between you and unpredictable world of matter is your own inner sanctuary " the mind."
The Mind, such a complex, but simple thing, it gives us our identity, but can bring us insanity. Thank you for sharing. I look forward to reading more.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The fool is the paradox. His madness allows him to break the vial of reality. There can be no order if you do not see order. If you do not recognize it. We must think but not see. We must believe but not fully understand. The mother and father can only truly transcend matter with the madness of the fool.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This makes me feel as if i'm a being on a path to enlightenment or some kind of awakening. Becoming aware of the very fabric or thread of what makes a person be able to attain a higher consciousness. Then taking that path to become fully aware. Starting with learning what makes this world we walk in work and its mechanics to being able to change and mold those mechanics to somewhat change reality. But I think i'm going to have to read this several more times to really truly understand it. But i'm very much interested in doing that.

Posted 7 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on October 17, 2016
Last Updated on October 18, 2016


Heno Zwarts
Heno Zwarts

Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Herewith an update on WC Publishing & projects: “Dragon Lore” - ISBN: 978-0-620-65894-2 by H.Zwarts a metaphysical tale of a lone wolf & a lady dragon that becomes the underlinin.. more..


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