A shoulder to cry on...

A shoulder to cry on...

A Poem by Jamestown

A safe zone...


I look in the direction of where my mother is standing
and I can tell by her posture and the fragile look in her eyes
something is obviously wrong,

Not to quick to invade her space, I allow her some time
too visit her thoughts and emotions,

As a few minutes tick away and the big hand on the clock
strikes the 12, and the new hour starts to run it's course
I think it's the appropriate time to tippy-toe over to her
and find out what's eating at her, fully aware when I ask
she will become Niagara falls instantly,

I tread softly and with caution,
I whisper "mom" then again "mother"
She slowly turns in my direction and says "yes son"
I reply "what's wrong"
She shakes her head back and forth and says
"I just don't understand this family of ours sometimes"
I tried so hard raising you kids to love, respect and to support
me and one another and our family does none of this, we are
constantly at each other's throats! Tears flowing like the Colorado river,

I reply "I know mom you tried your best" everything will be alright
I embrace her into my body and lend my shoulder for her to cry on,

But the truth be told, with 4 grown adult kids, with 3 different dads
a multitude of mistakes between us,major resentment and jealousy
I honestly don't know for sure if everything will ever be alright,

I know for a fact that my mother knows this, but I feel I am obligated
to answer the way a did and continue to pray that the good Lord will
fix this hell bound family and until then I will always have a shoulder
for my mommy to cry on...

© 2015 Jamestown

Author's Note

All glory and honor belongs to Christ Jesus!
Ephesians 6:1-3 honor your father and mother...

My Review

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Very touching poem ... family is full of mistery . There are no perfect family except on TV :-)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
Wow James....this is splendid.....taking me on a trip down memory lane, with my own failed attempts to achieve intimate moments like these.....but time is still on my side.....for now, I can only use a phone or Skype, but this reminds me of Ecclesiates 3 - "A time for everything".....and even though I may have dozens of things bringing divisions, at least, the one uniting aspect, is, "we love each other".

Thank you for sharing this intimate moment! I pray that it may become prophetic for me, too. :)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and your kind review b-blessed!
This was a really beautiful piece James. I always love to read pieces that are about mums. I think it's really fantastic when men can be open and honest about their love, respect, and support of their mums. Great job. Beautiful write.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
This is beautiful James. You really moved me. You know: a companion approached prophet Mohamed once and asked him: "Oh prophet of God, whom of the people is worthy of the best of my companionship?"
"Your mother," prophet Mohamed said.
"Then whom?" the man replied.
"Then your mother," the prophet said.
"Then whom?"
"Then your mother."
"Then whom?"
"Then you father."

No matter what you do, you won't be able to pay your mother for what she did to you, so the best one could do, is to treat her well. Each of your works are evidence that you're a man that fears his creator, and for that you have my utmost respect. Thank you for this great piece of literature. I have to give you a hundred for this one; this work made my day :)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and your kind review! I admire you my brother
beyond the point of .. read more
Shane Mohamed

9 Years Ago

You're very welcome :)
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Oh James, you have said it perfectly well. Our part of honoring our parents is not to put them down, to give them hope and to be there for them, as they age and we mature.
Blessings and prayers for your family!

Posted 9 Years Ago

The dynamics of many a modern family ......
You captured it. But, you also captured how selfless a child can be in order to put aside resentment and blame and just love a parent back despite all her inadequacies.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
Sad yet beautiful!
Going in my favorites!
Follow the commandments :)
My prayers for you, kind sir.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out, that means a lot come back and visit me:)
You are as well prayed .. read more
Cool Girl

9 Years Ago

You're welcome, the pleasure was all mine!
Thank you so much :)
all you can do as a parent is to show you the way and pray you will follow
the rest is up to god

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

So true! Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
This one hits home brother' my Mom raised all six us by her self, it wasn't pretty but we all made it OK. Thanks for sharing a piece of your Heart and a touch of your inspiration" Very well done! thanks for the Add;)

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!
Such a moving piece. Such love and emotion you have expressed. Understanding and wisdom with such passion runs through it.
A sweet, heartwarming write.

Posted 9 Years Ago


9 Years Ago

Thanks for checking it out and b-blessed!

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44 Reviews
Shelved in 2 Libraries
Added on March 17, 2015
Last Updated on May 9, 2015



Denver, CO

Fun, spontaneous, outgoing, God fearing man. Enjoy reading and have a passion to write. PTL. ... more..


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