The Journey Closing

The Journey Closing

A Story by KurKota

A brief review of life and the forthcoming end of the journey

It is coming to its limits
The form is complete
My journey is coming to its finish
I am seeing what I was to be
What was my purpose on this journey
Which load it was that I was to carry
Who the people were that I was to share
Dreams, plans, sensations, and thoughts
Some were who would be predicted
Others were those that lasted but a moment
And were a brief surprise, others a lifetime spent
Have I done all that I was meant to do?
Had I said or done the best for them I could?
My intention was that I would
But failures were likely many, as we shrew
A shortcut here, an avoidance there,
Missed chances likely many
To have done better, but failed
However, guilt is shared by others in turn
To have done better for me, and others
When the wind failed our sails, and were spurned
But matter now not, for the shoreline once far!
Now is but a short distance, coming closer
Soon the journey ends.

© 2018 KurKota

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Added on May 14, 2018
Last Updated on May 14, 2018
Tags: Reflection upon a life



If you read any of my submitted writings here, you will create your own mental image of who I am, and for here that is likely enough. I am educated by a University, however, I learn mostly from lif.. more..

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