I See You

I See You

A Poem by Lady Miyako-san of the West

Sitting, laying on my bed

Random thoughts fill my head

Wishing I could be somewhere else instead

I see you


I see your face, so perfectly sculpted in my mind

I see your soul, and with mine it has intertwined

I see your heart, towards me it is never unkind

I see you


I see you when I see no other being

I see you and my heart you are freeing

I see you and I'm finally really seeing

I see you


I see us, together, like we should be

I see us, together, just you and me

I see us, together, you kneeling on one knee

I see you


I see our long future together

I see our love prosper through any kind of weather

I see our happiness, we're as light as a feather

All I see is you

© 2009 Lady Miyako-san of the West

Author's Note

Lady Miyako-san of the West
I wrote this in my Creative Writing class this morning when the only person I could think about was my wonderful boyfriend, whom I missed very much at the time because he was on his senior picnic.

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Nice, keep up the good work.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on September 25, 2009


Lady Miyako-san of the West
Lady Miyako-san of the West

Forks, WA

I am a young inspired writer who is striving for success!!! I don't do fancy and I don't do fake. I am me and I always will be, there's nothing you or anyone else can do about it, so deal with it!.. more..
