The Witch

The Witch

A Poem by Loney tunes

Dedicated exclusively to the Female folk

seductive is her approach,
as mischievous as a monkey,
the thriving nocturnal roach,
to all she has the key.
the world is bound by her chants,
by curses styled in cursive
provoked by  coarse rants
and tricks of deceitful eve.
like valkyrie riding on the winds, 
the eagle gliding through the skies
ceasing our breath, flapping wings
to conceal mist over the eyes.
is she not the seed of discord
who at the bid of the serpent
brought on everything odd
and abnormal to our world?
but from her we burst forth,
we suckled on her while young
justifying why we fought
over her love for so long.
if malice lasts the day,
her dew comes at night
to postpone the delay 
of all that is right.
she is mother alice;
guard of the sacred grail:
the treasured chalice
from which we all hail.
the arbiter  of peace
holding the symbol of honour: 
the balance of justice.
royalty is her colour
i dare not offend her grace
or bring her to shame.
i dare not moisten her face,
wouldn't that be so lame?
even when you get rich
and all is within your reach
never despise her itch
'cos every woman is a witch.

© 2012 Loney tunes

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Added on December 13, 2012
Last Updated on December 13, 2012
Tags: witch, witchcraft, women, mother