Red Coat and White toque

Red Coat and White toque

A Story by Mariette H.

A Christmas story I have a little story to share with you about a woman with red coat and white toque!


Red coat, white hat,  bent with age,with trembling hands

Wrinkles  on her  face that reads like her life story

Turning her head with a trying effort

"Could you please help me? she asks

 She no longer has the clear vision of bygone days

The youth now a memory etched  in a compartment of her mind

"Connect these two wires together"

Delicate work

To meticulous for her trembling hands


Christmas lights

Glowing from her window

A magic show ,like a little kid with glittering eyes, intoxicated with pure joy, I imagined

A small dog that barks

Her only  friend perhaps?

"Anytime" I said with a smile.

With  a  broken nervous like  laugh of excitement she steals a kiss ,and I give her one back.

© 2010 Mariette H.

Author's Note

Mariette H.
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Added on December 31, 2010
Last Updated on December 31, 2010
Tags: christmas, story, white, coat, toque