Shake off the dust

Shake off the dust

A Poem by Helena

a poem about the life


Shake off the dust of the million years

This story is old like the world…

Be it a beggar or a millionaire

Everyone walks on the same road.

Shake off the dreams that will never come true

Look up to the sky ask the question “why”

For living this life, every me and you

Every flesh will soon or later die…  

So just shake off everything that bothers your mind

You are free for time will take you away

No one will see it, forever blind

People will always choose to pray…

And hope and believe for that is the way

The road which is one but not always gray…


So pray, and pray and wait for the rain…

While your prayers unheard and lost in vain

This life is so easy, it is so plain!

Just shake off the dust and leave the pain…

© 2015 Helena

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Added on July 23, 2015
Last Updated on July 25, 2015
Tags: Life dead pray



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