A Swift Bond

A Swift Bond

A Story by Naomi & Gabriela

I was laying on my bed, trying to sleep, when I heard a girl’s scream. It was not a scream that you could ignore. I peeked from my window and I could see that people around the neighbourhood noticed that sound too, but nobody ran outside facing the windy weather to find the source of the heart-wrenching sound like I did.

​I cursed under my breath when the cold hit me. I looked around, and I saw a girl with pink coat and dark hair being dragged by two men. One of them held her fragile figure and the other one was trying to gag her. Those men noticed me coming to them. They quickly pushed the girl to go inside their car. Her eyes widened in panic, and then those eyes begged me to save her.

​It’s like the universe has given me a chance to redeem myself after what I did to my daughter. At that time it was true that I didn't know that girl nor the guys who captured her, but one look at her panicked eyes was enough to make me determined to save her.

​My military training kicked in, I rushed back into my house, grabbed my motorbike key and my jacket then immediately started the engine. It was so stupid of me not to get the licensed plate, but I remembered clearly that the car was a deep blue van with a sticker that said ‘Real Man Uses Three Pedals’ sticked on the rear window.

​I tailed the van. It was no easy task, they knew that they were being followed so they purposely took the most difficult route but I was in no mood to stop. I kept on chasing when suddenly I heard gunshots. I looked back, and I saw a similar van chasing me. Damn, those guys must’ve called for back up. It took me a while to realise that one of the bullets had grazed my left arm. Blood started flowing through the wound. The pain was not agonizing but it's pretty painful that I lost balance. I got no other option than to stop. Damn it, I lost the car.

​I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned until the sun came up. My mind was spinning. How on earth am I going to save the girl without a single clue? One of my mentors in the military once said, “There’s no such thing as being clueless. Keep digging and you’ll find something.” His words kept my spirit up.

I remembered something. The guy who captured the girl got a tattoo on his right arm; a circle with a tiny skulls around the edge and a cross in the middle. How on earth did I just realise this now? That is a tattoo that I could never ever forget.

I knew what to do. I was going to call my friend from the days when we were both standing side by side in the war. Yeah, I was sure that Thomas could help me this time. Even though he failed once in helping me dealing with the case that involved the same cursed tattoo, but he was my best shot.

I tried to forget all the memories from the war, including who I served with in there. Remembering the gun in my hand, the people that I have killed in the name of my country, and fellow soldiers who died in the frontline was just too stressful. If I wanted to save the girl, and I had to make some sacrifice. I had to put my reluctance aside.

I searched for Thomas's numbers in the phonebook. I pressed the numbers on my phone with one hand, my right arm was still hurt from the previous night. A few beeps later, and I heard the familiar voice saying hello.

"Thomas? It's Jake. Remember?"
"Jake? I can't believe you call me,"
"Listen, I need your help, but it's not something I can tell you through the phone. I need to talk to you face to face. I'll see you in 30 at our usual drinking place back in the old days. Is that okay with you?
"I'll be there."

So I came to the bar and waited for Thomas, not 5 minutes later, he showed up. I told him about the girl, the tattoo, and everything else. He told me what he knew, the tattoo was a symbol for an organisation, more like a gang, in Middle East. The infamous organisation was known for its many crimes around the world. Thomas said that they had a base camp in the US. He promised me that he will tell me more once he got more information from his cop friends.

His information gave me headache. What was the connection between a little girl and a criminal organisation? Could a gang like that deal with human trafficking? This case hit too close to my heart.

I closed my eyes, trying to block the memory of my sweet daughter Marilyn who was kidnapped just like the girl I was searching. I was deployed in Afghanistan when I got the call that she was missing, so I couldn't rush and search for her. I left the case to the cops because I couldn't go home, begging them to save my daughter before it's too late. I also asked Thomas to help the cops because he was home at that time. I couldn't afford to lose anyone else after my wife's death when giving birth to Marilyn.

The cops indeed were too late. They found her body lying lifeless on the ground a few days later. I remembered the tattoo from the girl's kidnaper all to well because the same tattoo was found printed on my baby girl's arm. Thomas tried to help me finding out the meaning of the tattoo but we both along with the cops met a dead end.


The next morning, Thomas called up a meeting. It was true that we could use the information given by his cop friends, but we understand that we couldn't tell the cops, they alone were as messed up as the gang itself. Besides, I couldn't work with a cop after how poorly they dealt with my daughter's case. The cops said that there had been some cases of missing girls aged 10-17, but there wasn't enough leads so they just dropped the case. Thomas asked them if they knew anything about the location of the organisation, and the odds must be in our favour because they knew exactly where their base was. They're hiding in Alabama, a 6 hours drive from where we were, Louisiana.
Thomas was talking to me about the detail of our trip (yes, he insisted on going with me, putting himself in danger) while my mind was spinning with the new information. What if this isn't really human trafficking? Honestly, human trafficking would be a better option because at least, they won't kill her. What if the same thing happened again? I couldn't loose the girl, not after my baby girl. I shook my head. No. I have to save her, no matter what. I snapped Thomas from his babbling.

"Thomas, shut up. We're leaving now."
"But.. what.. No plans at all?"
"We can think of the plan on the way. You have something that would get us there fast?"
At that, Thomas smiled at me and winked.

I frowned when I saw his car.
“You call this a sweet ride?” I said. It was a Ford Focus ST. I was thinking something like a Ferrari.
“Hey, be grateful. It can fit more than two people and it’s faster than common cars. What if we find more girls being tortured in there?”
I raised my hand in defeat and got into his car. We packed some food and drinks so we didn't have to stop. I was grateful for his company. We left at noon and we reached Alabama at 7 pm. I was planning to bust the place that night, but Thomas reasoned with me and said that we should stalked it first, studied the place and all.

We stalked from a place high enough so we could see everything. It was cold, but I tried to ignore it and concentrate. The base was huge. The fence was electrified with high voltage, preventing unwanted guests to break in. I caught a movement from the right fence. A man was coming out from their base. It looked like he was half drunk. Instantly, I got an idea. I dread after what I had in mind, but I got no other choice. I had to torture him out for information. This was my only chance. Lord forgave me, but I just couldn't sit around and let the girl die.

I did what I had to do. When the man was alone and out of his colleagues’ reach, I grabbed him into the nearby alley which was empty and I considered a sufficient place to, well, it’s hard to say, torture the man. I tried to figure out when and where the girls were being moved, whether the girl had been moved or not, who was the head of the operation, their funding, and was it really human trafficking.

Lucky for us, he was drunk enough to not being able to fight back but sober enough to answer some of our questions. He denied at first, saying that he didn't know anything. But after breaking his arm and pulling out 3 of his nails in a way too cruel for me to describe, he finally told me that it was not human trafficking, it’s human organ trafficking. In my mind, there was no difference between them. The guy said that their MO was to kidnap girls, rape them and blackmail their parents. The organisation promises that they would give their daughter back to them after they give them certain amount of money, but instead of doing that they kill them and take their major organs and sell those in the black market after they got the money. I really hoped that I was not too late to save the girl. The drunken man also told me that the last batch of girl possibly consisting that girl would be moved tomorrow at midnight heading to Mexico.

I exchanged a look with Thomas, hoping he understands my message. We needed to make a move as soon as possible. Once they were out of the country, searching the girl would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Thomas nodded. He let the man go after asking him one last major question : how can we get inside safely. He told us to go inside by the east gate, because the guard was on break right at that moment. He also told us where the cameras were so we could avoid it. I hated alcohol, but at that time I thank God for it because that liquor made our job easier.

Didn't want to waste any seconds, Thomas and I walked to the east gate. The guy was telling the truth; the gate was abandoned. We still readied our guns though, just in case. The wound from the bullet graze a few days ago just left a dull ache. Thank God for that or I won’t be able to hold my gun steadyIy. I took a deep breath and went inside the building. It was dark, Thomas’s flashlight was the only source of light that we had. I looked to my right and left searching for doors to break into. I kept walking and then Thomas called my name in a whisper. He motioned to the door next to him. I couldn’t believe I missed it. I tried to listen for any sound, but I couldn’t hear anything. I couldn't take a risk though, what if the girls were in there? So I nodded once at Thomas and kicked the door as hard as I could. I pointed my gun on reflex but there’s nobody in there. Thomas muttered a series of curse. Damn, I hoped nobody heard the sound of the breaking door or we’d in trouble.

We left that empty room and started to search again. This time, I found another door. I heard muffled voice from inside. Thomas wasted no time and kicked the door. I got inside and saw girls being tied up and gagged like they’re not human beings. I could see tears stain and bruises on their cheeks. Their clothes were filthy and they had blood on them. I looked around and sighed in relief because there were no guards in there. The girls looked at Thomas and I with panicked eyes.

“Ssh, don’t worry, we’re not the bad guys. We’re getting you out of here, okay?”
“Yeah, just stay calm. You’re gonna be okay,” Thomas said.

His words calmed them. We quickly released them. My eyes wandered around and when I couldn't find what I was searching for I started panicking. My temporary relief vanished and I felt frightened in an instant. Have I failed? I froze until I didn't realise that Thomas was calling me.

“Jake? Jake! Is everything alright? Jake, talk to me.”
“The girl,” I whisper. “She’s not here.”
"Wait, what? Are you absolutely sure?" Thomas asked. And I nod, I was 100 percent positive. I remembered the girl from my neighbourhood clearly, her eyes and her long dark hair couldn’t be forgotten. There were 4 girls, but that one particular girl was nowhere to be seen. It was not like I wasn't glad that those 4 girls would be safe and sound, it’s just that I couldn't shake off the need to save that one girl. Thomas and I brought the other 4 girls outside safely through the east gate where we came in from. We tucked them safely inside the car. I gave them a moment to recover, they looked so confused and horrified. How could anybody did something like that to young girls?

Before I asked any question about the girl, one girl who introduced herself as Louise told us that there was another girl. My heart skipped at the news. I still could save the girl. Louise informed that she was taken to another room by a man. The thoughts immediately sent chills to my body. The girl I intended to save in the first place might be in great danger. I asked Thomas to stay with Louise and the others in the car and keep them companied and comfortable while I went back to save the girl. Thomas resisted at first, but I convinced him that I’ll be okay and the girls needed him more than I do. I gave him a smile, and I went inside.

I, again, went through the east gate. Wasting no time, I headed to the room next to the room where I found the 4 girls. I heard nothing. The door was unlocked so I opened it and there was nothing in this room. Just as I was getting desperate I heard a scream and muffled cry. The voice belonged to a girl. I followed the sound to the other room in a rush. This time, the door was locked. I kicked it hard and it opened. Inside, there was the girl laying helplessly naked on a bed with a man on top of her. The scene blinded me. I couldn’t think of anything else beside causing him pain. But I knew that I should not kill the man, so I holstered my gun. Furiously, I grabbed the man and yanked him to the wall. He just stared at me, a smug smile was plastered on his face but his eyes radiated fear. I beat him over and over until he lost consciousness. I took a deep breath. Just then I remembered that I had a company. I turned around, and the girl just lay there, still crying and screaming. I search for her clothes but I couldn't find it anywhere. I brought a blanket that was beside her and draped it around her.

“Who.. who are you? Please don’t hurt me,” the girl sobbed. Seeing a child being molested like this broke my heart. I soothed her and wiped the tears from her face. I wanted to hug her but I knew all to well that it would make her more afraid.
“My name is Jake, and I'm here to save you, I am not gonna hurt you, okay? I know that you must be scared, but I need you to get up and go out with me, can you do that?" I asked her. She gave a small nod. Holding the blanket tight, she stood up and I guided her out to Thomas and the others.
“You’re the guy from the place where I was kidnapped, aren't you?” she said while we were walking. Her voice was so small I barely heard it. I nodded at her, amazed at her attention to details.
Gently, I gave her my name card and I told her not to hesitate to contact me whenever she needs help and I promised to help her any way I could. She didn't say anything but she took the name card and clutched it in her trembling hands.

Thomas and I brought the girls to the nearest police station. Before Thomas and I offered our founding, we demanded the girls to be taken to hospital so they could recover properly. An ambulance came to the police station shortly. I saw Louise and the others walked to the ambulance weakly. They looked exhausted. The girl, my girl, glanced at me. I smiled at her and mouthed “It’s gonna be okay”. To my surprise she smiled back.

After telling our stories to the policemen, they assured us that they would continue the work from here to shut down the organisation and that they would make sure that every girl returned home safely. It was like a huge burden had finally been lifted from my shoulders. Thomas and I went back home and I thanked Thomas, really thanked Thomas. I made a promise to myself that I won't try to erase the people from the battlefield anymore. They were my friends, they had my back and I had theirs, and I should at least honour them by contacting them.


A week later, I received a text message from an unknown number.

My name is Maria Lucas. I want to thank you, Mr. Jake Brown, for saving my life, my future, and beyond that. Thank you very much and I prayed to God to bless you. I also want to tell you that I am safe and sound back with my family, thanks to you. Thank you Mr. Brown may God bless you.


© 2014 Naomi & Gabriela

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Added on December 23, 2014
Last Updated on December 23, 2014


Naomi & Gabriela
Naomi & Gabriela

surabaya, east java, Indonesia

hi! this is naomi and gabriela from surabaya, Indonesia hope u enjoy our writings! happy reading:D more..
