A Poem by Jillian Alexis



Her daddy beats her every night,

his cruel words cut her like a knife;

Her Mama watches with blind eyes,

ignoring each new tear she cries.


Who will help this little girl,

within her sad and dismal world;

For no one’s yet to save the day,

her life is joyless; dark, and  grey.


And so this child of nine years old,

does whatever she is told;

If not, she'll feel the Razor Strap,

digging deep into her back.


She tries her best to understand,

what she has done that is so bad;

"Why do they whip me every night,"

she wonders as she starts to cry.


The bruises are quite plain to see,

beneath her eyes, they’re blue and green;

No one seems to understand,

she's at the mercy of their hands.


When she goes to bed at night,

she prays the Lord will take her life;

There is no hope or joy in sight,

and so she reaches for the knife.


She slits both wrists;

 the cuts are deep.

Perhaps tonight,

 she'll get some sleep.


She's buried in a shabby grave;

this one who's suffered so much pain;

Her parents have another child,

who cannot seem to make them smile.


And just like her, this child's abused,

they rob his innocence and youth;

These parents had to come from Hell,

as they make sure no one will tell.


Just like his sister, he is killed,

and buried in some empty field;

The mother is with child again,

 will this nightmare ever end?


Copyright ©2012 Jillian Alexis

© 2015 Jillian Alexis

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Added on April 24, 2012
Last Updated on February 21, 2015


Jillian Alexis
Jillian Alexis

Mattoon, IL

Hello. My name is Jillian Alexis, and I want to thank everyone for visiting my page, reading my work, and leaving comments. Writing is not only something I do, it is actually who I am. I give GOD all .. more..
