

A Story by Alexander D. May

It's one of my shorter stories. More of something to post 'just to post'. I came up with it in a mere 10 minutes, I hope this doesn't detract from it's worth though.

  Head looking down at the microscopic grains of sand littered upon ground, was what this woman was doing. Her eyes were like a dam, overflowing, holding back the tears which persistently tried to cleanse her soul of the sadness she faced. 
  Depression, for her, it was a cunning thief, taking away the simple pleasures in life. The ones that truly make our days matter. 
  Anticipation. Loss. Heartache.
  These words bounced around in her head, a negative affirmation which consistently reminded her little she was worth. Words, they form our beings. One letter by one letter, a sentence by a sentence, paragraph by paragraph.
  This woman tempted fate, to look up. What did she see? Alas, a dim sky, a dead tree, a sense of hopelessness. 
 A single warm tear fell heavily from her eye. Falling in perfect formation until it hit the ground, which of course is when it splattered and became part of the dirt, dissolving and dissipating, falling and bleeding, becoming eliminated by the world and soaking into the earth.
 Just like her.

© 2012 Alexander D. May

Author's Note

Alexander D. May
It's short, and definitely not one of my best. Which in all honesty, disheartens me.

My Review

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I think it's stunningly good for a work that took ten minutes. Was it intentional that it started and ended with tears? It has a struture - did you do that consciously? I think it would really be worth working up.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

Thank you!

11 Years Ago

David Foster Wallace - please try this, I am so impressed with him, there's much more -
http.. read more

11 Years Ago

Of course and thank you!
As long as you realize what you can do you'll be fine. It was actually quite good. No matter how short a story, if your reader stands beside them, you've done good. I stood beside your character. Your story spoke real words.

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is an interesting piece, I can relate to it, but, I feel you could use some more emotion. Other than that, this is good considering you came up with in in a short amount of time.

Posted 11 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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3 Reviews
Added on October 18, 2012
Last Updated on October 18, 2012
Tags: Tear, earth, perception, anticipation, loss, heartache, affirmation, flash fiction, 200 words


Alexander D. May
Alexander D. May

Tallahassee, FL

This box begs me to tell about myself. Such a vague question, for I barely know who I am. I'm currently stuck in a musical and literary purgatory; indecisive to what I will do too with my life. I'm a .. more..
