The Banished:  The Trouble with Time

The Banished: The Trouble with Time

A Story by Michael Gill

The Banished

Issue #1

The Trouble With Time


Chapter 1



The Banished left The United States and returned to their Island of Katasia via their jet called The Prowler, as they were returning from the quick funeral of Dark-Rider.  “If you ask me Superior should have given our allies more time to give a decent funeral.”  Tusk broke the long silence that had filled the jet since their take off.


“Remember what Jacob told us, Superior is now possessed by the demon Samhain.”  Lion Heart reminded him and others, “He’s been a long time enemy of The Dark-Riders.  Honor is not within his code.”


A beeping sound came from the communications console, “It is from our people, they say that during the time we have been gone Dark Dragon has returned with his men and have taken over Katasia again.”  Tigris informed them.


“This means we can’t land near the palace.”  Batswing brought up a valid point.


“Why not?  That’s our home!  Not his!”  Falcona complained.


“The answer is simple little sister, if we even get within range of the palaces defenses you can kiss our furry rear ends good bye!”  Panthra told her.


“Activate the cloaking device that Sparks had installed and land near The Cave.”  Lion Heart instructed Tusk.


“Sure thing big brother.” 


  “Once we have landed we’ll need to do some recon and find out what is going on.”  Lion Heart told the others, “Batswing and Falcona you two cover the skies, Tigris and Panthra find our normal contacts, Tusk you stay in The Cave and be sure that it is secure.  I’m going into the town of Gothro which is outside of our palace and find out what I can of Dark Dragons’ sudden return.”


Once they landed The Prowler near The Cave, The Banished went their separate ways.  Tusk went inside The Cave and looked around.  “Seems like nothing has changed since we left all those months ago.”  He thought to himself as he recalled that they had left The Cave since they returned to the palace.  He turned on the main computer and decided to contact Jacob to apprise him of the situation. 


“Then it is best we leave you to take care of your home before we call upon your help.”  Jacob told him.  “If you need any assistance do not hesitate to contact us.”


“I will pass the word along to Lion Heart when he returns.”  Tusk assured him.  “Tusk ending communication.”  Once the screen went blank he sat down in his giant chair, “And now I wait, oh joy.”


Chapter 2



Batswing and Falcona were glad to be back in the skies of their homeland, despite the fact that their brother had once again taken over.  Batswing used his extra sensitive hearing to try to pick up conversations from the ground below.  From what he able to gather he communicated to his sister, “By the way things are sounding down there, Dark Dragon and his men are taking people out of their homes for a mining project.”


“What kind of mining project?”  She asked him.


“Can’t tell, people are whispering in hushed voices and we both know that from this elevation I won’t be able to hear what they’re saying.”


“Let’s head back to The Cave, hopefully the others are able to find out more about what’s going on since we left.”  Falcona told him.


“Agreed, but what I really want to know is how they were able to take over in a short period of time.”  Batswing said as they turned around and headed back to The Cave.


Tigris and Panthra met with one of their contacts within The Royal Underground.  They were servants and faithful supporters of King Leo and were also advisers to Lion Heart and the rest of The Banished when they were in hiding the first time.  The man’s name was Anthros, and he told them, “No sooner that you had left to America you’re brother Dark Dragon came with his armies and immediately took over the palace.”


“How did he arrive?”  Panthra asked him.


“They arrived through what looked like a portal from The Abyss.”  Anthros answered.


“Superior is the only one I can think with the power to create a portal.”  Tigris deduced and her sister nodded.


“I had no idea that Superior had become that powerful.”  Anthros spoke in fear.  The two sisters then informed him how Superior had become possessed by the demon known as Samhain.  “What are we to do?”


“First we need to get rid of Dark Dragon then we can help the rest of the world.”  Tigris told him and then turned to her sister, “We best be heading back, Lion Heart and the others am sure would like to know what is going on.” 


Lion Heart used the new Changer that he was given that allowed him to disguise as another person.  He looked like one of the other townspeople with a cloak over his head.  With his lion like ears he listened intensely to the conversations around him.  People were taken off the streets to mine a cave that had a certain jewel in it.  As he listened he had forgotten that the changer did not disguise his jewelry and someone had recognized the signet ring.  “Look its Lion Heart!  Dark Dragon wants him dead or alive!”  Someone from the crowd shouted and pointed him out.  Lion Heart ran as fast as he could and thanks to his Lion like abilities he was able to run faster than the average human and lost them in the jungle leading to The Cave.



Chapter 3



The Banished returned to The Cave within seconds of one another.  Each one told the others the information they had retrieved.  “So let’s make sure we all have our facts straight.”  Lion Heart began to review verbally, “Dark Dragon was brought here by a portal created by Superior, and he took over the palace without a fight by the palace guards.  And now he has been abducting people from either their homes or off the streets to mine a certain jewel.”


“And from what I’ve been able to gather they are working them around the clock.”  Anthros told them for he had joined them in The Cave.


“Batswing, I want you to go to the mine and find out for certain what they are mining and who is in charge.”  Lion Heart commanded.  “Tigris, Panthra will survey the area in case he is found and get him out of there.  Falcona and Tusk you two survey the palace and see if you can find out anything.  I’m going to find someone who can help us.”


Batswing flew into the mine and thankful for the cover of night he was able to go unseen.  He perched himself high up in the cave ceiling.  He listened as the men below worked below him.  “How much longer do we have until we are out of this place Gorthan?”  One of the workers asked another.


“Until we’re dead as long as Dark Dragon and his men have anything to say about it.”  Gorthan answered him.  “If only The Royals hadn’t left for America, this would’ve never happened Jashan.”


“They should be back by now though.”  Jashan thought out loud.


“Even if they did make it back, there’s no way they would land safely.”  Gorthan countered, “And if they did land they would be hunted down.”


Batswing thought to himself, Good thing they don’t know that The Royals are also known as The Banished.  He heard something to his left and focused his senses in that direction.  

“Another one has fallen!”  He heard someone say, “Best drag him out so the guards can return him to his family for burial.”  

Batswing could hear them dragging the body out to the entrance of the mine.  He thought to himself, I wonder what caused him to die?


  Tigris and Panthra watched from afar as the men brought out a body of an old man.  They heard the men tell the guards where the dead mans’ family was so he could have a decent funeral.  The guards at first laughed but fell silent once another man appeared.  “What are you guards laughing at?”

“Just that these fools think that this man should be given a decent funeral.”  One of guards answered trying to hold in his laughter.

“Maybe he should since he was the first to die so far.”  The other guard pointed out.

“Listen if these men all die off before all the gems are mined that is needed who do you think will be going in there next?”  Their boss asked them.

“But Task Master…”  One of them began to protest.

“That’ll be enough out of the both of you!”  Task Master ordered, “Now return this man to his family so they can bury him.  And you also will be giving these to help pay for the expenses.”  He handed them some jewels, “Now get going.”

“At once Task Master.”  They saluted and dragged the body off to the town.

“That’s interesting.”  Tigris thought out loud.

“What’s that sister?”  Panthra asked.

“That the one called Task Master would show compassion to those who die in the mine.”

“Maybe he’s a slave himself.”  Panthra suggested.

“That’s a possibility.”  Tigris nodded.

“I wonder how the others are doing?”  Panthra asked and Tigris shrugged.




Chapter 4



Tusk and Falcona hid in the bushes that surrounded the palaces’ courtyard.  They had been hiding there for the past couple of hours, and both of them were beginning to come on edge.  Falcona wanted to fly into the open skies and Tusk wanted to stretch but doing so would give away their position, since the courtyard was full of people.  Dark Dragon was out there as well as some of his Serpent Squad.  There were more of them and they could easily take care of the brother and sister duo.  “Can you hear what they are saying?”  Falcona asked Tusk.


“I got big ears don’t I?”  He countered, and then opened up his ears so he could hear much better.


“How much longer do we have to wait?”  Sea Serpent asked.


“As long as it takes.”  Dark Dragon answered.


“They were supposed to be here hours ago.”  Side Winder brought up.


“Must I remind you that you say that one more time, that I will personally hand you over to Superior to be punished as he sees fit?”  Dark Dragon gave him a warning glare.


“No need my master.”  Side Winder bowed humbly.


“Excellent, ah now the portal is beginning to appear.”


Tusk and Falcona watched in amazement as a dark red portal opened in the middle of the courtyard.  Stepping out of the portal was Dr. Wrong and Dr. Nightmare, behind them was Rocko and a group of Cyber-Drones pulling a huge machine behind them.  Once they were through the portal Rocko and the others went back into it and disappeared.  “Sorry for the delay, we’ve been having trouble perfecting the machine.”  Dr. Wrong bowed.  “But it is now ready for testing.” 


“Excellent, bring out a group of test subjects.”  Dark Dragon ordered.  A group of soldiers came forward.  “Dr. Wrong if you will do the honors.”


“I am honored.”  Dr. Wrong bowed and he activated the machine and within seconds the soldiers were turned into monstrous reptile men!  “As you can see you can now turn anyone into any animal form you wish.”


“Excellent!  Soon all of Katasia shall become mindless animals to do my will!”  Dark Dragon balled up his fists. 


“But master what about The Banished?”  Komodo asked.


“Simple my minion they are a small band of “heroes” that will soon have an island full of animal like men and women whom they have sworn to protect.”  Dark Dragon then turned to the two doctors, “And the other weapon?”


“Ah yes the aging devices you have asked for.”  Dr. Nightmare answered, “We have made these laser rifles that when you put in the Chronos Gem into this chamber like so, and now we need a test subject.”  He pointed the gun at a young servant boy and fired it and within seconds the young boy became an old man.  “As you can see the young lad is now a helpless old man, and now to reverse the process.”  He flipped a switch and reversed the effect.  “A fair trade if you ask me, you get a machine to turn your subjects into wild beasts and in return you give us all the Chronos Gems you can give us and we shall use them to cause The Alpha Squad and others into old men and women!”  Dr. Nightmare began to laugh evilly!


“Fantastic!”  Dark Dragon praised aloud, “Now let us celebrate our success and retire for the evening.”  He then turned to the reptile men and ordered them to guard the machine.


“Can you imagine the entire island becoming like us?”  Tusk asked his sister.


“We can’t let that happen, no more than we can allow them to have the jewels to cause our friends to become old within seconds.”  Falcona agreed.


“We better return to The Cave and tell the others.”


Chapter 5



Lion Heart was also on the palace grounds but for totally different purpose.  His father had told him and his sibling’s years ago that if ever they needed advice they were to seek the one called The Elder.  Lion Heart had never met the man, but that didn’t mean he didn’t exist.  He had hoped to find him before dawn, for right now the cover of night was his friend.  His father had told him that The Elder could be found just outside of the palace grounds towards the east.  He headed in the direction and walked at a steady pace for miles.  After nearly four hours of walking and had traveled at least ten miles outside of the palace grounds he spotted a small cabin.  “This has to be the place.”  He thought to himself as he approached silently towards the cabin.  He knocked on the door and heard movement, “Well someone’s home.”  The door opened and there stood a young woman around his age, “I am here to see The Elder.”  He stated with confidence.


“You’ve been expected your majesty.”  The young woman assured him as she motioned for him to enter.  “Please be seated your majesty, my grandfather will be with you shortly.”  He sat down and took off his hood.  She poured him some water and gave it to him, “I’m sure you are thirsty after your long journey.”


“Yes I am thank you.”  He sipped the water.


“If you will excuse me, I have been baking some bread; I shall bring it to you once it is done.”  She bowed and left.


Lion Heart looked around the cabin as he sat, there were paintings on the wall.  There were nine altogether and each one was a man wearing a robe placing a crown on another mans’ head.  He noticed there was a place for a 10th painting but it had not been hung.  “That space is meant for your painting your majesty.”  A voice came from behind him and there stood an old man who had to be at least in his 70’s.  “My family has had the honor of crowning the kings of this island for centuries.”


“I have come for your advice Elder.”  Lion Heart stated.


“I know you have, as your father did when he was alive.”  He sat down in a chair across from him.  “Now please ask.”


“How am I to lead a people when my brother has such strong allies?”  Lion Heart asked him.


“Yes, your brother, the one they call Dark Dragon.”  He said with sadness, “Do you remember the fight that was between Dark-Rider and Superior?”  Lion Heart nodded, “The young man who sat next to your brother during the battle and reminded him of the laws?”


“Yes I remember him.”


“That was my son, my granddaughters’ father, whom he killed!”  The Elder started to break down but was able to immediately regain composure.


“I am sorry to hear this.”  Lion Heart told him.


“I am telling you this not for my benefit but for yours.  If you are to lead a group of people you must not have revenge in your heart.”  The Elder began to instruct him, “Not only that but if you truly think you and your siblings are alone in this battle…you are wrong!  You have a whole island full of people that would aid you when you call for it.”


“I have yet to see and meet all of the people of the island.”  Lion Heart nodded in agreement, “But I have never met them…”


“Save your words of this subject for a later time.”  The Elder raised his hand, “Right now there are more pressing matters.”


“The men who are being treated as slaves to mine…whatever it is they’re mining?”


“Yes, they are in grave danger!  That mine is filled with Chronos Gems; they are what kept your father alive for many, many years!  You see, your family bloodline is the only ones that do not suffer the negative effects of the gem!  Anyone else who comes into contact with the gem will age in a matter of days until they die!”


“Three of my siblings are there right now!”  Lion Heart told him.


“And they will not be affected but if they do not get those men out of there within the next day or so, more men will be taken from their families.”  The Elder told him.


“Then I best be on my way.”  Lion Heart stood up, “Thank you Elder for everything, I shall return once this crisis is over.”


“This small task you are about to take is not a crisis, the true crisis is far from being over.”  The Elder corrected him.


“Again, I thank you.”  Lion Heart bowed.


“Before you leave take this.”  The Granddaughter handed him a basket, “It is filled with breads, fruit and vegetables for you and your siblings that you may keep up your strength.”


“Thank you, and what is your name?”  Lion Heart asked her.


“My name is Flora.”  She bowed.


“I thank you Flora, both you and your grandfather, you both have been a great help.”  He went out the door and headed the way he came in a dead run!


“Do you think he will be successful grandfather?”  Flora asked.


“If there is one thing right now we can be certain of, is that the safety of the island is now in the hands of The Banished.”


Chapter 6



Dark Dragon and his men along with Dr. Nightmare and Dr. Wrong joined in together in a feast fit for kings.  They talked of future plans that they had once they had won the war against The Alpha Squad and their allies.  Dr. Nightmare was planning on finding subjects for his experiments of fear and terror!  Dr. Wrong too was also planning on finding subjects for his twisted experiments in genetics.  “I will be more than happy to hand you my brothers and sister and subjects for the both of you.”  Dark Dragon offered as he gulped down some wine. 


“But what of you Dark Dragon, what are you plans?”  Dr. Nightmare asked him.


“I have this whole island under my control and I plan on keeping it that way!”  Dark Dragon answered, “Superior has granted me to be supreme ruler of this island…under him of course.”


“Have you ever thought of expanding your kingdom?”  Dr. Wrong asked, “I am sure there are other uncharted islands out there.”


“Yes, I am sure there are, and if it pleases Superior then I shall conquer those islands in the name of evil!”  He raised his glass, “To Superior master of evil and to us his faithful followers!”  They raised their glasses and cheered in unison.  “Now I am sure that the both of you would like to be shown to your quarters.”  He clapped his hands and two servant women came forth, they were in their twenties and had mind control bracelets over their heads, “These two lovely women shall show you to your quarters and entertain you.”


“Why thank you for your hospitality Dark Dragon.”  Dr. Wrong bowed and Dr. Nightmare did the same and they were escorted out of the dining hall.


“Ah it is good to be king!”  Dark Dragon announced aloud so all may hear as he retired to his resting chambers.


Chapter 7



The Banished returned to The Cave and decided to wait until morning to brief one another.  When morning came they awoke and ate breakfast of the food that Lion Heart had brought with him.  They told each other all that had transpired over the last few hours.  “So let’s make sure we have all the facts straight.”  Lion Heart stated.  “The Chronos Gems is causing men to age within days, and we’re the only ones unaffected.  And the guards refuse to enter the mine for they too would be affected.  And this Task Master may yet be useful to us, if we can convince him to join our side.  Dr. Wrong and Dr. Nightmare have come to the island and have brought a machine that will cause the whole island to become animal like beings such as ourselves but to do the bidding of Dark Dragon.  And in turn the gems that are mined are given to Superior and his forces to be used in a weapon that can be used against are allies.”


“That pretty much sums it up.”  Tusk agreed.


“The question now is what are we to do?”  Panthra asked.


“We need to split up.”  Lion Heart answered, “Batswing you, Tigris and Panthra you three shall free those in the mine and try to convince Task Master to switch sides.  Once you’re done their blow up the mine so that will never be used again!  Then come join the rest of us at the palace, and we’ll attack together.”


“And before we do any of that it is best we pray for God’s hand to be upon us and protect us.”  Tigris mentioned and they prayed for that.


Chapter 8



Batswing, Tigris and Panthra approached the mine with courage and assurance that God was with them!  Task Master was there and he saw them coming, “its The Banished!  Prepare to attack!”  The guards followed suit and they stood ready to attack their enemies.


“We’ve come to free the slaves Task Master!”  Tigris told him, “You have two choices set them free or we will.”


“Then I guess you best try.”  Task Master told her as he readied his weapon.


“Do you even know why Dark Dragon has you mining those gems?”  Batswing asked him.


“All that matters is Dark Dragon wants them.”  Task Master responded.


“He wants them to trade for a machine that will turn people into animals like us.”  Panthra told him.  “And once you’ve mined all the gems that are in the mine, what makes you think he won’t turn on you and turn you into to an animal?”


“He has told me nothing of this.”  Task Master stated, “How do I know you’re telling the truth?”


“I thought you might ask that.”  Tigris then showed him a video that Tusk had made of the group of soldiers becoming reptile men.  “If he’s willing to do this to his own guards just think of what he will do to you.”


“I can’t believe he would do this.”  Task Master thought to himself, “And I’ve been loyal, even more so than those whom he changed.”  He then turned to the guards, “We are going to surrender to them.”  He laid down his weapon and they followed suit.


“Now tell all those who are in there to come out and then we can blow this joint.”  Batwing punned.  Task Master called out to the slaves and they came out.  Task Master told them they were free to go.  Batswing went into the mine, planted the explosive and flew out.  “Let’s get out of here!”  He yelled as he flew over them, and they followed after him.  A minute later the mine blew up!  “Step one of our mission is over.” 


“I knew holding those people against their will was wrong.”  Task Master admitted.


“But if you knew that, why did you continue to do so?”  Panthra asked him.


“Because I feared Dark Dragon, but you showed me courage.  We could’ve easily taken you, but you stood your ground and showed us the truth.”


“And now the truth has set you free.”  Batswing added.


“I shall join you.”  Task Master told them and he looked at his men and they nodded.


“And so shall we.”  Gorthan declared as he and the other former slaves showed up.  “I knew you were a man of good heart when you paid for the dead mans’ funeral.  And we shall follow your lead.”


“Even after we had treated you…I don’t understand.”  Task Master shook his head in confusion.


“Those who show compassion will be shown compassion.”  Tigris quoted.


“Enough standing around we got a machine to destroy.”  Batswing took to the air and they all followed him to the palace.


Chapter 9



Dark Dragon had started early on using his new machine that he called The Animaker!  By the time the members of The Banished had gotten their and hid, their youngest brother had already began shooting the ray into various places of the island.  “We got to do something!”  Tusk declared.


“We can’t do anything until the others join us.”  Lion Heart told him.  “There’s no reason for us to get captured for jumping the gun early.”


“Or worse dead.” Falcona added.


“Wait do you hear something?”  They heard Dark Dragon say from afar.  “That sounded like it came from the mine.”


“Batswing and the others did it!”  Falcona cheered softly.


“Now we need to wait for them to get here.”  Tusk reminded them.


“What do you mean the mine has caved in?”  Dark Dragon asked in disbelief.


“Our spies have just reported, and not only that but Task Master has joined The Banished.”  One of the guards informed him.


“That traitor!”  Dark Dragon hollered.


“That’s not all my master, his men have also joined them as well as the slaves and they are on their way here.”


“The fools!  Do they think they can stop me?”  Dark Dragon asked rhetorically.


“We best be ready for an attack.”  Dr. Nightmare thought out loud.


“Let them come, I will kill them and be rid of them once and for all.”  Dark Dragon declared.


Within moments Batswing and the others were in sight!  “Now!”  Lion Heart roared as he and the others jumped out of the bushes.  “Dark Dragon is mine!”


The townspeople followed after the men who were slaves and joined in the fight.  Batswing and Falcona took to the air and Sea Dragon followed after them.  Tusk locked up with Komodo as Tigris and Panthra face up against Side Winder. 


Tusk used his trunk as a whip causing Komodo to jump around until he found himself in a pool of water.  Tusk stuck his trunk into the water and sucked in some water and sprayed his opponent until he fell backwards and knocked himself unconscious when he hit the edge of the pool.  Sea Dragon tried to spray the flying duo with water to bring them down but the two siblings have had plenty of practice of evading attacks while in the air.  They headed straight into the clouds for cover.  Sea Dragon stopped in her tracks and waited for them to come out.  Little did she know that the duo had kept going up and then following her brother they dive bombed right onto Sea Dragon causing her to fall down onto the ground.


Side Winder did his best to evade Tigris’ and Panthras’ claws but in doing so he got caught in the cross fire and was hit by one of Dr. Nightmares’ attack.  “Thanks for the assist doc.”  Tigris thanked him.


“A mistake I won’t make twice.”  Dr. Nightmare said as he aimed for her but was blocked by Task Master.


“You, your friend and your technology do not belong on this island!”  Task Master told him.


“Says the traitor!”  Dr. Wrong stated and was going to blast him with The Aging Gun but Task Master dodged and it struck Dr. Nightmare!  “Oh no!”


“Change me back!”  Dr. Nightmare demanded.  Dr. Wrong nodded and changed the settings and returned Dr. Nightmare back to normal.  “Let’s get out of here.”  Dr. Nightmare told him and they pressed a button on their wrists and teleported back to the states.


“Your allies have left you brother, give up and I shall make sure you receive a fair trial.”  Lion Heart told him as they battled.


“Never!  And once I have killed you and our siblings I will be the sole ruler of Katasia!” 


“Over my dead body!”  Lion Heart roared and he tore his claws into Dark Dragons’ scaly chest.  “I am the true king!”  Then he remembered the words that The Elder had told him about revenge.  He released his claws and signaled for Batswing and Falcona to put their final move into action.


“What are they doing?”  Dark Dragon gasped.


“Destroying your machine.”  Lion Heart told him, “You may have turned other members of this island to animal like beings such as ourselves, but I refuse for the whole island to become that way!”  Batswing and Falcona dropped a couple of small bombs onto the machine and it blew up. 


“This isn’t over brother.”  Dark Dragon warned him.


“You have the throne…for now.”  Lion Heart told him and The Banished left the palace.


Chapter 10



The Banished returned to The Cave and their waiting for them was The Elder.  “I see you have succeeded.” 


“Yes, but we were unable to fully stop Dark Dragon from turning some of islands inhabitants into animal like beings such as ourselves.”  Lion Heart told him.


“That may be so, but it can be used to your advantage.”  The Elder told him, “We can now talk about those allies you’ll need.  The other tribes will follow you if you can find this.”  He held up a paper with a drawing of a rams’ horn.  “This horn is hidden in one of the temples that are on the island.  During the ancient days of Katasia your ancestors used it to call for the other tribes to join in and fight against intruders.  And now you must find it.”


“But how big is the island?”  Batswing asked.


“It is over 500 miles in diameter.”  The Elder answered, “And as you have mentioned your majesty that you and your siblings have yet to explore the island, I see now is the best time.”


“And in the process try to find this horn.”  Lion Heart agreed.


“It is called The Horn of Assembly.”  The Elder told him. 


“But if we’re gone who will defend the towns surrounding the palace?”  Tusk asked.


“Leave that to me.”  Task Master stepped up.  “I along with these few men shall defend this place until your return.”


“I cannot think of anyone else that could do the job any better.”  Lion Heart expressed.  “Then we shall leave at first light.”


Morning came early for The Banished.  They arose out of their slumber and packed up some food for their journey.  “Is there anything I should know before we leave?”  Lion Heart asked The Elder.


“Yes, wear your signet rings so that those you come into contact with will know who you are.”  The Elder instructed, “Also there may be those whom may challenge you, and if they do you much honor the traditions of the island.”


“I shall do as you have instructed.”  Lion Heart bowed.


“And take this.”  Flora stepped up and placed a necklace around his neck, “So that you may know that I will be waiting until you return.”  And then she kissed him on the cheek.


“Thank you and I shall always remember.”  He then heard his siblings snicker at him.  He turned to them and roared lightly.  “Let us be on our way.”  They followed behind him and they began their long journey. 


“There’s no telling what dangers they will face is there?”  Flora asked her grandfather.


“No, even on this beautiful island there are hidden dangers and evils that may resurface.  But what matters is that they have God on their side.”  And with that we leave only to return to more of adventures of THE BANISHED!

© 2015 Michael Gill

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Added on January 13, 2013
Last Updated on February 23, 2015


Michael Gill
Michael Gill

Eugene, OR

I write Christian Sci-fi stories and am looking forward someday in getting them published for all who wish to read it. more..
