Journey of a Ghost

Journey of a Ghost

A Poem by Nicholas Antonio Young

I put my heart into everything
Tired and broken i continued loving things
Clutching my chest slowly being ripped apart from the start
Every single part of me dying just to live again
To be reborn, grow wings and spread them
And then, everything would finally make sense
But what could ever make sense to me in a world of senseless things
I look around me and then I see
People crying for the release attention brings
Greedy souls trampling their planet relentlessly
The means to feed a world that is still starving
Broken hearts, homes and families
Lives ending just to end their suffering
And then there's me
Searching for hope in a life that will never believe in me
I tried to give myself to others
Maybe they had the tools to stitch my heart back together
But whether or not their intentions were good or rotten
I let them tear me open
There were Two parts of me left but both of them died
Nothing left but ironic words written on a tombstone that say "at least I tried"
Yet my casket is bare, there's nothing inside
Because I'm still pretending to be alive
I'm a nobody
There's nothing left of me
But I walk in the ranks of the sinners and saints
My body marches in place yet I trace my steps back in time
To a point in time where my life was mine
Where everything was fine
I'm a ghost lying to his walking corpse
Whispering words of comfort and hopes I will never find

© 2015 Nicholas Antonio Young

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Added on September 4, 2015
Last Updated on September 4, 2015


Nicholas Antonio Young
Nicholas Antonio Young

Nashville, TN

My name is Nick. I'm just another person in this world filled with thoughts and ideas with the desire to express. I love to read pretty much any form of literature, but my interests in actual writing .. more..
