Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty

A Chapter by Zack Black

After Nathan left the group just stood there. No one moved, no one spoke, and no one cried. 
"We should probably report back to the others." says Emily, who looks at if she had been through her own war, her clothes were tattered and scratches and bruises covered her body.
"Is everyone okay to walk?" asks April with a broken nose that she can thank the Empress for.
"My knee is a little sore, but I should be fine. What about you Matt?" asks Emerald stretching her knee out, paying no attention to her possibly broken or sprained wrist.
"I'm in a lot of pain." says Matt still laying on the floor on his stomach, still surrounded by the broken pile of glass.
"What's wrong?" asks Emerald.
"I think there is still glass in my back." says Matt.
"Let me look." says Emerald dropping to her knees by Matt so she can lift his shirt, and when she does she sees about forty shards of glass in Matt's back.
"Wait, leave them!" yells Ace holding his arm.
"Are you crazy? These could get infected!" says Emerald.
"If you pull them and don't have any way to stop the bleeding he bleeds out and dies." says Ace.
"Maven will know what to do."says April.
"We can't leave him!" yells Emerald.
"Well he isn't fit for travel." says Emily.
"Why don't you stay here with with him then? We will have Maven come back to you guys." says Ace.
"That will work fine." says Matt.
"Fine, but don't take long." says Emerald.
Just as they said Emily,Ace,and April left the house leaving Emerald and Matt in hopes of returning to get Matt medical attention. Emerald stays by Matt's side and refuses to leave. Emerald can't help but think if this could be the last time she sees her best friend and partner in crime. When April,Ace, and Emily make it back to the barracks after a few hour trek they open the door and are greeted by the army with cheers,food, and drinks.
"How wonderful! You've returned!" exclaims Maven.
"Please don't cheer." says April with sorrow in her voice.
"Oh my you're all hurt. Where's Raven? Where's Emerald and Matt?" asks Maven.
"The Emperor is dead. Nathan came and arrested Raven and the Empress on BS charges. We think he is trying to take a charge at finally becoming a God." says Emily.
"He will be taken care of eventually. The Council would be blind not to vote for Raven." says Maven.
"We know, but first Matt and Emerald need medical attention. The Council meets today in the palace. I'm going to get my mom and Shelly to come. The more supporters Raven has the better." says April.
"Good call, I'll take some men and head out." says Maven.
The palace was shut down due to the death of the Emperor, most of the people in Hell mourn over the loss of their God and ruler. There are a group of five Demons that aren't in mourning and that is the Council. Council members serve a life term and since most don't enter battle and avoid public life, death is rare and has only happened a hand full of times. Nathan and Marik are original council members and have been around since the first Council was brought together. Agatha is the most recent member, she took the chair after a Council member was attacked in the streets and killed. Montel was the first new member of the Council and joined after a Council member was accused of treason. Sharie joined the Council after a Council member killed themselves to get off the Council,some still believe that Sharie talked the Council member into killing herself because she knew that she was assured the spot on the Council. The Council of five begins to adjourn in the palace. Nathan showed up first, followed by Marik.
"What are you trying to do Nathan?" asks Marik.
"I'm trying to do what this place needs, and that's have a true leader, who can rule this land." says Nathan.
"Please Nathan, you're just being power hungry again. The other's are getting tired of it." says Marik.
"I have a real chance this time Marik! I'm going against two criminals! Raven was excommunicated by us!  We were the Council that voted her out. The Empress is a joke. All she is, is a self-entitled gold digger." says Nathan.
"Not the point Nathan. I don't think you have a chance now that the great Raven is in town." says Marik.
"Unlike you filthy pigs us women don't vote based on who has the biggest rack." says Agatha walking into the room with Sharie.
"We vote unbiased, so this place can truly have the best leader." says Sharie.
"Ladies, nice to see you." says Nathan taking one of Sharie's hands and one of Agatha's kissing their wrists.
"The feeling is mutual sweetie." says Sharie.
"We're only missing Montel." says Marik.
"Montel will be a little late." says Sharie.
"Why's that?" asks Nathan.
"You could say that he was up late last night, with a certain Sharie." says Sharie laughing as Agatha join her in laughing.
"You women are as dangerous as can be. That's why I prefer avoiding you." says Nathan.
"Smart choice Nathan." says Agatha laughing.
"Sorry I'm late." says Montel walking into the palace.
"Welcome Montel." says Nathan.
"I was up late last night, studying the case." says Montel blushing.
"They know Montel, don't lie." says Sharie, as she then kisses Montel's cheek.
"Oh well, how embarrassing." says Montel blushing.
"Well were all here. Shall we open the doors?" says Nathan.
"Trial begins in twenty minutes." says Marik.
Raven lays in her cell thinking of what she will say to the Council. This could be the biggest day in Raven's life. What she has been fighting for her whole life, the ability to restore her family to power. This could easily be the best chance she's ever received to become a God and join the ranks of her father. While at the same time the Empress sits in her cell waiting on her chance to plea her case to the Council and regain her throne but this time as a true Goddess. A guard comes to each cell and opens the door telling them to go straight to the palace. Raven and the Empress stand up in their cells and walk out of their cells, take a quick glance at each other and walk to the palace.
When the Empress and Raven arrive at the palace the guests start walking in, most of them are just common Demons who live there wanting to see who will be the new God. Ace and Emily walk in together and sit in the back row of seats. A few minutes later April walks in with Marsha and Shelly and sit next to Emily and Ace. Emily smiles at Marsha and Shelly. Finally Maven,Rick and the rest of Raven's army walk in and sit next to them. April looks over and doesn't see Emerald and Matt and frowns.
"Where are they?" asks April.
"They were gone when I got there." says Maven as the door opens again and the group looks over. To the groups surprise it's Christine,her husband, their two children and a woman in a wheel chair. April looks back at Ace and Emily and they seem dumbfounded on who the woman is. When April looks back at Maven and Raven's army they all stand in her honor.
"Is that?" asks Marsha.
"This is the Black matriarch." says Maven as others start to stand in her honor as well as the Council members.
"Mom!" yells Raven in excitement as she comes off her podium to hug her mother that she hasn't seen in years.
"I figure she should be here to watch her legacy carry on." says Christine.
"Thank you sister." says Raven.
"My daughter, go do what you are destined to do." says Raven's mother touching Raven's face and shedding a tear.
"I will mother." says Raven with a smile as she kisses her mother's cheek and Christine moves her wheelchair to the back row where all of Raven's supporters are sitting.
The Dark Empress,Raven, and Nathan all take a podium with a microphone. The podiums are on platforms raised about fifteen to twenty feet off the ground. The council sits at a table in front of them on a podium also about fifteen to twenty.
"Since the Speaker of the Council, Nathan is also in this debate and vote, the Council has chosen me to be the Speaker of the Council this evening." says Sharie.
"Now the rules of this event are simple. We will ask questions. Each person will get a chance to answer the question and then debate. Do you all understand?" says Sharie.
"Yes ma'am." says Nathan.
"Yes." says the Empress.
"Yes ma'am." says Raven.
"Great let's begin. Marik you have the floor."
"Thank you Sharie." says Marik standing up.
"Raven, why did you kill the Dark Emperor?" asks Marik.
"He threatened the life of myself and members of my army." says Raven.
"Open comments from the others." says Sharie into the microphone.
"My husband was a darling old man and threatened the life of no one." says the Empress.
"These two's bitter rivalry has clouded Raven's bitter judgement. Raven simply wanted this to happen and caused it to happen by causing a war crime and killing the Emperor outside of battle." says Nathan.
"Have you lost your mind!" yells Raven.
"Simmer down Ms. Black." says Sharie into the microphone.
"Sorry for the outburst." says Raven.
"That's all I have Sharie, you may move on." says Marik taking a seat.
"Agatha you have the floor." says Sharie into the microphone.
"Thank you Sharie." says Agatha as she stands.
"My question is simple. Dark Empress, what claim to the throne do you even have? You denied to make your marriage official, had you made it official we wouldn't be having this trial, and you would be the new Goddess. To me it seemed you didn't want the throne." says Agatha.
"You are wrong. I loved my husband, but making my marriage "official" as you people call it does not mean I didn't love him." says the Empress.
"Well I love turkey but that doesn't mean that it gets a right to my throne if I become God." says Nathan.
"Love should have nothing to with this in all due respect Agatha." says Raven.
"Continue your thought Ms Black." says Sharie in the microphone.
"Love is a bond between two people Agatha, it shouldn't be a royal affair. My parents loved each other and shared their throne, with us four children. I was intended to take the throne, but yet I was deprived of the throne due to the actions of someone else. While the Empress on the flip side of the coin had the ability to control her destiny and take the throne. So in my opinion it had nothing to do with love, but her ignorance to take control of the situation." says Raven.
"Thank you, that is all I have." says Agatha taking a seat.
"Thank you Agatha, Montel, you have the floor." says Sharie into the microphone.
"Thank you Sharie." says Montel standing up.
"Nathan, you have been speaker of the Council, and the substitute God for as many years as I've sat on this Council. Why now do you try to take the stand for the throne?" asks Montel.
"Because I'm tired of watching people half-a*s run Hell. We have the chance to be a superpower once again, not some second rate s**t hole." says Nathan.
"Please watch your tongue Nathan." says Sharie into the microphone.
"Yes ma'am" says Nathan.
"I think Nathan's attempt to grab power is because he is tired of being in the backseat." says Raven.
"I firmly believe that Nathan is a young power hungry punk, who doesn't know anything other power, because of his extended time on the Council in a power position." says the Empress.
"That's all I have Sharie." says Montel taking his seat.
"Thank you Montel, now it is my turn to take the floor." says Sharie standing up.
"I think you three are the most big headed, absent minded, fools I've ever met. You are all power hungry idiots who want to be the God for personal reasons. I have listened to you all talk about reasons why the other people shouldn't be God, but yet none of you took the time to say why you should take the throne. So please take the time to do so now." says Sharie.
"My name is Raven Black, yes I've been excommunicated, but I've fought to earn my way back to the throne I deserve. It was in my lineage and I've fought for my right to come back into this kingdom and become the new God. You've seen my family run the kingdom and it's done well, I can continue that." says Raven.
"My husband and I ran an empire that took crap from no other world. Heaven saw that Hell was not to be messed with. That Hell is not a second rate world, and that we are not to be thrown around like Heaven has before." says the Empress.
"Hell is a world that I have run before, neither of these two know what it is like to hold that power, and I do. I am here to help this world become as strong as it can be."  says Nathan.
"Thank you three. You may rejoin your friends and families while the Council votes" says Sharie into the microphone after she took a seat.
The three podiums all lower to the ground. Raven, Nathan, and the Empress all step off and rejoin their friends and families. Raven sits nervously holding her mom's hand with one hand and with her other hand she holds Christine's hand. The Dark Empress sits with a few of her supporters. While Nathan sits with his mother,father, and his boyfriend. The Council of now four, sits at the table discussing the answers of Raven, the Empress, and Nathan.
"Well I think we've discussed enough and we should all be ready to vote now." says Sharie.
"If everyone would rise and Raven Black, the Dark Empress, and Nathan, official Speaker of the Council, could retake their podiums we will begin the vote reading."says Sharie into the microphone. Raven kisses her mother and sister and walks to her podium as it raises. The Empress stands and walks to the podium and it raises. Nathan hugs his boyfriend and his parents and walks over to his podium and it raises.
"The Council will now vote." says Sharie into the microphone and Raven, the Empress, and Nathan nod.
"Marik, please vote." says Sharie into the microphone.
"I Marik, vote for the Dark Empress." says Marik into the microphone.
"Agatha, please vote." says Sharie into the microphone.
"I Agatha, vote for Nathan." says Agatha into the microphone.
"Montel, please vote." says Sharie into the microphone.
"I Montel, vote for Raven." says Montel into the microphone.
"Well look at this, one vote for each of you. The final vote comes down to myself." says Sharie.
"I Sharie, vote for Nathan to be the new God of Hell." says Sharie into the microphone.
"And with a vote of two, to one, to one Nathan will be declared as the new God of Hell." says Sharie slamming the gavel.
"'Bout time someone around here made the right decision." says Nathan.
"I can't believe it." says Raven.
"What kind of bull is this?" asks the Empress.
"But we aren't through here today. The Council has made two other unanimous votes." says Agatha.
"And that is?" asks Nathan.
"Raven's excommunication by a vote of four to zero is now officially reversed." says Sharie in the microphone.
"Really?" asks Raven with a tear in her eye.
"You are officially welcomed back into Hell." says Sharie.
"And your other decision?" asks Nathan.
"By a vote of four to zero the Dark Empress is now officially under arrest for impersonating a royal figure and misleading the public. Which is stated in the laws of Hell as a crime worth a death sentence, but instead we have decided that you rot away the rest of your sad pathetic days in Hell's prison work camp." says Sharie into the microphone.
"This is blasphemy!" exclaims the Empress.
"Oh well." says Agatha.
"Take her away guards!" yells Sharie.
"I can't believe this!" yells the Empress being carried away by guards.
Raven may not have been declared the new God but is once again welcome into her own home. Raven hugs her sister, her mother, April,Marsha,Shelly,Emily, and Ace. Nathan walks off the podium and joins his family. He hugs his boyfriend and walks over to Raven.
"I would like to offer you my spot on the Council." says Nathan to Raven.
"You know, I would love to accept that offer, but I think I have other things I should be doing." says Raven with a smile.
"Oh wow, well I'll let you know if a spot opens up." says Nathan as he rejoins his family.
Marsha,April, and Shelly returned home, their home on Earth. Raven and Emily also returned to Marsha's home. Ace returned to Aldemar in the Psychic world. Christine and her family returned to their home in Hell. 
"Well I guess it's time I go home." says Raven.
"Where are you gonna go Raven?" asks Marsha.
"I'm not sure yet." says Raven.
"Well your home is here then." says Marsha.
"Same for you Emily" continues Marsha.
"Really?" asks Raven.
"Thank you Marsha." says Emily.
"Sorry if I'm intruding." says Aldemar as he enters the house.
"I'm sorry who are you?" asks Marsha.
"This is Aldemar mom." says April. 
"I have one more request of you April." says Aldemar.
"And that is?" asks April.
"I want you to go to the Pagan world and find out where the fifth and final Psychic is. You may take whoever you wish." says Aldemar.
"I'm in." says April without hesitation.
"April! Think about this!" says Marsha.
"I have, and I'm in." says April.
"I'm in too." says Shelly.
"What?" asks Marsha.
"I need to learn about my powers." says Shelly.
"I'm in as well. I need something to do now." says Emily.
"I'll go." says Raven.
"I can't let you all go without me now can I?" says Ace walking in the room.
"Well I see we have a crew then?" asks April laughing.
"Great, then we can start sometime next week." says Aldemar.
April,Shelly,Raven,Emily, and Ace used the next week to prepare and train themselves to visit the Pagan world. A world full of vast surprises, new faces, and new powers. They lived together as a happy family, full of love and support.  As for Emerald and Matt, no one ever really knew where they disappeared to, but just like the bandits they are, no one expected them to stay around long. Maven and Rick went on to find out that Maven was pregnant just a few days after they returned home. The Dark Empress is currently serving a life sentence in Hell's prison work camp. Nathan took over as God, and placed his boyfriend Alexander on the Council to take his place. Sharie was named the new Speaker of the Council. You could say that everything ended as happily as it could get in the wake of a new adventure.

© 2015 Zack Black

Author's Note

Zack Black
Final Chapter to my first book let me know what you think!

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Added on January 19, 2015
Last Updated on December 31, 2015
Tags: supernatural, angel, demon


Zack Black
Zack Black


I am a supernatural story based writer who will attempt to blow your mind! more..

Chapter One Chapter One

A Chapter by Zack Black

Chapter Two Chapter Two

A Chapter by Zack Black

Chapter Three Chapter Three

A Chapter by Zack Black