For Scott Zorn - In Mourning

For Scott Zorn - In Mourning

A Poem by Siddartha Beth Pierce

Striving for perfection-

Smokers for awhile

Then you quit-overweight a bit

and then you went on a diet

for the betterment of your family and self-image.

Yet, you were one hot, loving, hardworking man.

What then happened is seriously a mystery

but perhaps not so much-

a little trip to the dentist

you had one wild root canal

that left you with a heart attack on Mother's Day.

Thirty something years old,

three children in tow and one of them blind.

What do we all do without you?

You fell by the wayside as did King Tut...

the tooth decay took your life

and left your family without a Father.

Wherever they placed your corpse I do not know-

I refused then to follow that tragic burial ride

however, I do know you have been resurrected to watch over them

in their dreams.

I only wish they had you in flesh and blood instead.

Daddy-o engineer in the stars.

We see you twinkling up there

and often the sky cries a river

around these parts.

Vienna, Virginia:  Penned October 10, 2006

© 2014 Siddartha Beth Pierce

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You paid a story telling tribute...another splended piece of work, bravo!

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Siddartha Beth Pierce

10 Years Ago

Cheers! Hope you are having a productive and inspired morning!
A. Amos

10 Years Ago

I'm loving every second thanks to you
Siddartha Beth Pierce

10 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 5, 2014
Last Updated on January 5, 2014


Siddartha Beth Pierce
Siddartha Beth Pierce

Richmond, VA

Artist, Poet, Educator, African and Contemporary Art Historian more..
