Why not me?

Why not me?

A Poem by Siddhidatri Pande

#Me Too has been the beacon of the women yet some of us do not approve of it...Spoken in the voice of survivors

Lived on and on of fears,
Afraid to share it with peers.
Wanted  to let people know our gloom,
When people shared their incidents we wanted to say"me too".
When people recalled their sufferings,
We realized that"sufferings" are our belongings.
Suppressed in the dark hide cruelty,
Dreaded in the desert of obscenity.

After all, it was not over in a flight,
For there we found our savior's light.
Now it was not just our story but million others,
Showing us that our life is more than shivers.
Every survivor has a story,
Which they hide from you and me.
A light to kindle,
A right to mingle.
Image result for #me too

© 2019 Siddhidatri Pande

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Powerful penning. Keep writing.

Posted 4 Years Ago

True, deep and meaningful!!!
Thanks for sharing this piece of wisdom with us!!!

Posted 5 Years Ago

Siddhidatri Pande

5 Years Ago

thanks a lot my friend
we all have a story,we all walk that path

Posted 5 Years Ago

Siddhidatri Pande

5 Years Ago

Thanks a lot for the review...I hope someone to support you in those paths

5 Years Ago

you`re welcome
Thanks a lot...Keep up being my constant reader:)

Posted 5 Years Ago

Hey ! Nicely written I like the word most in this poem is the Savior's light . I love it keep writing (((smiles ))) 😊😊😊😊

Posted 5 Years Ago

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5 Reviews
Added on October 29, 2018
Last Updated on February 27, 2019
Tags: Strength, Women empowerment, Pride


Siddhidatri Pande
Siddhidatri Pande

Haldwani, Uttarakhand, India

I like to innovate something with the help of my memories. more..
