Another Path

Another Path

A Poem by Brandon Wilson

Inspiration struck wile i was walking today here ya go


The air is in a silent chill

The rain falling in a slow mist

Holding to the threads of my coat

Breath fades like the past, a cloud of mist  


Dead leaves on the path under foot

A world almost grey this path

Under the weeping trees above

  This place almost brings a cold wrath


A tree who shade I once did used

A bench now alone, only dew

But not alone these memories

This place holding the past of two


Strange it does feels to be back

Alone this time no one else near

I shuffle on hands in pockets

Along I go no hand held near


Memories that I once held dear

Now simply a path that I walk

Meaning lost with the time and rain

I have become numb to this pain

But a new flame sparked in me

No longer do I hold on now

The rain also brings new meaning

No longer do I question how


Something broke has now been made new

A feeling put in me by you

No idea now where this goes

 Where I go now I have no clue

© 2013 Brandon Wilson

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oh wow! i also have this poem that i wrote after being inspired by a "walk"..

this is a very classy read :-)

Posted 11 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


11 Years Ago

and i was referring to your poem .. not mine... lol
Brandon Wilson

11 Years Ago

Right, thank you.

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1 Review
Added on February 27, 2013
Last Updated on February 27, 2013
Tags: Path, Rain, Love, Pain, Fire


Brandon Wilson
Brandon Wilson

Asheville , NC

I just recently began venturing into the world of writing and would like to develop my ability's and create content I can share and be proud of. I enjoy juggling and being outdoors. more..
