Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by SlightlyBitter

I watched her arrange her toys in a neat line, all ordered the same way each day. She was my autistic sister, Morgan. Nobody knew her well. My mom kept her locked up in our house for most of her life. She would stare longlingly out of the window, and silently plea to my mother to smell fresh air for once in her life.

Morgan had ADD, ADHD, autism, and was developing face blindness.

We normally let Morgan be, and had her entire day all planned out until the day she died. I sat in a corner of the room, and quietly, taking great care not to disturb Morgan, wrote poetry about her.


She lives in silence

Begging for your forgiveness

Asking for the key


Asking for the key

To unlock her from the cage

Buried in her soul


Asking for the key

The key to everything

The key to her life


I put my pencil down and silently stood up.

"Mom," I whispered. "I have three more haikus. Can I send them for publishing?"

"Yes," my mother answered softly in a hopeless voice. I'd been sending literature for nearly a year, and no answers or question have been returned to me.

I stared at Morgan as she rearranged the line. It was her 6th pattern of the day. After 5 more, she'd play the keyboard.

I sighed. If only I had a key.....

© 2012 SlightlyBitter

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Added on June 26, 2012
Last Updated on June 26, 2012