Dangerous Game:Hide and Seek

Dangerous Game:Hide and Seek

A Poem by SasuSakuLoVer

In the darkness you hide,

Are you afraid dear?

This is only a hide and seek,

But a different level,


The blood,

So red,

So pure,

Like a precious ruby,

It's my blood dear,


I smiled,

But an evil smile crept on my lips,

Like a criminal you say?

Or a crazy maniac,

Is it my dear?


It's been so long,

Could we end the game?

I'd rather not,

I longed to loved this game,

This dangerous game dear,


Do you loved it dear?

I know you do not,

For you hated this game,

You only hated it when you played with me,

But when its your playmates,

You'd play with them,

Am I right dear?


I can sense your fear,

My blood is pouring out of my skin,

Its the pain you know,

But I loved it,

Let me show you how I hunt you dear,


Lets end this game shall we?

And there you are,

begging on my knees,

But I have no mercy,

Do you know why dear?


Whoever played my game would be killed,

In fact,

This is a dangerous game after all,

The dangerous game I called,

The Hide and Seek


© 2013 SasuSakuLoVer

Author's Note

I am not online enough and I know.I've been active on wattpad,so yeah!

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Very well done! wow. Impressive haha :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thanks, I really do appreciate it! :D
Creepy...in a good way. I'm just glad that I didn't read this one right before bed. I never liked "hide and seek", even as a child. Vivid imagery in this one.

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

hehehe sorry if I creep you out well, even in a good way but thanks!
This gave me pleasurable shivers....It's so yandere! XD The game of hide and seek, and the madness of a criminal....I love it. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago


10 Years Ago

Thank you and It was related to yandere even though I haven't watched it.

10 Years Ago

Well, I haven't watched yandere either, so we're two peas in a pod, eh? :D You are most welcome! :)

10 Years Ago

I Thanked you again :D

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3 Reviews
Added on September 17, 2013
Last Updated on September 17, 2013




My nickname is sola but I wrote SasuSakuLoVer instead so you either call me sola or my display name. my age,I won't tell you. my hobbies are,I have a lots of hobbies but I love making Naruto Fanfi.. more..
