A cure for my past

A cure for my past

A Poem by Vee

This is a poem about my boyfriend



                                       A cure for my past

The pain it burns inside of me ,

Screams to let it out,

I bundle it up close you see,

Afraid to let it shout.


I think of how it used to be,

And tears form in my eyes,

Even though it ended terribly,

And now I do despise,


When I sat in silence,

Crying to myself,

You came and broke the silence,

Took me off my shelf,


You wipe away the years I cry,

And help me to my feet,

I no longer wish to die,

Your love it can’t be beat,


Although the past fades slightly,

My tears they form so fast,

But when you hold me tightly,

You keep away my past,


You told me to forget them,

Told me it’s okay,

But babe I can’t forget him,

He just won’t go away,


I don’t see the faith you have in me.

Or why you love me so,

I love you so much it will always be.

I just wanted you to know,


I know this sounds so cheesy,

Stupid, like a child at play,

But loving you is easy,

And I want you to stay,


I love you, I love you.

I’ll say it again,

But babe it’s so true.

My whole life can finally begin,


And it’s all because of you!

© 2008 Vee

My Review

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Lovely flow and wonderful rhyme; a beautiful poem of Love.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Beautiful rhyme and flow!
Thank you for entering this lovely love poem in my contest!


Posted 15 Years Ago

A beautiful love poem, a definite pleasure to read.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Wonderful poem. Well written with great sentiments, that showed
"loneliness" so eloquently.

I particularly liked the first stanza...

Good work!

Thanks so much for submitting this to my "loneliness" contest!

~ Helena ~

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is certainly a curious piece as it carries well that sense of how the past haunts the present. Even as you love with all your heart, the past lingers there - you just cannot get it to go away that easily. The support he shows you though, helping you through those moments - yes, that is definitely a part of love - a dear friend told me about helping carry the baggage. When a person loves you, they love you for all you are. This is definitely an inspirational piece in the progression to a life beginning anew. Thank you for sharing.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Well done !I(Bravo)
Matters of the heart are the hardest of emotions .......to describe them we must live them and feel them deep inside.. know their pain and their cure and how much it touches our very soul

.keep the written verse alive by writing it!!!

Posted 15 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on September 6, 2008
Last Updated on November 21, 2008



6 feet under, IL

Well time to update this again not much to say my name is Vee and sometimes when I can't sleep I partake in the seemingly lost art of pen and paper. more..

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