Remembering Marty

Remembering Marty

A Poem by T

Chrome Wheeled, fuel injected and stepping out over the line...Born to run.


I don’t remember when we first met

But you became my friend that day

I remember your blond hair hanging over your eyes

Your gentle smile and loud laugh

Your love of cars and life itself

And how easy it was for all to love you


I remember races on front street

Beers at the cabin where we all carved our initials into the wooden table (The MOOSE)

Prom night and wildwood, many nights at the shore

Springsteen and The Asbury Jukes

Drinking age at 18 in Jersey

Dr. Jeckles, the Pit, Atco dragway

You and Judy……with smiles



You stayed in the city where you were born

Found a job and a girl and dedicated your life to both

I ran away from home because I wanted the adventure

You stayed because that’s who you are….who you were


You laughed at me and my adventures, listened to my songs, read my stuff….

Came to the party and brought your smile

Had your family and enjoyed your time …on this earth…with everything you had to give


I keep your picture in my car

And every day it reminds me to live my life

Enjoy my adventures, and to never let a moment go by without a song…

You are sorely missed my friend........T (The goodbye girl).




© 2018 T

Author's Note


My Review

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I couldn't believe it when I first heard. He was a great friend. The kind of dude that when you lose touch, years later... pick up right where you left it. He will be sorely missed. You couldn't have put better words together in this.

Posted 5 Years Ago

How sad,yet lovely. I hope that Marty's end was quick and painless after his balls-out, in your face, high-octane life.
R.I.P., man.
You knew how to live, dintcha.
Very memorable, a fitting memorial. Well done,T.

Posted 5 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on November 2, 2018
Last Updated on November 2, 2018




It's a wonderful journey this becoming, It's part letting go of who I was, while releasing the beliefs that sabotage what I want to be, and-knowiing that in order to transform, I can't live in b.. more..

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