A Story by Tina Kline

Two sisters dream of becoming vampires and they get the chance to have their dream come true.



    Ann wanted to become a vampire. This desire started after she read two romantic horror novels about vampires. The thought of staying young forever and ever appealed to her. She believed that had appeal for just about anyone. Only fools, in her opinion, wanted to experience the horrors of their body becoming sick, diseased and old until finally you end up welcoming the relief that death offers.

      Ann never wanted to grow old. Her older sister felt the same way. She was off at university now and Ann was a senior in high school. Seventeen was the perfect age to become a vampire but how to accomplish that was the problem.

      Her older sister told her during a recent phone conversation, “I'm looking for a vampire here. What better place to find one than on a huge university campus?”

So right, Ann thought, so right. How unlikely it was to discover a vampire at a local high school. If there was anyone odd, unique or unusual she'd already know about it. Ann was popular but not one of the mean snobby popular. She knew there was no one that fit a vampire's profile at her high school.

      Ann lay on her bed one night listening to one of her favorite rock bands on cassette tape when her sister called her. Ann turned the volume down and answered her phone after checking caller ID.

     “Hi Ann.” Her older sister greeted.

     They made small talk until they got to the topic that interested them the most. While they talked Ann twisted her fingers around the coiled phone cord. “I'll never become a vampire. Neither of us knows any vampires.”

     “Don't give up Ann.” Her sister said, “This campus is vast. There are several dorms with lots of floors in each dorm and lots of people attend classes who live off campus and lots of students come from all around the world. I've lots more looking to do.”

     Ann smiled. There is still hope, she thought. “Cool. I wish I was there. High school life is so lame.”

     “Enjoy it Ann. Later on you'll come to realize it isn't so lame and you'll have fond memories of your high school years.”

     Ann giggled. “Okay. I'll believe you.”

     “I have an idea. Why don't you ask Mom if you can visit me at school part of Christmas break. Maybe together we can find us a vampire who will be willing to turn us and not kill us.”

     “Hey! That's a great idea! I'll get Mom to agree.”

     “Cool. I look forward to your visit already. We'll have a great time.” They talked awhile longer then hung up.

     Ann smiled as she started the cassette tape over and relaxed on her bed to listen to it and think about the phone conversation she just had with her older sister. She couldn't help feeling excited about going to visit a big university campus and hunt for a vampire so she and her sister could become one. She'd talk her Mom into letting her go if she said no. Ann knew how to get what she wanted from her mother!

     And Ann did get what she wanted. At the beginning of Christmas break she was on the train and heading to the university campus where her sister attended classes. When Ann's train pulled into the station her sister was there waiting for her. She waved to Ann as she stepped down from her car with her suitcase and small duffel bag. Ann waved and rushed to her sister. As they met half way Ann dropped her suitcase and bag and the sisters embraced tightly, squealing and laughing in happy greetings.

     They broke apart after several minutes of hugging each other tightly. There were happy tears on their faces. “First thing you need to do is to call Mom and let her know you arrived safely and that I was at the station to meet you. Then I have some wonderful news to tell you.”

     “You do? Wonderful news? I can't wait!” Ann looked around for the pay phones that train stations always had a row of.

     “Over here.” They walked to the row of pay phones, glad to see they all weren't being used by people calling someone to most likely come to pick them up.

     After Ann talked to their Mom they left the station and went out to the parking lot and walked to her sister's car. After loading Ann' s stuff in the trunk they got in and headed off for the university campus, or so Ann thought.

     “What's the good news?” Ann asked.

     Her sister looked at her, a smile so big it could barely fit on her face. “Guess!” she said.

     “Oooohhh! You found a vampire!”

     “Ooohh! Yes I did!”

     “You did? For real?” It was what Ann had wanted to hear but it still was astonishing and she couldn't really believe it. “Oooooohhhhh!”

     “Yes indeed. He's nice, a student from England and he's willing to turn both of us. So make sure this is really what you want Ann.”

     Ann stared ahead through the windshield at the street and cars, hardly seeing them. A vampire? Her sister had found a vampire and the opportunity to become one was at hand. She felt the shock and coldness of the fear and excitement churning inside. To become a vampire. Her dream for so long. And now it was about to become true if she dare go forward. Of course she'd go forward. To stay young and beautiful forever. Never grow old, weak and sick. “Yes. I'm 100% sure this is what I want.”

     Her sister smiled. “I'm glad. I'm certain I want this too. He's waiting for us at a house he's renting while he's attending classes.”

     “He's renting a whole house?” Ann asked.

     “Yes. He's from money. Part of the higher classes over in England or something like that.”

     “Does he have a British accent?”

     “Oh yes. He does indeed. We're almost there. Soon we'll have our dream Ann! Soon we'll be vampires!”

     The vampire answered their knock at the door. Ann had half expected a butler to do so. She gasped when she saw the vampire. He looked very young, around 18 or 19 years of age. He was extremely pale, his eyes overly bright, the tips of his fangs showing. He was dressed normally enough in faded jeans and an off white button down shirt. He didn't have any shoes on his pale feet and he had rings on several fingers of both hands. He was so very very beautiful, his masculine beauty was almost overwhelming.

     “Welcome to my home.” The vampire greeted. “Please do come in.”

     He does have a British accent, Ann thought. A real Old World vampire.

     “Thank you.” Ann's older sister said. Ann followed her into the house.

     They followed the vampire into his living room where he invited them to sit. “So, you both want to be turned.” His voice sounded otherworldly.

     “Yes we do.” Ann's older sister said.

     The vampire looked them both over. “You both look like you're healthy. Your blood will be sweet and tasty.” He gave them a wickedly fanged grin.

     Ann laughed nervously. “You're not going to kill us, are you?”

     The British vampire smiled wider, his fangs completely exposed. “No! Of course not. But I'm not going to lie. I am going to enjoy the feast your blood will give me.”

     Ann looked at her sister feeling the fear heaving in her stomach. Her sister didn't seem at all afraid, Ann thought. She was smiling at the vampire, looking excited and eager to have her blood feasted on by him. That made Ann feel even more fearful.

     “Okay.” The vampire said as he settled down in a very old and elegant looking chair.  “Who's first?” He asked them, looking from one to the other, arching an eyebrow as he did. Beside his chair was a small table that looked just as elegant with a fancy wine goblet sitting on it.

     “I am.” Ann's sister stood and went to him.

     Ann watched as her sister sat on his lap and the vampire put one arm around her waist. Ann swallowed hard. Her heart was pounding with increasing terror. A real vampire. And her sister was sitting on his lap and was going to let him bite her neck and drink her blood. This was all so very real and not some shared fantasy with her older sister. The vampire pulled her sister to his chest and kissed her on the mouth, a long, intense demanding kiss while his fingers caressed her throat. Her sister moaned softly as his lips left her slightly swollen lips and made their way down to her throat. The vampire grazed her throat with his fangs and her sister sighed in what could only be considered pleasure.

     Ann's heart raced to painful levels now of fear that were racing to the point of panic. He's going to kill her and me, she kept thinking! I don't want to die! I don't want to die! That thought kept repeating in her mind.

     Ann watched as the vampire caressed her sister's breasts with his long pale fingers for several very long minutes as he nipped his way up and down the column of her neck. “Bite me. Drink my blood. Make me eternal.” Her sister said in a voice thick with desire and passion.

     With a soft moan of his own the vampire opened his mouth wide and Ann saw his fangs, long, thin and frighteningly sharp then he bit her sister's throat. Ann's sister arched her body against the vampire's and screamed. Ann jumped to her feet, terror being the only thing she was thinking and feeling, her breath coming rapid and jagged. Her sister's screams continued as the vampire started drinking her blood, making loud sucking sounds as he did. Ann fled the vampire's house, so consumed with her terror she couldn't think straight anymore. He's killing my sister, I won't let him kill me, were her thoughts as she rushed out the door fleeing for her life.

     Ann didn't hear her sister's screams turn into moans of passion as she surrendered to the vampire and the ecstasy his feeding on her was giving. She didn't see the vampire drinking her blood to the point of death. She didn't see the vampire withdraw his fangs, slice his wrist with one of his talon like finger nails and hold it over the wine goblet. She didn't see when the goblet was half full the vampire held her sister up and put the goblet to her pale lips, didn't see her sister drink the vampire's blood from the goblet nor see when he held his bleeding wrist to her mouth she pressed her mouth to his wrist and sucked and lapped the blood. And lastly, Ann didn't see the vampire gently and tenderly place her sister into an elegant ebony coffin and close the lid.

      Sadly Ann wasn't there to rise from the dead many hours later with her sister as vampires like they had planned. Her sister was bitterly disappointed Ann wasn't there with her but had chosen to run away in terror from their dream of becoming vampires. But it had been Ann's choice to abandon what they both had dreamed of for so long. But she was quite pleased herself to now be an eternal, to at last be a vampire.

© 2011 Tina Kline

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Great story here. Too bad Ann ran away from her wish, thus throwing away her chance to be young, beautiful forever. Nice buildup in the story to the somewhat surprising end. I really didn't think she'd give up her one chance no matter how scared she became.

Posted 13 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.


love it

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Wonderful Enchantment Into The Heart Of Dark Poetry
You're a very talented writer.You have a gift and I am glad you shared it with us
Love the imagery and flow your words captured
Ann should have stay and made her dream a reality!
Outstanding my friend keep writing!!
I love dark poetry!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

We are an online writing community that provides writers with the feedback, motivation, and advice needed to achieve their writing goals.The Poetic Voice Community is fast and easy to join, and you will not get lost in it's easy maneuvering features. We here at Poetic Voice also hope to grow as a community of friends. Our intention, and wish is to learn and share with others. Basically we believe an open mind, and heart can promote growth. We hope to gain an understanding that can stretch and reach around the world.

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was a fantastic story wonderfully written.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A vampire story with a bit of a twist at the end. I'm not certain if Ann was lucky to get out of there or not. Clearly the vampire didn't plan on killing her and her sister but to give them what they wanted, eternal life. I give this 100. I enjoyed reading it very much.

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Great story here. Too bad Ann ran away from her wish, thus throwing away her chance to be young, beautiful forever. Nice buildup in the story to the somewhat surprising end. I really didn't think she'd give up her one chance no matter how scared she became.

Posted 13 Years Ago

3 of 3 people found this review constructive.

Impressive story. I thought they both were going to become vampires. I like surprise endings when you don't see them coming. Too bad for the little sister in this story.

Posted 13 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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7 Reviews
Added on March 14, 2011
Last Updated on March 14, 2011


Tina Kline
Tina Kline


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