what is a dragon

what is a dragon

A Poem by DRAGO

what is a dragon?
is it a bringer of pain?
or is there more to it
then metaphorical rain?
are they truly killers?
do they have the blackest of hearts?
or are they misunderstood
for the power of their heart.
Are they judged for what they could do
and not what they will?
are they taught they are monsters
when they are good in their hearts?
So who says dragons are bad?
Why would you do that?
do you want to ridicule something
or do you need a killer plot?

© 2016 DRAGO

Author's Note

dragons aren't all bad, but bad dragons are the best antagonists

My Review

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This was very smooth and without flaws!!! you certainly have talent!!!!

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

it meens alot

7 Years Ago

your comment i mean
I love this! It can be about dragons and it can also be metaphorical and be applied to certain people, especially the part: "are they taught they are monsters/when they are good in their hearts?" Gives fantastic perspective.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

thanks for the thoughtful review
This is amazing! I loved all the questions, it made me think 'what if I were a dragon?' (I don't know if that's just me though, I'm kinda weird) Anyways, keep on writing and great job! ^~^

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

thank you)))))))
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This a very well written cute perspective on dragons. I never looked at them as bad or good I always saw them as a great addition or a great accessory to a story. Never gave much thought as to how they are perceived lol. Great job!

Posted 7 Years Ago

its very nice and interesting poems...like it

Posted 7 Years Ago

Great has really good lines^-^

Posted 7 Years Ago

In Asia, dragons are good luck. My favorite cinema dragon is Smaug from The Hobbit. But yeah, dragons are interesting creatures.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

ya, I now. Just couldn't make it rhyme
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i like it but i guess people think dragons are scary isbecause they look scary i guess

Posted 7 Years Ago

This reminded me of the movie 'How to Train Your Dragon'. :) Awesome movie.
Sounds like questions from a novel you will write or might be working on.
Nice poem! I love the mischievous ending.

Posted 7 Years Ago


7 Years Ago

omg, that movie was a terrible rendition of the book, which is amazing, like a pyraamid without ligh.. read more
Good questions! Ones all of us fantasy writers should ask ourselves. Nice and meta.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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11 Reviews
Added on August 1, 2016
Last Updated on August 1, 2016



school is started, so I may not be on much that includes read requests I am changing my name to DRAGO if you have time please do and share this pole https://goo.gl/WP4ztm I'm awesome, I .. more..

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