Bound by Forever(21)

Bound by Forever(21)

A Chapter by Tori

So the truth is out. Aydean and Criss are to be together forever, and Criss is aware of Aydean being a wolf. What next? Well, I actually thought about this, thank you very much! I hope readers will like this chapter.


She kept my world going round. She was the sun. No, that's too insulting. The sun is not nearly bright enough to compare to her smile. She knew how to make a dead man rise. And though I was better off alone, I wanted her. I needed her. But she didn't love me. As much as I wanted her too, dreams don't always come true.


Tristen's POV................


A few more weeks, and I would finally be leaving this dreadful place. It was spacious, yes. But it couldn't compare to my true home. The one place that was familiar and comfortable. I didn't have the money to afford a plane ticket, so I would see myself to a train when the time came. Of course, I still had a mission to complete. But, due to my recent discovery, it would soon come to close. That was my offical mission. My personal goal, however, was being stalled. But I would see that it was a sucsess.

"Tristen?" a voice called.

I looked over my shoulder and held my breath. There she was.

"Are you okay?" she asked, concern teasing her voice.

Maybe with a little sadness and the right amount of fear, I could claim her sympathy. I turned the corners of my mouth down, giving a simple frown.

"Oh, I'm fine," I sighed.

"Are you sure? You seem upset?" she took a seat next to me in the soft, lucios green grass. Of course, I could only imagine the way her hair felt in comaprison. I just knew it had to make silk feel rough and serrated.

"Please, do not worry. It's nothing, I promise," I assured. My heart was in shock due to her attention. She actually cared enough to come down here on such a sweltering evening just to assure my emotions were not unstable. She was such a wonderful being. Love me! I thought beggingly. Please, that is all I ask! Well, of course I wanted more. But for now, I would go into shock just hearing those words.

"Well, If you're sure. Ain't you gonna be leaving soon?" she asked. There was a little too much joy in her voice for my pleasing. Her wanting me to leave was like being stabed through the heart.

"Why? Are you counting down the days?" I tried to use as much hurt as I felt in that sentence.

"Oh no, of course not! I was just wondering," she bluttered out quickly. She was trying to correct her mistake in emotions. I kept me eyes fixed on her as she watched a car fly by across the street. Her eyes narrowed. I followed her gaze. The red Minivan pulled into the house across the street. She continued to glare at the car until it completley dissapeared behind the house. She looked up a window and her eyes softened. She dropped her focus to a blade of grass she had pulled from the lawn.

"I'm glad you came. It was cool gettin to know you," she said quitley. The shredded grass was falling onto her shorts. I watched in awe as her long, smooth legs stretched out. I had to cross my arms in front of my chest to prevent my hands from rubbing them. She was so beautiful.

I took in a deep breath and prepared myself. I was going to tell her how I felt. I had promised myself that I would not attempt my personal mission until my offical one was complete, but since I already had the targets located, why should I not try to be happy?

"Tristen! Criss!" a voice boomed from behind us.

She turned her head quickly, her hair whipping across her perfectly detailed face. Her dark complexion welcomed the darker strands. She was not like other girls back home, or any of the females part of the 'association.' They were all pale and lanky. She was just right.

I growled underneath my breath and slowly turned my head. Her idiotic brother was standing atop the steep hill, signaling for us to join him. Fool! Why must you ruin everything?

She jumped to her feet and dashed up the hill. I let out an irritated sigh and trudged behind her. I allowed my eyes to scan her back-half. Her arms swung in such a graceful way as they brushed the side of her waist. Her hair bounced with each step her long tanned legs took. Even the way her rump shook as her hips swung from side to side was amazing to watch.  I picked up my pace.

Once at the top of the hill, we were instructed to get into Mr. Hanks truck. Kodi, Criss, and myself squeezed into the back while Mr. and Mrs. Hanks sat up front. The youngest girl, Tanya, I believe, had left for her friends house hours ago.

"Ladies first," I said, holding the door open for Criss. My plan was to get her in the middle, so she would be seated beside me.

"Thank ya'," she chimmed, climbing into the car. She had an adorable accent that I had yet to get over. I watched her out of the corner of my eye as her back end stuck up in the air. It was ammusing to watch.

When the car finally pulled to a stop, we were in the parking lot to some old tractor place. The colors green and yellow spread over everything. There was also the occasional shiloutte of a deer on the diffrent tractors. What are we doing in this dump? I thought sourly.

"What are we doing here?" I asked Criss, just looking for an excuse to talk to her.

"I guess one of the parts on dad's tractor tore up," she said, looking at each tractor with sparkling eyes. She loved it here.

"How does a tractor tear up?" I observed one of the large wheels. It was huge. It seemed strange that something so big could possibly ever break down.

"Ya' know. The usual stuff. Plowin' the field, movin' hay bales, stuff like that," she replied, only half intrested in the conversation. Her attention was directed towards anything with wheels. She would examine one machine, then quickly rush over to another one that caught her eye.

"Oh, okay." I, not wanting to look like a complete fool, pretended to understand everything that had just come out of her mouth. Her mouth. Her lips. They moved perfectly with each word that poured from them. They were reddish-pink with a bright moist shine. She wasn't wearing any cosmectics, they were just naturally that way. Plump and- dare I say- very kissable. How I longed to press mine against hers again. After feeling it the first time, I had to do it again. I needed to taste her. I had allowed myself to get carried away last time, though.

"I'm going to inside and help Momma and daddy find a new plow for the tractor. You guys look around out here and let me know if you see anything," Kodi called from the door way of the small wooden store. It was strange. He had pronounced 'daddy' like 'diddy.' But I was not complaining. He was gone. That left us alone.

"you heard him," Criss said, messing with a beaded braclet on her wrist. "We gotta look for a new plow."

I just nooded and said okay. I could not care less about the plows or whatever. My objective was to get her to love me without pushing it over the edge.

Suddenly, her bracelet snapped. Beads flew everywhere.

"Son of a b***h!" she cried angrily.

"I'll get them!" I offered, kneeling to the ground. There were so many of them. And they were all so small. This was going to be hard...I looked up in time to see Criss kneel in front of me. She was inches away from brushing against my knee. She bent forward to pick up a bead. I continued to grab blindly, not paying attention to what I grabbed. No, my eyes were focused on something else. I tilted my head slightly, looking down her bright green tank top. Her breast were beautiful. My eyes stayed fixed exactly where they were and watched her chest sway as she moved side to side, scooping up beads.

"What the hell are you staring at?" she asked, anger sparking in her voice. 

I shook my head, releasing myself from my trance. "Um, nothing." I had barely been aware I was staring.

She growled and stood to her feet. "That's good."

I followed her lead and dropped the beads into her hands.

"Thanks," she snapped. Even with the ice in her eyes, they still sparkled wonderfully. "I'm going to go see what the others found." She stalked inside the store, not looking back once.

Note to self: Girls don't like it when you stare at their breast. No matter how good looking they are. I whistled a tune and walked around. I didn't understand. She had said she really liked me on our picnic, but now she hardly associated with me. It could have something to do with the fact I tried to f**k her. I thought. I could only imagine what it would be like when I finally did.  The way she would scream my name-

Bring Bring! Bring Bring!

 I pulled my phone out of my jeans pocket and didn't bother to check the caller I.D. There was only one person who was able to contact me through it. I looked around the empty space to make sure was no watching. Constantly checking over my shoulder, I slipped behind a large green tractor, concealing myself from sight.

 "This is Tristen, sir," I said, using the voice of a soilder in war talking to his general.

"Well well. Somebody's been working on his manners," a voice purred.

I regonized that sexy slur anywhere.


"Yesssss?" she said.

"Where is Shaun?" I hissed. I had tollerated her games before, but I wasn't in the mood at the moment.

"Oh, he's around," she muttered, extending the 'oun' in round.

"I don't have time for your games! I have important news regarding the mission," I snapped.

"Aww. Why don't you ever wanna just talk?" she whinned ammusingly. The amount of force and I guess what you called passion behind her voice was sickening.

"Because. This involves work. And I just don't like you," I said bluntly.

She let out a small whine. I imagined she was pursing her lips-which were most likely bright red- just like she always did when she wanted something.

"You know, you resemble a cat more than anything," I said, smirking. She despratley despised cats. She was allergic to them serverly, so decided the best way to avoid them was to hate them.

 "You used to," she puckered. She was probably admiring her reflection in her black nails. "What happened?"

"Why must you bring up the past?" I was becoming impatient.

"It's hard for a heart to stop wanting something like you," she whispered into the reciver. I could somehow feel her hot breath. chances are it smelled of peppermint and vanilla. "Besides. You know you still want me."

"You're right, I do want you...dead."

"Humph!" she cried. And I know for a fact she just stuck her nose up in the air.

"Aemelia! Who is that?" a voice called in the background.

There was a small clatter followed by footsteps.

"It is Tristen, sir." The seduction in her voice disappered completley.

"Hand it here. Leave my sights!" Shaun commanded.

"Yes sir."

There was a shuffle as the phone was passed from different hands.


"Yes sir!" I called, straightning my posture as if he was actually there. It had become a habbit.

"What news do you have?" he asked gruffly. "Have you found their trail?"

"Better yet. I have detected several diffrent scents in the area. Four diffrent scents. There was one, but it was faint. I have reason to believe they are hiding here."

"Excellent job, Tristen. We will arrive in one week. Make sure you have everything precise before we arrive. You said there were only four, correct?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. This should make it easy. Well done."

"Thank you sir."

" And you are sure it is them? The exact ones?"

"Yes sir. The scent matches. Exactly."

"Remember, if this information is incorrect, then you will be the one suffering the consequences."

I swallowed hard. "Y-yes sir. I understand."

The line went dead. I pressed the red end call button and stood there for a moment. What will I do if I get caught? For the first time in such a long while, I was afraid. No, this cannot go wrong! In the end, it would only be my word agaisnt their's.

"Who was that?"

I spun around as quickly as me feet would allow it. Criss's head popped out from behind the tractor. She must have been there for awhile!

"That depends. How much did you hear?" I asked suspicously.

" 'Y-yes sir. I understand'," she quoted.

Oh, good! I'm safe. "Okay. Then it was my Father."

"Oh really? How is he doing?" she asked sincerily.

Man, I'm a great liar!

"He's doing fine. He said they were having fun in Las Vegas. They can't wait to see me again," I lied straight through my teeth. Yeah, they miss me in hell! I thought sourly. Hate flared to life inside me as I thought about them...and the the filthy people who abandoned me for trying to be happy.

"Oh. That's great! Well, it's time to go. Dad's got work tomorrow, and Momma's got to cook super," she said, turning around.

"Wait Criss!" I called. Now was my chance.

"Yeah?" she stopped and faced me.

"," I couldn't finish. I had gotten lost in her beautiful eyes. So, I just did it. I pulled her into me and kissed her. God, it felt so right. Desire almost took me over again, but I managed to fight it back and keep my hands behind my back.

She pushed away and stared at me. There was no emotion in her eyes. She lifted her fist and struck me in the jaw. Then, she flicked me off and walked away. Before completley vanishing, she yelled, "I warned you, and you promised. Now you payed!"

I followed her back to the car. Something trobuled me. The scent that invaded my nostrils when I kissed her didn't belong to her. But, she smelled the same. Her "inner scent" smelled of another male. Her lips were dull and unsurpresed. I growled in fury. She belonged to someone else. But who?


Criss's POV...........


"The nerve of that b*****d!" I cried, pacing back and fourth.

I dropped to the ground. The itchy carpet only infurriated me more. But, I was too angry to move.

How dare that worthless son of a b***h! I forgive him for the picnic thing, and let his little peek down my shirt slid, and he repays me by friggin kissing me? What an a*s! 

Alright Criss, calm down. Calm down. It'll be okay. He'll be gone in two weeks and you'll be free of his sorry  a*s forever! At least he didn't try to take my clothes of this time. 

"Die! Die! Die! Die!!" I chanted aloud. Everyone else was asleep and I was safely inside my room, so I didn't worry about people hearing me.

"Wow, you sure are angry," a voice stated through the darkness.

"Aydean!" I cried happily. I could really use his comfort. Just one small kiss of his would be able to melt away all my anger and I would return to myself.

There was no response.


"Guess again."

Fear shot through me. This was a voice I didn't regonize.

"Who are you? How did you get in here?" I cried, franticlly searching the darkness. It was hard to find a solid figure in pitch black. I fumbled around until I found the switch. The light revealed a face, leaning against the wall.  It was a boy. He stared at me. He wasn't happy, wasn't sad, wasn't angry. He was just...there.

"Hello Criss," he said blankly. He stared at me through his shaggy light brown hair. His skull shirt and spiked bracelets only made him look scarier.

" do you know my name? Who are you?" I asked worridly. Honestly, I wasn't as worried as I could've been. I had to deal with so many surprises this summer this was barely nothin.

"Who am is not important. Not at all. In fact, it's better you not know. And how do I know you? Well, because he does," he straightned his back and took a step towards me.

"He? Who is he?" I asked, calming down.

"You're Kiyiya," he answered.

"My what?" I wasn't able to follow him.

"He is you're Kiyiya" he said, walking closer. His feet faded into my jacket that was lying on the floor. He walked straight through it. Now that freaked me out.

"What is a Kiyiya?" I took a step closer, showing I was not afraid. Even though I was kind of nervous, I kept my cool.

He only girnned. "Criss, something is going to happen. Be prepared for changes, lies, and truths."

"W-what do you mean? What kind of changes?" I felt my eyes widen slightly at this strange boys confession. His apperance was that of a kid my age. He looked slightly older, though.

"I fear you'll find out very soon," he replied, his face growing grim. 

"If you won't tell me, then give me a hint!" I cried quitley, not wishing to wake up anyone else. 

"I already gave you one. About him," he said. "What more do you want?"

"I hint about the changes, the lies! That would be nice!" I snapped, anger rising in my voice.

He let out a long sigh, then smiled. "He was right."

"About what?" I demanded, feeling as if he was mocking me.

"Nothing." He stopped chuckling long enough to look at me and start laughing again. 

"You're weird. What's the mood thing?" I asked.

"Don't worry bout it. Come here," he commanded, holding out his hand.


"You want a clue or not?"

I didn't object. I walked closer and held out my hands, palm facing the ceiling. He placed his hands over mine, not touching my skin. He closed his eyes and mumbled something.

Suddenly, something smacked against my head. An image of a black figure surfaced. Quickly, I zoomed in on the figure. I came to realize it was a boy. He was lying there in a pool of blood, his empty brown eyes staring at me, but seeing nothing.  Claw marks and scratchs covered every visible part of his body. Large gashes were open, revealing his bone and flesh. Suddenly, it dissapered.

I opened my eyes and stared at the boy. He looked at me, curiosly.

"Did that help?" he asked.

I shook my head, not able to speak. The gore I had just witnessed was more detailed, more gruesome than anything I had ever seen or even imagined.

His eyes narrowed and he sighed in frustration. "I seem to have over estimated your intelligance. Good bye Criss. Maybe you will be able to figure it out later."

"But I-" I didn't get to finsih. I tripped over my jacket and my head smacked against the edge of the bed post. I opened my eyes and looked around. The boy was gone.  I felt something warm trickle down my neck. I hurried to wipe of the blood so it wouldn't stain the carpet.

I looked over my shoulder at my digital alarm clock. It was past midnight.

That night I dreamed of the boy. He was standing over the dead body from earlier. He was looking around franticly screaming, but no sound escaped his mouth. Blood began pouring from his skin, staining his flesh red. He stopped trashing and looked at me, his body shaking violently.His eyes were empty and glossy. All they held was fear and heart breaking sadness. 


© 2009 Tori

Author's Note

Okay, in case you either didn't pay attention or are dumb(just kiding) The begining poetic thing about the love is Tristen's thing. Any other time it would be Aydean or Criss. But, Since this one was mostly about him....might as well.

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Added on August 6, 2009
Last Updated on August 7, 2009



A little town where the dead come out to play, GA

Don't click here! Alright, Hello Everybody! Um I love to read, write, and draw and I hope to become a artist or graphic designer. I also Hope to become and Author and open my own Tattoo Parlor one.. more..

Mary Jane Mary Jane

A Poem by Tori