The Klumsy Klutz

The Klumsy Klutz

A Poem by Yoshiyuki

Climbing the stairs of life is terribly hard
Not only do we have to walk up
But there is twists and turns!
Yet some lucky people get to take the elevator!
How unfair
For some we find ourselves falling down before we ever reach the top
And then there is me someone who struggles
Struggling to find my way up the stairs
I am not only trying to fight my way up
I am also against the gale force winds of love
And I am just unfortunate
I had to choose the longest way up
Sometimes it gets tiring 
Some days I get discouraged
But then I see families walking on the street 
And I realize what I am fighting for
I may slip and fall
I may even "accidently" hit that big red button that says "do not push"
What can I say it was too tempting not to
Or in the case of ACME characters have a safe, piano, rock fall on my head
Which in turn brings me to the bottom of the stairs
But that ultimate goal is totally worth the suffering and pain I will go through to get there
How long more do I have to fight the fierce winds?
*Pushes Red Button*

© 2012 Yoshiyuki

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Added on September 25, 2012
Last Updated on September 25, 2012



Kahului, HI

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