One Bite Was All It Took

One Bite Was All It Took

A Poem by Angelica

One bite was all it took.
Fire burned throughout
As the venom rushed through my veins.
Sweat and tears drenched my body.
The pain was excruciating,
I was going insane.
I am going to die, I thought, No it’ll be worse.

Days went by
But the agony never ceased.
I felt as if my body would burst from the torture.
Many a time I tried to kill myself,
Kill the pain.
I wanted to claw through my skin,
And rip out my heart.
My efforts were futile,
Nothing would stop the torment,
It was tearing me apart.


All I could do for the time being was lay there,
Lay there and die.
I succumbed to the martyrdom,
Lying helplessly upon the ground.
Then slowly I felt my heartbeat settle,
I slipped into unconsciousness.


I don’t recall how long
My lifeless corpse laid sunken in the ground,
I awoke screaming in the dead of night.
The physical pain no longer existed,
But the fear of what happened
And what was to come lingered in my mind.
My body was hard, cold as ice,
But my senses were more alert.
I could feel a noticeable change in myself.


I was weak with hunger.
Forcing myself up,
I stalked into the nearest diner.
I ordered everything on the menu,
But as I ate,
Nothing pleased me.
The food tasted like dirt.
My body was craving something raw.


The waitress came over asking if I needed anything,
As she pulled out her notepad,
She sliced her finger.
A measly drop of blood was all that came out,
But it was enough.


The smell invigorated me,
It smelled delicious.
I couldn’t control myself,
My instincts took over.
I wanted the blood.
Swiftly, I jumped out of my seat
And pounced onto the innocent woman.
She screamed as everyone stood in shock,
But all I could hear was the beating of her heart,
And inhale the sweetness of her blood.


The poor woman struggled from under me
While some men tried to haul me off,
But I was too strong.
I gave them a dark glare
And bared my teeth.
As they backed away in fear,
I sunk my fangs deep into her shoulder
And drank.
Everyone screamed in terror.


The blood was so refreshing.
It tasted so divine,
I was drinking the richest red wine.
I drank and drank with the sweetness
Dripping from my lips.
Soon I could no longer hear a heartbeat,
And the body turned to ice.


When I looked into the woman’s face,
Complete horror struck me.
I couldn’t believe what I had just done.
I killed her.


I quickly ran outside,
I had no place to go.
I ran as far as I could until
I collapsed upon the ground,
Weeping as thoughts swirled in my head.
I wanted her blood.
I killed her.
What have I become?
I am a monster.
A vampire.

© 2008 Angelica

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Added on February 14, 2008