

A Poem by A.M. Everlasting

It's more than her wrist that she cuts when she bleeds...


With every little cut she kills,

 The tiniest part of her soul,

How many will it take

before she’s no longer whole?

My hand reaches out

To try and grab her knife,

But who and how am I

To try to save her life?

Her silence echoes out:

Is it a friend she needs?

It’s not just her wrist,

But her heart, too, that bleeds.

But when I move forward,

She flinches back from me.

Does this mean that I

Should simply leave her be?

My mind tells me, “Leave her.

She’s just a hopeless cause.

It’ll take much more to mend her,

Than some worthless gauze.”

Her empty eyes cut into me,

Like the blade across her skin,

I have to try…I only pray

That she will let me in.

© 2009 A.M. Everlasting

Author's Note

A.M. Everlasting
Yay! My muse is back! :) I was suffering from a short little writer's block there. I wrote this around 11 p.m. Ideas started coming to me and I wasn't ready to let them go, so I stayed up trying to write as much as possible before I fell asleep. So...Thoughts? Opinions?

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Wow! so very good, and well said. I enjoyed the read, i thought it was kinda intriguing as well as deep

Posted 5 Years Ago

Wow. I really love this poem.
It's one of your best. =)
What's your muse? And how did you lose it?

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

intriguing train of thought expressed in well written free form prose. One can only try to help

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i really like it (and well done for overcoming the block! going through that now :S)...the rhyming is good and the topic is touching. the feeling of being torn in two, not knowing what to do for this dysfunctional girl is communicated really well...keep it up :)

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on October 27, 2009
Last Updated on October 27, 2009


A.M. Everlasting
A.M. Everlasting

A dreamer, a healer, and a lover - cycling through life on a rollercoaster of hope and its downfalls. more..
