Comments on National Geographic's "Taboo"--A Kazinsky Quick-Write (#2)

Comments on National Geographic's "Taboo"--A Kazinsky Quick-Write (#2)

A Story by Andrew N. Farrens



                                         Kazinsky Quick-Write #2



     In the #spirit of #American #Freedoms, I honestly do NOT give a warm, stinky "log" of a #mrHANKEY (HIDY-HO!) type what folks do behind the privacy of shuttered windows & locked doors but these strange people who engage entirely in #weird & #odd #fetishes as they immerse themselves fully in a #culture we so-called "normal" people almost never see, except in a vague periphery sense. If you get an excitement from dressing and acting like a dog (or some other animal), more power to you, I suppose, but what I can't fathom is why this show is broadcast on television with the utter support of every-one involved. Seriously, the #World has more important things to do than watch confused #freaksONaLEASH, who truly lead lives that can be understood only by living that life-style, which I have no real desire to do. As much as I believe that they should be able to live how they want, it still simple amazes me that these people would want to be on television displaying these obvious defects in their seemingly confused characters, except in a purely “fifteen (15) minutes of fame” kind of thing). Like I wrote at the start this (whatever the hell it is), I really don't care what one does in the privacy of their homes but that does not mean I understand or condone it, just like how I feel about the devious habits of hard-core druggies and junkies who selfishly impose their twisted way life on their family and the other people who populate this merciless World. Such television programs are interesting for only a moment or so, then they inevitably become brutally repetitive like the deafening, concussive boom boom boom boom from an exceptionally powerful sound-system from a vehicle stopped next to you at a red-light and from which you cannot escape even if the windows of the car you’re driving are rolled-up tight. This creates a crazed sort of driver who has been, quite possibly, fatally distracted from safely negotiating the almost always dangerous roadways. I feel like this about most of the National Geographic Channel's “Taboo” series, which is a thinly veiled form of “educational” propaganda designed to make American Citizens pay less attention to World events that forever affect American lives. The only positive thing I can write about such an aberrant T.V. show, which is very telling, is that it is a helluva a lot more entertaining than the Kardashian b*****s, although the view on that show is much better, or those other “reality television” dramas on TRU T.V. At least with "Taboo", one can learn something, even if it is a bizarre knowledge. Yada??


     Kazinskyville Kazinskyness

Andrew N. Farrens

October 9, 2012

West Stockton,California


© 2012 Andrew N. Farrens

Author's Note

Andrew N. Farrens
I am positive some might take this the editorial essay, which began life as a Face-Book comment, as a bigoted & intolerant collection of opinions. That was not my intent. I just was curious as to why such a T.V. show is broadcast as a so-called "educational" program. It is purely entertainment and ven that is stretching it........

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Added on October 10, 2012
Last Updated on October 10, 2012
Tags: Andrew, Nicolas, Farrens, opinion, editorial West, Side, Stockton, California, NGC, National, Geographic, Channel, Taboo


Andrew N. Farrens
Andrew N. Farrens

West Stockton, CA

Andrew Nicolas Farrens A/N/F Drew Kazinsky westies 209 Andrew N. Farrens a.k.a Drew Kazinsky is an awful, often Confused Poet/Writer/Musician/Word-Bully/Word-Slinger and many .. more..
