Demon Drive

Demon Drive

A Story by Sydney Morton

An original

Demon's Drive; that's what everyone calls my street now. No one REALLY knows what happened, they just go with the rumors but I know better. Don't believe me? I was dating the demon. Was I scared? Not as first because I didn't know what was going on, but once I began to piece everything together then.. yeah I was scared... scared shitless! It's been 6 months since everything started, the murders, the counselors, the pills, the nightmares. I could tell you the story that the papers wrote about but that's no fun. I want you to know how it felt, to kiss a demon, to talk to one, to spend time with one, knowing that at any minute I could;ve been his next meal. His name was Damian, Damian Coy. He was one of those guys that's friends with everybody, even though he didn't do sports or anything. Damian ran the school radio station, wanted to make it big after graduation. We started dating just two weeks into junior year, it was awesome! Things were going great, we were just two teens dealing with everyday s**t; school, homework, extra circulars, home life, etc. 
A month before prom was when it all began. A bunch of us decided to take a drive out to the old abandoned ice cream parlor  that sat on the outskirts of town. The place is dark, dirty, and hasn't been used in like.. 10 years. Why no has boughten it or torn it down was a mystery. Kids have been known to sneak in and get high or drunk. That night it was Damian, his two friends, Eli and Nick,  their two girlfriends/ my two BFFs, Taylor and Veronica who we called Ronnie, and myself. We took Nick truck because it fit all of us. Eli had gotten his older brother to buy us alcohol, beer for the guys and wine coolers for us girls. Taylor was the only one who didn't drink that night, she was gonna be our DD. We finally made it out to the ice cream place and snuck inside. We all hoped we couldn't walk in on anyone else. Rumor was that the place was haunted and that escape convicts used this place as a hide out. It was gonna be an awesome night, we all had lied to our parents about where we were, which looking back on it now I kinda feel bad about. 
We picked a spot and began to set down old blankets, one for each couple; Damian and I, Taylor and Nick, and Eli and Ronnie. All of us were laughing and having a blast when suddenly there was a weird noise. Taylor heard it first and silenced the rest of us. We all stopped to listen. It was coming from the woods next door. Eli suggested we all go and investigate. At first us girls were skeptical, what if it was a wild animal or some psycho killer on the loose. The guys reassured us that nothing was gonna happen, it was fine. 
I remember walking with Damian on my right and Ronnie on my left, it was so dark, and I was freaking out. We all had only gotten so far into the woods when we heard a ear piercing scream, and I noticed that Damian was gone. I began trembling and sobbing, the girls trying to calm me down and reassure me that Damian was fine he was probably just playing a joke on me. I tried calling his phone but he didn't pick up. I remember being worried and pissed at the same time, worried because something could've happened to him and pissed because if he was just joking he was so on my s**t list, boyfriend or not. I kept trying to call him over and over again but still no answer. Nick suggested we get outta there and we all made a run for the truck. I remember Nick letting me sit in the front next to Taylor while Eli and Ronnie took the back seats. We waited for any hour, none of us drinking in case we did have to call the police. The only sounds to be heard were of everyone chewing gum or sucking on breath mints, and the clicks of my cell phone, checking the time every 30 seconds. After two hours had gone by and Damian hadn't come back yet, Nick said we had to head back without him. I had begun to cry again, fresh tears coating my already tear stiffened face. Nick dropped everyone off. My mom wasn't home she was working a double shift at the hospital so I was home alone anyway, there wouldn't need to be an explanation until tomorrow when I woke up. I waited and waited and waited until someone called letting me know what had happened to Damian. By midnight I half expecting the police or his mom to come knocking saying he was dead or something, I was assuming the worst and preparing myself for it. 
It was 3:18 am  when Damian came back, I had gotten up to go the bathroom, and when I came back to my room, he was standing there, covered head to toe in blood. He looked like he had been shot or had the snot beaten outta him. At first he didn't say anything, he just stood there with a blank look on his face. I gasped when I first saw him but then I started crying all over again. I said his name but he didn't respond, he just stared at me for what seemed like forever. Then he did the creepiest thing he could've done, he smiled. It wasn't the normal smile that I loved looking at, it was a sinister kinda smile, it was something I'd never seen on my boyfriend before. I know it sounds weird but OK seriously if you had seen your boyfriend covered in blood, looking like the living dead, and all of a sudden he smiles at you, wouldn't you be a little freaked out? If you said no, then you've got some issues! Anyway he smiled and then he turned around, opened my window and f*****g jumped out!! I screamed for him not to but in an instant he was gone! I couldn't move for a minute thinking that I was gonna see his mangled bloody body on the ground in front of my porch steps. When I did finally look down, I was flabbergasted that there was no one there, he was indeed gone. 
The next day in school, I waited by my locker like I usually did. I needed to know if the night before was a fucked up dream brought on by the small amount of alcohol I drank or if I was simply insane. Next thing I know, I feel my boyfriend around my mid-section. I  turned around and what I saw shocked me, HE WAS ABSOLUTELY FINE!!! Not a speck of blood on him, not even a bruise or a gash from jumping out my damn window.  I must've looked surprised because he asked me what was wrong. I didn't wanna sound crazy but I told him what happened with him at my house the night before and he laughed, HE F*****G LAUGHED AT ME!! I couldn't believe it. He said it was probably just a dream, but it felt so real. Even though Damian looked absolutely fine I couldn't help but notice that there was something different about him now; I kept staring at him throughout the day, first in English, then Spanish, and even at lunch. Dont get me wrong Damian is definitely attractive, hes the hottest guy in school,  girls still give me dirty looks because I have him and they don't, but now it seemed like all his features were amplified, like he had gotten even more hot if that were even possible. I decided to shake the whole thing off , I had more important things to worry about.
But when a student from school was found murdered in the school's basement two nights later, I knew for a fact that I wasn't nuts. It was Jake Newman, the school's star wrestler! Who the hell could've killed this guy, even the other jocks knew not to f**k with him, he was huge. There was memorial service for Jake and everyone began to slowly move on. It the was first time in a few days that I was able to breathe. Everyone was slowly beginning to heal, you could feel it. 
Weeks past without any new news, it was like everything that happened was a funny memory, or a past life. I had thrown myself into my school work, which wasn't really like me. I was a good student but I didn't make an extra effort. It just seemed like school was the only thing I had to keep my mind from wandering back to that night. 
I had officially gotten over the fiasco when something changed. It was a bleak Monday morning when I arrived at school, I made my way through the sea of students to my locker, I had some books that I didn't need until later in the afternoon, and I wasn't about to kill myself lugging them around all day. Just before my locker came into view, however, I saw it. It's a sight I'll never forget! Damian was standing next to my locker and he looked sick... like he hadn't slept in days. What scared me more than that was the look on his face; he looked livid, like someone or something had pissed him off incredibly. I made my way over with a smile on my face, thankfully that when he saw me the corners of his mouth drew up ever so slightly. I asked him if he was OK, and when he said no I frowned and asked him what was wrong. He said he didn't know, that he had woken up like this. I offered to come over that afternoon to take care of him but he kindly refused, said he would be fine, that he just needed some extra rest. 
Damian wasn't in school for the next four days; by the time day 3 came around I was getting worried, was he really that tired or was he now actually sick? I called his house after school but his mom said he was asleep and that she would have him call me when he woke up. I thanked her and hung up the phone. 
To say that things had gotten worse over those 4 days that Damian was out, would be an understatement! The 2nd day Damian was outta school, word got around that another student was killed, only this time it wasn't in the school basement, it was on the school's own football field; several of the football players had seen the body. There were more videos on the buddy system and talk of a new town curfew. 
Just when kids were starting to even begin to get over the 2nd murder, something even worse happened. The town's only movie theater burned to the ground. No one knew exactly how it happened, the cops and the fire department couldn't find the origin of where it started. The school lost 6 more students and even two teachers that day. Sorrow hung over the school like a heavy blanket, making everyone sluggish with guilt. I walked around feeling guilty just breathing. Finally Damian came back to school, I was so happy that he was OK, he had actually made me worried. Normally Damian is a trooper when it came to a cold, but he had just looked down right.. sick! It made my day seeing him standing next to my locker when I arrived at school that Friday morning. He smiled his gorgeous glistening smile when he saw me headed his way, this made me smile even more. I heaved myself into his arms for a big bear hug; it takes me all of 10 seconds to realize something was so NOT right..... Damian didn't feel like.... Damian. He was cold... like he had been sitting in front of an air condition the entire time he was gone. I stiffled a shiver when we broke apart. This wasn't my boyfriend! Something about him had drastically changed and I didn't know what it was but I was determined to find out. I spent my study hall that day doing research in the library, and what I found totally freaked me out. 
I checked out the books I needed so I could continue my research at home. I couldn't help but think about what I had read throughout my afternoon classes. I didn't know what I was gonna do, a million questions rolling around in my head like a pack of marbles; how was I gonna confront Damian about this? Would he laugh at me? Would he DUMP me? Would he start a rumor around school that I was crazy? I decided that I would just bring it up casually, it seemed like the best way to do it. I planned to do Saturday night when we had our date night planned. My mom had to work the night shift again at the hospital, she had told me she would leave money for pizza. My decision was final so I tried my best not to stress over it. 
Saturday night finally arrived. I had been practicing all day how I would bring up this weird and creepy topic in a "casual" conversation. I had left my library books on the living room table as to hopefully push Damian into bringing it up first so it was easier for me. Damian arrived shortly after 7 pm. Now normally on our "date" nights we pick whose house were gonna chill at, then we have pizza and popcorn and watch movies until midnight which was our curfew on the weekends. I knew immediately that this wasn't gonna be a normal date night. Damian had a look on his face when I opened the door, like he had been concentrating on something. I invited him in as always, he gave a quick kiss but nothing else. This bothered me, normally he was so loving and attentive; I started to panic, was he gonna dump me? I shook the thought from my mind, I told myself not to jump to conclusions. My happy mood was back just as fast as it had left, but then Damian looked at me and said the 4 most scary words in the entire English language; We need to talk! 
Now I was in a full blown panic, I began preparing the questions that I knew were gonna begin to pour outta my mouth, Why? Was there someone one else? Who was she? What did I do? I followed him into my living room. He wasn't sitting I noticed, rather pacing across the room over and over again. I stopped in the doorway and folded my arms. He stopped abruptly and faced me. "I have some things to explain to you"  he said. My mood now was more upset than panic, did he cheat on me? "OK" was all I could think to say. "Um.... I'm not sure how to begin so I'll just spit it out I guess" He continued, running his fingers through his thick gorgeous head of hair. I was being to become impatient, if he was gonna end our relationship why not just get it over with already. "Its OK..." I said aloud. "Babe, I have somethings to explain to you and I don't want you to freak out OK?......" he looked at me for clearance that he could continue, I nodded. "OK so you know that night we all went out to the abandoned ice cream place?" I nodded again, "Well I got really fucked up" Damian said, tension lining his voice. "We were all walking to find out what that noise was that Taylor heard and then the next thing I know I was being dragged by this thing,  I don't know if you could call it a person or not, it looked human but then again didn't....." Damian stopped and took a deep breath. 
As he was explaining I was remembering every detail in my head, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to spill out. "So anyway I was dragged like..... 10 feet from you guys and then all I remember was PAIN.... like agonizing, mind numbing, brutal pain" I couldn't stop it before it happened, one tear slipped and felt down my cheek, but Damian didn't notice he was still pacing back and forth, slower now though. "When I came to, it was still dark and I wandered around looking for you guys, I didn't know what time it was, all I really had on my mind was how f*****g thirsty I was, it was like the worst case of cotton mouth ever!" Damian ran his fingers through his hair again, took another deep breath and continued, "I knew I couldn't go home, my mom would've sent me straight to the hospital or to the f*****g loony bin, so I headed toward the school, and decided to hide out in the basement...... I was still so thirsty but I didn't want soda or water, I had a craving for something else" Damian stopped and finally looked at me. He finally saw that I was silently sobbing, my face stiffened from dried up tears that kept falling like a facet. He came over and carefully wrapped his arms around me, my arms didn't wrap around him, it felt like they were permanently crossed across my chest. "So did... did you see who killed Jake?" I asked, afraid of his answer. He nodded, his eyes staring at the floor. "It.. it was you...wasn't it?" I asked again choking on my words. He nodded again and more tears fell. I couldn't believe I was dating a monster, he had killed someone, a human being. 
My first instinct was to call the police and have him locked up so he couldn't hurt anyone else, but then I realized he already had hurt other people. I'd bet my whole months allowance on the fact that he was the one that he killed all the other students and the few teachers that had we all had heard about. "I understand if you don't wanna be with me anymore?" Damian said softly. I didn't say anything... more like I couldn't say anything, my body was frozen, my hands were shaking and I couldn't use my words. There was a moment of silence and then Damian nodded and walked out. I stayed frozen for all of 30 seconds and then I sprinted to my room, climbed under my comforter, and cried myself to sleep. 
Over the next few days I was in a total trance, thankfully my mom wasn't around much to see it, she had been working alot of over time at the hospital. Time just seemed to flow by without making sense, I felt like a zombie, being in places physically but not mentally. I didn't know what I was gonna do about Damian, we hadn't spoken since our encounter in my living room. I had kinda shut everyone out, Ronnie had tried texting me half a dozen times to ask if I was OK and if Damian was any better... I didn't answer. Finally a week had past when things finally came to an end. I came to school, it was a Tuesday, I parked in my usual spot no had taken it which made me happy. As soon as I walked into the lobby, it felt like my stomach had fallen out my a*s.... kids and teachers everywhere were either crying or very upset looking. I kept looking around for a reason for all the mourning, but I couldn't find one. I was starting to panic when suddenly Ronnie came running up to me. She, herself, look grief stricken and panicky. She asked me if I had heard the news, and when I told her I hadn't and would she please tell me what the hell was going on, she sat me down and told me that Damian had killed himself. I immediately broke down, right there in Ronnie's arms, she held me and let me weep. She knew that I loved Damian, he was my first real boyfriend. When I finally was able to speak I asked her where he had been when he did it. She told me that he had been found near the fountain that sat on the east side of the campus grounds. This made me burst into fresh sobs. Ronnie kindly helped me to the nurses office where an hour later I was escorted to the hospital in an ambulance because I had become hysterical. I ended up being sedated and awoke in a hospital gown in a small room several hours later. My mom was sitting on my side reading a book. My mom asked me how I was doing and I replied with I've been better. 
Over the next few months I was, how us teens say, a hot mess! I spent more time in the hospital than I have in my entire life. The first time I ended up cutting myself for which I was put on meds for anti-depression. The second time I ended up overdosing a little, but luckily my mom caught me in time and I was OK. And finally my mom had me committed to a juvenile psychiatric center a few miles away from my house. I was just so fucked up about everything that had happened that my mom was afraid of me. I cant believe that, my own mother afraid of her own daughter! I guess I cant blame her though I did do some fucked up s**t when I was living at home, but now I'm living in room 805, my room number at the center. My mom comes to visit me every weekend, and Ronnie is here all the time. Another 290 days and I'm outta here.  
I think about Damian all the time, there isn't a day that goes by where hes not in my thoughts. I have a picture of us that I was allowed to have in my room, thankfully I don't have a roommate. I don't need the ridicule about how I'm fucked up I already know. Well now you know what its like to date a demon, watch out-- you might be next! 

© 2015 Sydney Morton

My Review

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The title and first few sentences pulled me into this story fast.....well done!

I really enjoyed it......though with a "thriller" type story, I was expecting a bit of a twist at the a resurrected Damian being in the room next door to you in the safe house.........and then he gradually starts to convince the crazies to commit by have a wicked imagination.....:)

Posted 8 Years Ago

Sydney Morton

8 Years Ago

Wow that sounds awesome!!! Thanks and so do I ;)

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1 Review
Added on September 5, 2015
Last Updated on September 5, 2015


Sydney Morton
Sydney Morton


I'm 23 and I'm an undiscovered writer. I love to read and write they're apart of who I am!! more..

Fallen Fallen

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