"Something big"

"Something big"

A Poem by bookworm759

"Deep down, I have always believed I am meant for something really big. Now I'm just waiting."


Have you ever had a feeling that your destiny is out there somewhere, waiting for the right moment to snatch you out of your current slump and thrust you into your glory?


Have you ever felt pulled in one direction, like the Fates are tugging you along your silky thread, and you really have no say in where that string leads you?


Does it ever seem like the place you're in is not where you're meant to be- - that your soul doesn't mesh with your current surroundings?


Have you ever caught a glimpse of your future and felt the enormity of all you can and will be?


I have; and now I'm just waiting to get there.

© 2008 bookworm759

My Review

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Very eloquently phrased, and like you said about one of my poems, short but powerful (yes, I'm stealing your words because I'm unoriginal). I love the sense of self-confidence and anticipation; it sounds like a lead-in to a great novel, and makes me wonder what happens next. Great job!

By the way, I'll have you know that this is the third time I've tried reviewing this. The first time the Internet went out on me, and the second time, the whole computer froze! Some evil force does not want me to give you feedback.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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Added on October 16, 2008




I'm a junior in high school, I write mostly poetry, and I'm a pretty fun person. I love to read, and my friends are my world. My family pretty much kicks butt. ;) I'm a straight A student, and I'm a m.. more..
