Little Girl, Don't Close Your Eyes

Little Girl, Don't Close Your Eyes

A Poem by A.Lee

She is worthless
Just a figment of what she should be
Never right; eternal blunder
The first mistake God ever made
She is scarred
Torn to pieces, in and out
Yearning for a sense of healing
Turned away at every door
She is growing
But inwardly the ghost remains
A childhood lost
A crippled spirit hides in pain
She is fighting
Bobbing just above the water
Waning will
With so few lights to guide her way

Do you notice?
The girl pretending to be strong
She's sinking deeper in the quicksand
Being swallowed up with doubt
Do you see her?
As all the pressure weighs her down
The more she fights the more she falls
And you just stand there...

Little girl
Hiding in your woman's clothing
Don't you know?
There is reason to survive
Little girl
All the things they said were wrong
You can turn away the night
Don't close your eyes...

© 2010 A.Lee

Author's Note

Its different, I know... You may not grasp the way it flows at first... Like I said, its kind of weird, but this is how it decided to be written. I don't even know what I would consider this. The physical layout isn't exactly the way I had it on paper, but I couldn't make it the same way without it looking weird. I'm curious as to your interpretation of this piece though. Those who know me a little more personally may get it easier than others.

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i really like the way you wrote this. it puts itself together well. nice write. i like it

Posted 13 Years Ago

Don't close your eyes...
A well expressed truth that…
Nobody can present to the world…
The authentic person he or she is….
Everybody is split inside..
Between a raw self…and a fabricated self…
The raw real self….agonizes inside for want of an outlet to express itself…
Your poem seems to be depicting such a situation….
It conveys to the reader a painful crisis….
It touched me….

Posted 13 Years Ago

I think this poem was really good. I agree that it is different, but change is a good thing sometimes. This was well written and I really liked this. I think it is awesome. It is emotional and I really do like this. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

Very good write and sad. :(

Posted 13 Years Ago

Great write. I like the progression of this. Although it starts off with a depressed feeling it ends with a single spark of hope.

Posted 13 Years Ago

A very sad poem describing the way so many little girls have to grow up to be women in the world. Not prepared at all!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Oh my word, I love this. :) I liked the kind of rhythm to it, reminds me of a song or something :) And the point was good too, and it kept me reading and wanting to read more which is always good :)
My favorite part is probably the same piece Ashesh quoted, so I've no need to quote it again since it's only two comments before mine, but yes this is amazing and I especially love that part :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

There is such a sadness here, journey into the depth of heart and soul.. one who is lost to herself and the world. What a depth of feeling you share.

Posted 13 Years Ago

I simply adore this part of your poem.. It gives the feeling of suffocation, helplessness and gloominess..
"Do you notice?
The girl pretending to be strong
She's sinking deeper in the quicksand
Being swallowed up with doubt
Do you see her?
As all the pressure weighs her down
The more she fights the more she falls
And you just stand there..."

Also, I liked the way you ended the poem. It sounds hopeful and redeeming.

Posted 13 Years Ago

Intresting, I enjoyed it. It's great when you try something new.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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29 Reviews
Shelved in 3 Libraries
Added on July 28, 2010
Last Updated on July 28, 2010



Monroe, GA

I am lots of things, but here you'd identify most with the writer and avid reader. I have three beautiful children. The oldest boy, Seth, passed last year after fighting a long battle with cancer. .. more..

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