Romancing The Vampire

Romancing The Vampire

A Poem by Eric Cox

This is the 3rd version about the appeal of the vampire.

Countless humans romance the vampire
to truly be one is our desire
we love books and movies with vampires appealing
we have a dream of one day turning
Within the dark of the night
nosferatus take flight
immortal children of the dark
their crimson kisses mark
Living in the shadows
though Hollywood fame flows
everyone knows the name vampire
to not believe in them is their desire
Safe in their coffins during the day
safe in the night as they darkly play
living forever with no ills or disease
when they are turned time seems to freeze
No worry of death in their minds
no slow decay as life unwinds
from all mortal concerns they are free
their bodies can feel pleasure beyond ecstasy
they can soar in the sky feeling the breeze of beauty
power is at their command and magic shines internally
We romance the vampire, their dark beauty gleams
we fulfill blood desires, we live in our dreams
we soar in the night and let magic take flight
the beauty of the vampire will forever shine bright.

© 2012 Eric Cox

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You know Dracula was always sexy to me. But I mainly liked to be scared by him. I didn't dream of becoming one...just being chased by one. Of all the scary creatures of the night I think Dracula and Frankenstein were my favorites. I liked the Mummy too. Fabulous write. I love the drawing too! 100

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


You know Dracula was always sexy to me. But I mainly liked to be scared by him. I didn't dream of becoming one...just being chased by one. Of all the scary creatures of the night I think Dracula and Frankenstein were my favorites. I liked the Mummy too. Fabulous write. I love the drawing too! 100

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Vampires are seen as being very positive figures right now, from romantic figures to the vampires who are just mean and nasty, at least humans think they are. This is an awesome write!

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love vampires and this is a fantastic poem about them, and who wouldn't want to live forever and never suffer disease or old age? I bet most would avoid it if they could and if they didn't would regret it at the end of their life.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Excellent writing, love this. The vampire is very much a romantic figure for a lot of reasons.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on November 19, 2010
Last Updated on October 22, 2012
Tags: vampires, immortality


Eric Cox
Eric Cox

Hollow Woods, OR

I've been writing since 1984. I write poems, stories, lyrics & string haikus in a variety of genres: Horror, Nature, Inspirational, Comedy, Sexual, etc... Variety is what you will find here. Copy.. more..

Two Forever Two Forever

A Poem by Eric Cox