Did you know there's life out there.

Did you know there's life out there.

A Story by Paul

Just some more imagery and perhaps some good words of advice.


  I am sitting on my bed, listening to music, looking out the window. You know , there's life out there. My window is what brings the cool spring breeze and sunshine to my room, the sunshine brightens my room significantly. I won't be lying in the dark like I used to, the blinds will no longer be closed, they will always be open, so I will no longer be in the miserable, gloomy atmosphere that I once known. I hear the birds chirping, voices outside and the wind blowing. I see numerous vehicles driving by, the grass growing, and the flowers that are blooming. It's peaceful. I love this beautiful world that I'm living in. I am at ease and at peace with life, for the window in my bedroom can show that there is life out in the world. It's nothing foreign at all, it was all welcomed to you at birth. breathe in the air and exhale. Go outside , be one with the earth. Oh, did you know..there's life out there.


© 2010 Paul

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Added on December 28, 2010
Last Updated on December 28, 2010



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A Story by Paul