Clouded no longer

Clouded no longer

A Poem by JRB

standing naked to her own truth, her eyes are open





Tonight she stands unclothed

Naked to her own truth

Her mask of deception

Woven tightly


Slowly starts to unrivaled

 Becoming removed and discarded

By her obscured pragmatism

Shattering its manipulation


Fastening us together

Against this need to reconnect

To unravel parts

Of our detached selves


That was hidden away

 By the time of

Years passed



The importance of her words

Spoken softly in the echoing halls

Of injustice

Fills my thoughts with inspirational intent


Separating justice only

Thru the apprehension

Contained in the journey

About to be traveled


The intents buried

Deeper than the pleasures

Waiting, drowning

In a sea of confusion


Branches reaching out

Offering shelter

Harbors of safety

Leading to her


Naked no longer

Clothed in the wealth

Only gathered in knowledge

Obtained thru truth


She stands there

Opened arms

With a heart

That follows



Copyrights Reserved

Clouded no longer


© 2012 JRB

Author's Note

This write was inspired by a another write that I read

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absolutely amazing!!!!!! and insightful I really enjoyed this one

Posted 11 Years Ago

Lovely , naked to your own truth seeing yourself with all your flaws like the the inner struggle. I particularly love the stanza
Naked no longer
Clothed in the wealth
Only gathered in knowledge
Obtained thru truth

Posted 11 Years Ago

Your work carries powerful realisation throughout it :) Something I like to see through poetry, personally...
Each piece is a tale unto itself and yet I see a thread of connecting awareness through them too..

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on August 15, 2012
Last Updated on August 26, 2012



Grantville, PA

To my writes, I have been told that my writings, relate to the poetic styles of, John Donne, George Herbert, and many other early 17th-century English poets. By believing that enlightenment c.. more..

12/21/12 12/21/12

A Poem by JRB