Awkward as Fudge

Awkward as Fudge

A Chapter by Jasmine

The 10 people that are playing Spin the Cup (Other than Becki, Allison, Macy, Brooke and I)

1.       Danny - The cute, dark haired, really cool prince with the amazing smile, (The one who bought me the drink)

2.       Toby - The one with the red spiky hair (Which he explained that he and styled and colour sprayed just for the party) who was talking to Brooke earlier,

3.       Sam - The blonde haired boy that had spent most of the night with Allison (Though nothing had happened yet)

4.       Lewis - The boy who seemed to always have his tongue in Beckis mouth.  (Allison later told me that he was Dannys best friend up until two weeks ago when he started dating Becki.)

5.       Keith - The other boy in the blue tuxedo that had brought Chelsea in.  He looked like a Californian surfer with his blonde hair and tanned skin (apparently, his tan never wears off)

6.       Matt - The short one that Brooke had been talking to earlier.  He was okay looking, the only problem I had was his hair - it made him look like a girl, it was like a black bob.

7.       Jason - The tall, boring boy that had bought Macy her drink in the last challenge

8.       Chris - Tobys friend.  He had also dyed his hair bright red and styled it spiky for the night.  They were supposed to be from some old band.

9.       Kelly - Who took time out of her amazing V.I.P.  schedule to come slum it with us paupers for about 5 minutes

And our 10th player:

10.   Megan - Who had come over with Kelly to see what we were doing and sat in our circle with a look that said Im not supposed to be with you people

Thats right.  Its in literally every stereotypical teen movie that has a party scene.

We are playing spin the bottle (with a cup). 

Its actually happening.  And I dont know whether to look forward to this or run away. 

Were all gathered round in a circle on the floor of the food room because its the room where you can hear the music the least and it has dim lighting, (which Becki claims will set the mood)

Theres 15 of us �" 7 girls, 8 boys, all the girls are all one side and all the boys are on the other. 

I have been given 10 minutes to kiss Danny. 

Any minute now, my heart is going to beat right threw my chest, and the butterflies are going to burrow their way out of my stomach.  Beckis words keep going through my brain:

Its a plastic cup, so it doesnt spin very far, fake your spin and really just point it to who you need to kiss!

I once had to have an operation because I got a bead stuck up my nose and had to get it surgically removed.  Even then I was not as nervous as I am now. 

Beckis going through the rules one final time before we start.  The butterflies in my stomach are on full swarm mode.

Okay, the rules are pretty normal - If you spin it, you have to kiss whoever the open side of the cup points to.  Girls do all the spinning, and if youre a girl and it points to another girl then you can spin again.  Who wants to start?

And so the awkward silence begins.  Everybodys looking around, hoping that somebody will nominate themselves and get started.  The only sounds around are the faint music in the background, and the beating of my heart.

It was your idea!  You start! Megans snarled.  Now shes pursing her lips and giving Becki one of her signature Megan glares. 

She really shouldnt have done that, cause now Beckis raising an eyebrow back and smirking at Megan. 

In a matter of seconds shes fake-spun the cup in Lewiss direction, jumped across the circle and now theyre swapping saliva.  Megan looks mortified, Brooke and Macy are staring wide eyed, most of the boys look jealous and Allison just looks bored. 

OMG.  Theyve literally been kissing for 3 minutes.  Seriously, do they not need air?  Everyone looks really awkward Ok, theyve stopped.  Finally.  Becki looks pretty smug though �" shes sitting back in her seat with a smug grin on her face and her arms are crossed.

Anyone willing to go next?

This is tense.  She and Megan are exchanging death stares.  Somebody needs to break the cattiness going on.

Ill go next!  Allisons declaring,

Finally, the tension between the two of them is gone and everyone is back on focusing on the cup again.  Allisons spinning... and its Sam.

Shes raising her eyebrow at him and hes smiling back, I was hoping it would land on me 

And with that hes leaning across the circle and is giving her a peck on the cheek.  Allison really doesnt look too happy.  I mean, it was sweet how shy Sam was, but I think Allison expected more.

Ok, so weve already decided that the girls are doing all the spinning of the cup and that were going around the circle. 

Which means Im next.

Ok.  Im going to throw up.

Im just sitting here, and this white plastic cup is lying in front of me.  Its taunting me.  It knows that Im not brave enough to do this. 

This isnt me.  I dont do things like this. I dont play spin the cup, I dont kiss guys, I dont do dares or challenges.  Im boring and sensible and safe.  Why am I doing this?  Great now everyones waiting.  They dont think I have the guts!

Ok, theyre right, but they dont need to know that. 

Its just a cup.  Its just a spin.  Its just a kiss.  A kiss with a boy.  Some random boy.  With gorgeous eyes.  And an adorable smile.  I can not do this.  I have to do this.  Ok, Im doing this. 

The cups seems really fragile, like if I touch it will collapse.  Urgh, ok now Im just making excuses.  I just need to spin it.  Without it looking staged.  Just point it towards him and act like Im spinning it.

Ok.  That wasnt so bad, I can breathe again �" the spin actually looked pretty realistic, I mean, its pointing directly at Danny.  

Oh gosh.  Hes looking from the cup to me.  I shouldnt have done this.  What is he thinking?  He looks really confused.  This is not good.  I need to say something to break the awkwardness and show that Im not as desperate as the cup is making me look.

Weve just met; I get it if you dont want to kiss me

Ok.  That was cool and calm enough.  Im quite proud of myself, I made it casual and reasonable and it kinda sounded like I dont care.  I do care though.  If he says no I might shrivel up and die, right here right now.

You have to kiss her!  Those are the rules! Beckis protested.

I actually love Becki right now.  Like seriously.  Im actually so glad that shes enforcing the rules.  If I were to be rejected by Danny I would never live it down.  Never.

Ok hes laughing �" thats good.  Now hes leaning across the circle.  In front of me.  Sfkksdjfhksldghjldskfj.  OMG.  His face is literally right in front of mine �" Like, if I were to inch closer even slightly our noses would touch.  Shoot.  He must be able to see every tiny little spot on my face.  OMG why did I just say that?  Now I have grossed myself out.  What if he thinks Im grossed out by him?  Happy face, happy face. 

I never said that I had a problem with kissing her!

Ok, now my butterflies are flying around in a frenzy.  He just said that in a really deep whisper and ended it with a chuckle.  I can feel his breath on my face and it tickles slightly, its kinda cute.  Its really cute.  Hes really cute.  His chuckle is cute.  His breath is cute. 

Shoot.  Shoot.  Shoot.  Shoot.  Hes going in to kiss me.  What if Im not a good kisser?  This is not the way to do this �" with everyone watching.  I cant do this, I will not do this.  Think fast....

Ok.  I just kissed him on the cheek and made everything awkward.  Why did I have to do that?  That was awkward as fudge.  Great I just made everyones evening awkward, I mean, his face �" he looks really confused and slightly rejected.  Hes staring into my eyes and his eyebrows are furrowed.  His eyes.  Are so perfect.  And I just made them sad.  I am a bad person.  Ok, Ill just smile and giggle.  Smile and giggle.

 Okay, Kelly and I have got to get back to Chelsea like now so Im gonna quickly take my turn,

And the awkwardness is broken by the monster herself who has now broken Danny and I apart, spun the cup, watched it face Lewis and practically jumped on him, grabbed his head and given him a big old snog before whispering Text me later babe, in his ear and getting up to leave with Kelly following behind her.

Becki looks heartbroken, and angry and jealous and vulnerable at the same time, but shes brushing it off and carrying on. 

I dont care.  Megan made it more awkward than I did. 

Just saying.

© 2015 Jasmine

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Added on July 9, 2015
Last Updated on July 9, 2015



London, Lewisham, United Kingdom

Young writer who's an aspiring author and writes a satirical teen blog. more..
