Take Me Home

Take Me Home

A Poem by Jillian Alexis

More of a thought really...


I am staring out this little square window of this flying metal tube and I ponder this life...


What a perfect time to put our thoughts in order. Suspended thousands of feet above ground, with every worry and responsibility on pause for just a few hours. Nothing but the hum of the jets and the incessant popping of ear drums to keep our busy minds at ease.


The clouds up here are a fluffy white and I imagine dancing among them.

Turning each one into the pink and blue colors of cotton candy.

I imagine pulling apart the pieces and smelling the sweet concoction, placing it up[on my tongue and savoring its innocence.


Up among the clouds the land below forms  an array of intricate lines and shapes. Perfect squares, circles and rectangles line the endless horizon.

As if an artist made his way cross country leaving a legacy of work behind him.


Up here among the clouds, our sense of reality comes into question.

Our silence is genuine.

Our thoughts become our own.

We are separate from the conditioned

Imagine if we could sore among the clouds every day...

Just how free we would become.

© 2013 Jillian Alexis

My Review

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A new one by you after so long.. and yes, it was well worth the wait... this beautiful moment in the sky pondering life and the world walking about just below... the world within as well. Welcome home, Jillian... so glad you're back. :)

Posted 10 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Jillian Alexis

10 Years Ago

Thank you for such a wonderful welcoming review!! excited to get back to it :)
Well spoken... I think the coming back down each day would be the hardest to live through...leaving behind the expanse and flow of being...

Posted 10 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 23, 2013
Last Updated on September 23, 2013


Jillian Alexis
Jillian Alexis


"All the suffering of this world arises from a wrong attitude. The world is neither good or bad. It is only the relation to our ego that makes it seem the one or the other." more..
