

A Story by Kuntry

Just something that popped into my head


The wind blown rain beating against my window woke me around two a.m. this morning.Snatched from a dream I can't even remember. I lay there for a few minutes as my room took on that Ghostly effect from the Lightning peeking through the cracks in my blinds. Like clockwork eerie shadows would appear on the walls then vanish as fast as the light can flicker.

Harmless objects on a shelf became giant in size and through sleepy eyes they became Monsters in the night. A bathrobe on a wall hook transforms into a headless Ghost and for a split second in time until your mind grasps total consciousness,You are frozen in fear.

A tremendous explosion rocks your world awake in an instant. It starts with a low rumble off in the distance that only gets louder as it slowly approaches in one massive wave of sound.

Sometimes I am humbled by the true power of the clouds. Memories of Katrina still haunt me at times so I guess that is the reason I can not sleep through a storm of any type. I have read many times through the years that Animals can predict storms with the accuracy of Radar. I wonder if humans can inherit the same abilities after living through something as devastating as she was that day.

I live on the end of the Line, whenever the Winds decide to blow even the slightest above a normal breeze My power will go out. Call me crazy but After shaking the initial cobwebs from my head earlier and being scared almost to the point of heart failure by a Bath robe I decided to just start my day early today. I dug my trusty little pen light out of my bed side table and went searching my kitchen for an old Drip Style Coffee pot that I have had since forever. Y'all know the kind that ya just pour the boiling water through the top and it drips through the grounds. You may get a few tasty old grounds in ya cup but I still think No other pot makes better coffee.

Well some how I managed to make a pot with only the little circle of light from my Trusty old pen light and the glow from the gas stove. I pour myself a big mug of hot steaming coffee. Didn't take me long to remember that It was BOILING water that went into this coffee making process. The skin should grow back on my lips in a couple of weeks.... I hope?....Folks, Mr Coffee would Never make it that hot....

Have you ever noticed that without power your house takes on a whole new light. That annoying buzz from the refrigerator is no longer there. The house is quiet yet you hear every single sound. The batteries in my little light didn't last for long so I ended up sitting on my couch for a while with only the glow from the eye burning on my stove in the other room to light my way. After this morning I am truly starting to believe that there is a little devil that only comes out during power outages just to place things in front of your shins. The thunder was not the only thing going bump in the night around here. You try doing the Hopping Hurt Shin Dance with a hot steaming cup of Boiled coffee in Your Hands. In the dark it's not a pretty sight. Next time I stay in the safety of my bed. I'll take my chances with the Headless Ghost.

Y'all wear ya smiles......kuntry:


© 2008 Kuntry

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Kuntry, what a terrible way to wake up. I know after living threw Fran I jumped everytime the wind blew for the longest time. How is your shin? You write in such a way that it makes the reader feel comfortable. I always enjoy reading.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 9, 2008



Wesson, MS

Sometimes I write because I am compelled by something so hard to explain, it becomes a challenge to bring it to light. Everybody knows you never challenge a Southern born man. Things we hold dear a.. more..

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