A Story by Prototato

Trying to see what you guys think of my character idea for an MHA/BnHA OC-based story.

I suppose you all want to know all about me. About my powers, since I am within that 80% of the population with those damn things, and about any “Misadventures” I’ve had with them. To be quite honest, I don’t really have much of a life to explain yet. I guess I almost died 3 different times at birth. My abilities arose when I was 14 years old, so I was an unusually late bloomer. As with most abilities, mine was previously undiscovered. They called it Panic Attack.
Yeah. It sucks as much as you’d think it would.
Let me tell you, this piece of s**t ability of mine causes more psychological harm than any good it could possibly do. I wish I was born without it; then maybe the bullying would just end after I was done with school.
I am constantly criticized about every single job I do even a fraction of a percent wrong. It drives me insane, and there isn’t anyone alive who could relate because nobody else has that power. I have no direction that I can go, and am constantly being forced into said non-existent direction. I’m going on 17 now, and haven’t had a single girlfriend. Still a virgin, too, and you won’t even find a make-out scene in this book. Biography? Autobiography? Goddamn, there are too many different ways to write about your life… The school nurse here said I should write down some of my issues to cure some of the negative side effects of my quirk, which is the official term for a person’s powers.

I suppose I should explain this bane of my existence. Panic Attack essentially makes it easier for me to get anxious, and my adrenaline has some odd properties that only affect my body; it heals my wounds, makes me stronger than it usually would, and faster than I should be. It also has those effects intensified the more adrenaline is pumping through my body.
Fun fact: you can get scared to death by having too much adrenaline in your veins; it’s poisonous in high doses to humans.
Another fun fact: My body can take adrenaline like it was blood. Half of the s**t moving through my veins could be adrenaline, and I wouldn’t notice - and my red blood cells are seemingly built to carry adrenaline.
Anyways, another effect of this damned quirk is that it has me in a constant state of anxiety. I have not been calm for a day in my life; in fact, those doctors I went to for it tried everything to get rid of ADHD, and now we know why I suffered through six years and nine therapists. Good times.
Anyways, this little tidbit of info means that I always have a bit of my quirk available to use, and since my adrenaline is used far easier and is far different from normal adrenaline, it is also released in larger amounts than normal; from what I’ve been told from tests run on me, almost three times as much. My mental state is terrible, though; self doubt, depression, extreme anxiety… it can really get to you.

You know, it does kind of make me feel better to write this all out. I think I’ll tell you guys my story thus far at the Academy.

© 2017 Prototato

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I like this! It's really creative, using anxiety as a superpower! I could see another character being a super brave and reckless best friend, just to add some spice. You don't have to take my advice, but I figured I'd just throw this out there~! Can't wait for if/when you post the story! :)

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Ah, I absolutely love writing character backgrounds, whether it is a backstory or simply a profile. I found this one very engaging. I love characters who are cynical but relatable at the same time. It's very impressive to create a realistic character of a fictional story, too. I'm looking forward to reading the story of which this character comes from. Wonderful job!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I love this story! Anxiety as a super power, who wouldn't love it? Yes, I'd love to hear about your time at the Acadamy. I love how you've not tried to romanticise Anxiety or actually made it seem like some awesome superpower. Just kept it natural. That's the best part of your writing. Real and natural.


Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I like this! It's really creative, using anxiety as a superpower! I could see another character being a super brave and reckless best friend, just to add some spice. You don't have to take my advice, but I figured I'd just throw this out there~! Can't wait for if/when you post the story! :)

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Scratch that! Now i know what BnHA stands for *faceplam*

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

this is good! Is it a Hero Aca fanfic? The exposition is a little heavy, but it work impressively well! great job!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

You seem to have gone through much in life already. Yeah...everyone has their own quirks and oddities...but at the end of the day, we're all humans. I don't really know what else to say. Hope you get better. Keep writing!

Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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6 Reviews
Added on August 28, 2017
Last Updated on August 28, 2017



Little Canada, MN

I'm an aspiring author of 16 years, and according to my family and friends, I have some sort of raw talent for it. Personally, I don't see it... What I DO see is my insanity. I'd love for your anal.. more..

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